Theories on Crime - 4.1 (Functionalism & Strain Theories) Flashcards
Actions going against norms/values of a society
Behaviour breaking law of a society
Social Control
How our behaviour is controlled by society to conform to norms & values e.g. gov, police, media
Social Construction
Norms & values are created by society e.g. crime shaped by culture/historical period
General Functionalist view on Crime & Deviance
> See society based on VC, disrupted by Crime
> But crime inevitable & natural & sometimes good 4 society.
Functionalism (KS)
> Durkheim (Inevitability of Crime, BM & Change)
> Cohen (Warning)
> Erikson (Sanctioned Rule Breaking)
> Davis (Prostitution)
> Polsky (Porn)
> Merton (Strain Theory)
> Hirschi (Control Theory)
2 Reasons for Inveitability of Crime (Durkheim)
> Not all socialised w/ same values = diff & thus crime
> Anomie common in modernity
- Due 2 diversity = creation of subcultures w/ norms vs mainstream, = crime.
Boundary Maintenance (Durkheim)
> Reinforces VC & CC
> Societies rejection distinctive from law breaking, understand behaviours wrong & shouldn’t be repeated
> Maintain boundary v good & evil e.g. public reaction to Manchester attacks
Adaptation & Change (Durkheim)
> All changes begin deviance, need 4 ppl 2 challenge values
> W/out deviance = no change, if new ideas are rejected, society stagnate
> Unable 2 make necessary changes e.g. votes for F
Cohen (Warning)
> Warning signal, something in societies not working properly to policymakers/leaders.
e.g. certain aspect of law needs reform
Erikson (Sanctioned Rule Breaking)
> Institutions e.g. police actually let crime occur e.g. festivals & carnivals
> Rules are relaxed w/ blind eye to deviance, so let off steam & don’t do darker crimes
> Eases transition from childhood - adulthood
Davis (Prostitution)
Safety valve 4 M’s sexual frustration, not threatening monogamous NF as it’s 1 off.
Polsky (Pornography)
Safe channel for sexual desires, not threatening monogamous NF, how adultery would.
General Criticisms of Functionalism
> No optimal measure of crime
> Causes fear & isolation individuals e.g. rape & ignorant helps society, not V
Criticisms of Adaptation & Change
Don’t always = social change e.g. BLM = attempts 2 nullify issues.
Hirschi’s Theory
> Focus ppl not doing crime
> due 2 control by bonds of attachment
> e.g. attachment, belief, commitment, involvement
Attachment - Hirschi
> Ppl conform to VC as criminality disrupts vital bonds
e.g. education & family, employment.
Belief - Hirschi
Extent of ppl’s belief in values e.g. crime as morally wrong, stops ppl doing it
Commitment - Hirschi
Ppl committed to society unlikely to undermine wishes of others.
Involvement - Hirschi
Ppl w/ extensive commitments, have no time 2 do crime.
Reason why Hirschi feels Crime still happens
> Lack of social bonds but also poor socialisation integration, impacts desire to conform to values.
Criticisms of Hirschi
> No explanation for why some don’t integrate into society & how crime is caused?
> Ignores pull factors e.g. peer pressure
2 Factors for Engagement in Deviance (Merton)
> Structural; societies unequal opportunity structure
> Culutral: emphasis on success & less emphasis on how to achieve it legitimately.
Merton & AD as Flawed
> Values material success, belief in meritocracy, but SF block chances
> Can’t achieve legit due 2 CF
> = stress & pressure to use llegit means, due to focus on success @ all costs = anomie
Merton’s 5 Responses to Strain
> Conformity > Innovation > Ritualism > Retreatism > Rebellion
Conformity - Merton
Accept goals & try to achieve them legit e.g. MC
Innovation - Merton
Accept goals & but try achieve them illegit e.g. theft - WC.
Ritualism (Merton)
Give up on goals & simply plod on trying to achieve knowing they never will. e.g. lower MC
Retreatism (Merton)
Rejects goals & legit means & drop out of society e.g. alcohol & drug abusers
Replace existing goals & means w/ new ones w/ aim of social change e.g. protests
Merton’s & Trends in Crime
> Property Crime is + as US values material wealth alot
> WC CR + can’t succeed legit
Merton A03 (KS)
> Marxism
Marxists A03 Merton (KS)
Ignores powers of state who enforce laws in ways criminalizing WC not UC.
General Criticisms of Merton
> Assumes VC, everyone strives 4 material success, not all share goals, ppl have individual motivations > AD.
> Only focus on Util violence not non-util & only individual not group deviance (C).
Subcultural Strain Theories (KS)
> Cohen (SF, ASH, Impact on Crime, Modern Application)
Cloward & Ohlin (3 Subcultures)
Messener & Rosenfeld (Institutional Anomie Theory)
Savelsberg (Impact of Communism)
Downes & Hansen
Cohen & SF
> Due to SF by WC, due to inability to achieve success goals legit
Cohen - ASH
> WC rejected from MC culture = SF = ASH- invert mainstream values
> Win status from peers w/ delinquency, what society praises ASS condemns
> e.g. respect of property, but boys gain status vandalising it.
Cohen & Impact of ASH towards Crime
> Non util crime + common e.g. graffiti, asb, joy-riding
> Given status & form of revenge vs society.
Cohen - SF & Contemporary Applications
> SF explain + NO of excluded kids doing crime, CR + w/
underachievers @ school.
Criticisms of Cohen
> Assumes WC shared MC values initially, but may shared these & so reacting to failure
> SF don’t always = rebellion e.g. retreatism/ritualism
> Ignores CC
C&O & Variation of Crime vs Areas
Diff areas give diff illegal chances to learn criminal skills & develop criminal careers.
C&O’s 3 Subcultures
> Criminal
Criminal Subcultures
Youths get apprenticeship in crime learn from experienced members how to do crimes & slowly work way up, criminal career ladder.
Conflict Subcultures
Areas of + pop w/ loose ties vs ppl fighting for territory for status from other gangs.
Retreatist Subcultures
> Ppl who failing in legit & illegal opportunity structures ‘’2x failures’’
> e.g. drug abusers or alcoholics.
Criticisms of C&O
> Too deterministic & overexaggerates extent of WC crime & opportunities available to youth.
> Ignore crimes of wealthy
A03 C&O (KS)
> South (Overlap)
Matza (Commitment)
Miller (Subcultures)
South Criticisms of C&O
3 subcultures overlap, drug trade mix of disorganised crime & professional mafia style.
Matza Criticisms of C&O
Delinquents not really committed to subcultures, drift in & out of delinquency, often short lived.
Miller Criticisms of C&O
> WC w/ own subculture values separate to mainstream culture
> Don’t value success in 1st place unfrustrated by failure.
Messener & Rosenfeld (Institutional Anomie Theory)
> AD creates pressure 4 crime = widespread anomie,
> Anything goes mentality 2 get wealth, so + CR inevitable.
Savelsberg - Impact of Fall of Communism on Crime Rates
> After fall of communism in 1989, CR + in east EU +
> Due to collective values being replaced by money success goals.
Downes & Hansen
Countries spending more on welfare had lower imprisonment