Domestic Violence - 2.3 Flashcards
Misconceptions of DV
> By few disturbed & causes are psychological not social.
> BCS reject this e.g. 6.6.Mil Assault per year & follows social patterns w/ social causes e.g. mostly M vs F
> Yearnshire (Underreporting DV)
Cheal (Unrecorded DV)
Dar (Unrecorded/Unreported DV
> CSEW (DV Stats)
> Dobash & Dobash (Rad Fem)
> Wilkinson & Pickett Materialist Exp (Marx Fem)
Ansley (Marx Fem)
2 Reasons OS on DV aren’t valid
> Underreported
> Underecorded (Cheal)
Yearnshire (Underreporting of DV)
- likely violent crime to be reported to police under ⅓ of assaults reported.
> F suffers 35 assaults b4 reporting abuse.
Dar (Unrecorded DV/Unreported DV)
> V’s dont report as of fear, won’t be believed or own fault.
> Continous abuse, can’t separated so V can’t accurately recall
> & emotional abuse difficult to prove
Cheal (Unrecorded DV)
> Police reluctant to get involved w/ priv sphere feel ppl free to leave, but wife & kids financially dependent
CSEW (2013) - DV findings
1.2mil F vs 800K M
Criticisms of CSEW
> Sig gender gap in severity/frequency of abuse
> F suffer + major physiological effects & + fearful of partners
3 Explanations for DV
> Rad Fem
Materialist Explanation (Marxist)
Marx Fem
General Rad Fem view on DV
> Due to patriarchy, M exploits F through TS & sex, due to threat of DV, thus inevitable
> M dominate state, so take DV - serious
Dobash & Dobash (Rad Fem)
> Due to challenges to M authority, e.g. F asking why he’s late home
> Due to crisis of masculinity M insecure so strike out.
AO3 Rad Fem (KS)
> Elliott
Elliott (AO3 Rad Fem)
> Not all M, ignores DV by F vs M & kids or lesbian partners
Wilkinson & Pickett Materialist Explanation (Marx Fem)
> Due to stress from social inequality e.g low income, poor housing + risk of DV.
- time & £ reduce, social circle & ppl 4 support.
> Kids, WC, Alcohol & Druggies @ + risk
Criticism of Materialist Explanation
> Not all WC do DV, why F V’s
Ansley (Marx Fem)
> F ‘takers of shit’’, M exploited @ work take anger out on F should be directed to employers.