Topic Three, Part 9 - Legal Factors Flashcards
What is civil law?
Laws for when an individual feels wronged by a business or cannot come to an agreement
What is criminal law?
Actions the state decides as wrong
What is EU law?
Many UK laws are European wide laws created by EU parliament
What is the working time directive?
The rights for paid holidays, breaks and weekly limit on working hours.
What is a contract law?
a legally binding agreement
What is Competition law?
Businesses cannot be anti-competitive to the detriment of consumers
What is Intellectual Property?
Work protected by copyright or patent cannot be stolen
What is the sales of goods act 1979?
Requires goods are ‘satisfactory quality’,
‘as described’ and fit the purpose
What is the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPRs)?
Protects consumers being pressurised when buying goods
What is the Weights & Measures Act 1985?
Protects consumers from ‘short’ measures. If you buy a pint, it must contain a pint.
What is the Unsolicited Goods Act 1971?
A company cannot send you anything you haven’t requested and then demand you pay for it
What is the Data Protection Act 1998?
Personal information must be secure, for a limited time, and used for only lawful purposes.
What is the Prevention of Discrimination?
A company must not treat one employee differently due to race or culture
What is the National Minimum Wage?
A company must pay the NMW
What is the Health and Safety Act 1974?
A company must ensure that working environment is safe, staff are trained in safe procedures
What is dismissal?
A worker is dismissed when they have done something wrong or very badly.
What is unfair dismissal?
“Unfair dismissal” is illegal.
What is summary dismissal?
immediate termination of an employment contract due to an employee’s behaviour
What is redundancy?
A worker is “made redundant” if the job they do is no longer required.