Topic 10 Immune System: Recap of Humoral Response Flashcards

  • We’ve covered several responses so far, so let’s summarize the entire humoral response:
    Imagine you get a bacterial infection. First, the area of the infection becomes inflamed, and macrophages and neutrophils engulf the bacteria. Interstitial fluid is flushed into the lymphatic system where lymphocytes are waiting in lymph nodes. Macrophages process and present the bacterial antigen to B-lymphocytes. With the help of helper T cells, B cells differentiate into plasma and memory cells. Memory cells prepare for the chance that the same bacteria could attack again, in which case a secondary response would be launched. Plasma cells produce antibodies that are released into the blood to attack the bacteria.
  • Cytokines are chemical signaling molecules used in the immune response for immune cells to communicate with one another. Interleukins are specific types of cytokines. Interleukin-2 primarily triggers the immune system to produce T cells and activates the clonal expansion of B cells; they are made by helper T cells. Interleukin-1 is involved with the acute-phase response that accompanies inflammatory reactions. IL-1, made by macrophages, causes neurons in the hypothalamus to raise the body temperature several degrees above normal to impede growth of microorganisms. Macrophages also release other types of cytokines that activate T helper cells or activate B cells.


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