4.7 - Green Crime, Globalisation & State Crime Flashcards
Crime & Globalisation (KS)
> Held (Global Criminal Economy)
Castells (GCE, Supply & Demand, GRC)
Beck (GRC)
> Taylor (Marxism, Globalisation & Crime)
LR (Globalisation & Crime)
> Friedrichs (COG)
Cain (COG)
> Hobbs & Dunnigham (Globalisation & Patterns of Criminal Organisation)
Hobbs & Dunnigham (Glocal Organisations)
> Glenny (McMafia & Globalisation of McMafia)
Held (Global Criminal Economy)
> GCE due to + interconnectedness across nations e.g. new ict, global mass media, cheap air travel etc
> Now + transnational org crimes
Castells (GCE)
> Now GCE worth > 1 tril per yr w/+ forms e.g. trafficking illegal prostitutes, sex tourism, terrorism
> Drugs industry worth 400B, money laundering profits 4 org crime worth 1.5T
Castells (Supply & Demand)
> West + demand 4 products/services & developing world, feeds demand
> e.g. drugs made in LA as WC find drug cultivation profitable
Beck (Global Risk Consciousness (GRC)
> Ppl + aware of globalisation risks, eco migrants/asylum seekers flee prosecution
> = west anxieties 2 opening borders, media creates MP
> = hate crimes vs EM = tighten of UK borders
Taylor (Marxism, Globalisation & Crime)
> = crime from WC due 2 lack of legit employment
> As of TNC’s switching productions 2 low wage nations - little thought 2 H&S of workers
> Just as it saves £ - workers exploited on global scale
General Criticisms of Taylor
Determinsitic why don’t all do crime
LR (Globalisation & Crime)
> Materialism promoted by global media so ppl see themselves as individual consumers
> Undermining SS & = crime
Globalisation & Problems w/ Policing
> Crime’s Transnational needs co-op w/ diff enforcement agencies
> Illegalities in 1 state may not be in another & hard to decide jurisdiction
Friedrichs (Crimes of Globalisation) (COG)
> IMF & World Bank, do COG, imposing pro-capitalist structural adjustment programmes on WC nations
> Requires cuts 2 public spending = unemployment
Cain (COG)
> IMF global state & acts = widespread harm & conditions 4 state crimes
> e.g. Rwandan genocide
Hobbs & Dunnigham (Globalisation & Patterns of Criminal Organisation)
> Involves indvidual acting as hub, where loose-knit network forms
> Links ill/legal & opportunities.
Hobbs & Dunnigham (Glocal Organisations)
> Crime locally based but w/global connections e.g. drug smuggling (global)
> but dependent on locality e.g. place to sell
> Diff from rigid mafia-style crim org of past much + fluid, faster
General Criticisms of Hobbs & Dunningham
> Unclear if old structures disappear or not- may always co-exist.
> Ungeneralisable 2 all crime
Org’s emerging in Russia & East EU after fall of communism
Glenny (McMafia)
> New Rus Gov deregulated economy, £ of food + gas/oil kept @ = price (low compared w/ ROW)
> UC oligarchs brought it cheaply & sold 4 + on world market
> 4 protection of wealth & hired ‘mafias’ e.g. ex KGB & convicts purely eco org based on self-interest
Glenny (Globalisation of McMafia)
> Infamous due 2 professionalism/efficiency, so brand selves as Chechen Mafia
> = franchisement around wrld as protection rackets, create global links w/ alt crim orgs
Globalisation of Green Crime
> Global effects e.g. nuclear accident in 1 country
> Spreads radioactive material, 1000’s of miles
Green Crimes (KS)
> Beck (Global Risk Society)
> TC (View on GC)
GC (View on GC)
Marxism (View on GC)
> South (Primary/Secondary GC)
> Wolf (V’s of GC & Toxic Waste Dumping & Perpetrators of GC)
Beck (Global Risk Society)
> Natural threats of past - harmful > man-made
> due 2 tech created manufactured risks, dangers not faced b4
> Threatens all w/out solutions e.g. 2 global warming, = GRS all shares = risks
Views on Green Crime
> Traditional Criminology
> Green Criminology
Traditional Criminology (TC)
> Unauthorized act/omission violating laws of state
> Don’t see global warming/acid rain as crime don’t break any laws of state
Criticisms of Traditional Criminology
> Accepts official def of environmental crime shaped by big corporations to serve own interests
Green Criminology (GC)
> Any harm 2 environment even w/out breaking of law wider > TC
> Legal def’s not universal vary globally
Marxism & GC
> UC shape law in own interests what’s environmental harm
> So not criminalised + difficult 2 punish can easily pay off
Two Views of Harm
> Anthropocentric
> Ecocentric
UC View e.g. right 2 exploit environment & species 4 own benefit
> Us & nature interdependent, natural harm hurts us 2
South (Types of GC)
> Primary
> Secondary
South (Primary GC)
> Result directly from destruction of earth e.g. deforestation, water pollution
South (Secondary GC)
> Due 2 breaking rules could stop environmental disasters
> e.g. illegal waste dumping, state violence vs opp groups
Wolf (V’s of GC & Toxic Waste Dumping)
> Legal disposing TW £££ businesses use eco-mafia’s profiting from illegal dumping
> Globalised e.g. western business ship waste to 3rd wrld w/ - £/safety standards
> 3rd wrld no laws outlawing it, so WC & EM + likely 2 be V’s
Wolf (3 Perpetrators of GC)
> Individuals
Individuals (3 Perpetrators of GC)
> Cum impact acts no immediate impact but add up e.g. littering
Businesses (3 Perpetrators of GC)
> CC responsible 4 water, air, land pollution due 2 waste dumping & H&S breaches.
Military (3 Perpetrators of GC)
> Biggest institutional polluter unexploded bombs/long-lasting effects of toxic chemicals.
General Criticisms of GC
> Subjective which acts wrong, too broad almost meaningless
State Crime (SC)
> ‘Illegal acts involving state done by gov 2 further polices e.g. state. war crime
> Conceal & not punished as they define criminality
> National sovereignty so UN can’t apply int’l conventions e.g. genocide
Genocide (SC)
> Deliberate, systematic violence vs ethnicity/reg e.g. Jews in concentration camps WW2
Types of State CC
> Initiated
> Facilitated
State Initiated CC
> Initiate/approve CC e.g. Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster
> Cost-cutting by NASA = explosion killing astronauts after blast off
State-Facilitated CC
> Failiure 2 control CC behaviour = crime easier e.g. Deepwater Horizon Disaster
> Rig leased by BP exploded/sank killing workers = large oil spill
> Gov didn’t oversee industry properly or notice cost-cutting decisions.
Types of War Crime
> Illegal Wars
> During War/Aftermath
State Crime (KS)
> Kramer & Michalowski (Illegal Wars & During War /Aftermath)
> Chambliss (Domestic Law)
Michalowski & Hillyard (Zemiology)
Mullins (Int’l Law)
Schwendinger (HR & SC)
> Adorno (Authoritarian Personality) > Baumann (Features of Modernity = SC) > Green & Ward (COO) > Hamilton (3 Features = COO) > Cohen (Cultural of Denial, TON & HR Violations)
Kramer & Michalowski (Illegal Wars)
> Knowingly falsely claim it’s SD e.g. US/UK & claim, Iraq w/weapons of mass destruction 2 justify invasion
Kramer & Michalowski (During War/Aftermath)
> Torturing prisoners e.g. military inquiry into prison w/ multiple cases
> 9 convicted, but no commanding officers/priv companies prosecuted
Def of SC
> Domestic Law > Zemiology > Labelling > Int'l Law > HR
Chambliss (Domestic Law) (Def of SC)
> Acts defined criminal done by state officials in pursuit of jobs as reps of state
Criticisms of Chambliss & Domestic Law
> Use state’s own domestic law 2 define SC inadequate
> As make laws, avoid criminalising own acts e.g. Nazi Germany allowing sterilisation of disabled
Michalowski & Hillyard (Zemiology) (Def of SC)
> incl. illegal acts/legal acts w/ consequences = to illegal acts in harm caused
> e.g. state facilitated poverty, stops state allowing misbehaviour
Criticisms of Zemiology
> Vague, what lvl of harm = crime replaces state arbitrary def w/ sociologist arbitrary def
Mullins (Int’l Law) (IL) (Def of SC)
> By state/on states behalf violates IL or own law
> e.g. globally agreed def/ intentionally made 2 deal w/SC
Criticisms of Int’l Law
> Only looks @ war crimes > crimes e.g. corruption
Labelling (Def of SC)
> If acts crime depends if audience 4 sees it as so
> SC is SC stops sociologists imposing own def of state crime
Criticisms of Labelling
> Audiences’ defs manipulated by UC ideology, see war as legit
> e.g. Murdoch twisting news outlets 2 favour Iraq War.
2 Elements to HR
> Natural Rights: life/free speech
> Civil Rights: vote, fair trial & education
Schwendinger (HR & SC)
> See crime violating basic HR not breaking legal rules
> States promote racism/sexism deny ppl basic HR so do crime. State def of crime inevitably political
> If sociologist see crimes is what states feel - risk of
subservience 2 state interests
Cohen (Criticisms of Schwendinger)
> Gross violations of HR e.g. torture are clear crimes but acts
> e.g. eco exploitation not definitively criminal, even if morally bad
Adorno (Authoritarian Personality) (AP)
> Willingness 2 obey orders of superiors w/no Q in WW2
> Many germans w/ AP due 2 common disciplinarian socialisation @ time
> Saw ppl doing torture/genocide as psychopaths, but little psychological diff v them/neurotypical ppl
Crimes of Obedience (COO)
> Due 2 obedience 2 higher authority e.g. state
> Many obey authority even if harms others, due to role socialised into
Green & Ward (COO)
> For torturers to overcome norms vs cruelty - exposed to propaganda on enemy
> States uses ‘enclaves of barbarism’ w/ torture practised
> e.g. military bases, segregated from society so torturers see it as ‘9-5’
Hamilton (3 Features = COO)
> Authorisation
3 Features = COO
> Acts ordered by authority e e.g. Milgram Experiment
> Normal morals overruled due 2 need 2 obey
3 Features = COO
> Pressured by hierarchy/gov turn acts into routine, allows repetition in detached manner
> e.g. Waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay, by = soldiers, so desensitised
3 Features = COO
> Enemy made 2 look as non-human asp e.g. refused clothing, shaven head
> Remove human elements, so easier 2 torture/murder
Baumann (Features of Modernity = SC)
Instrumental Rationality
Sci & Tech
Features of Modernity = SC
Only do 1 task noone feels fully responsible
Features of Modernity = SC
Normalisation of act through repetition & routine.
Instrumental Rationality
Features of Modernity = SC
Rational & efficient methods to achieve goal regardless of goal itself.
Sci & Tech & Holocaust
Features of Modernity = SC
> e.g. railways transporting V’s 2 death camps & industrially produced gas 2 kill them
General Criticisms of Baumann & DOL
> Genocides don’t all have organised DOL & distance from killing
> e.g. Rwandan genocide done directly by big marauding groups.
General Criticisms of Baumann
> Ignores IF e.g. Nazi’s stressed single racial identity excluded EM’s
> e.g. Jews/gypsies seen as sub-human.
> Racist ideology gave motivation = willing participants
Cohen (Cultural of Denial)
- Deny e.g. state claims no massacre, but media shows it
- If did happen was something else e.g. SD, not murder
- Even if not justify it e.g. fight war on terror
Cohen (TON & HR Violations)
> Denial of V > Denial of Injury > Denial of Responsibility > Condemn Condemners > Appeal 2 Higher Loyalty
Cohen (TON & HR Violations)
Denial of V, Injury, Responsibility
> Terrorists so deserve it (V)
> We’re real V not them e.g. SD (I)
> Following orders (R)
Cohen (TON & HR Violations)
Condemn Condemners & Appeal 2 Higher Loyalty
> Everyone picking on us (CC)
> Greater cause & sacrifice inevitable e.g. protecting reg (A2HL)
Implications of Cohen TON
> TON don’t deny event, but impose diff view of event,
> e.g. US publicly justified interrogation process incl. water-boarding
> Claims only caused stress w/out serious damage, normalises torture