Topic Seven, Part 5 - Lean production Flashcards
What is lean production?
Eliminating waste at all stages of the production process
What are the aims of lean production?
- Production method CAD and CAM
- Changing machine setups frequently
- Low stock levels
What is the kaizen method?
Production techniques are continuously adapted to eliminate waste at all levels
What are the PDCA stages for continuous improvement?
Plan - collect information about problem
Do - implement production changes
Check results
Action - Make change permanent
What is JIT Manufacturing?
made to order
What are the main advantages to the business of JIT Manufacturing?
Reduces stock levels
No unsold goods
Matches demand
What is Cell Production?
Production is split between areas based on the type of work
What are the main advantages to the business of Cell production?
Quality improves
Improved communication
Multi skilled workforce
What are the main disadvantages to the business of Cell production?
- High Initial investment
- Training costs
- Unsuitable for all products
What is Lean design?
Carrying out several design tasks simultaneously to save time
What are the Effects of Time Based Management on Customers?
- faster delivery
- lower prices due to reduced unit costs
What are the Effects of Time Based Management on the Business?
- increased sales
- quicker production
- competitive edge
What are the Effects of Time Based Management on Employees?
- increased training
- Improved motivation,
- loss of specialisation