Demography - 2.5 Flashcards
Study of populations characteristics.
4 Factors affecting Population Growth
> Births & Immigration + pop
> Deaths & Emigration - pop
Natural Change (NC)
NO of Births - NO of Deaths
Net Migration (NM)
NO of ppl immigrating into a country - NO emigrating from it.
Trend in UK Pop
- est 1900, due to NC > NM.
2 Measures of Birth
> Birth Rate (BR)
> Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Birth Rate
NO of live births per 1K of population per year.
Trend in BR
- est 1900, despite Baby Booms after 2 WWW’s & 60’s
> Avg NO of kids F has in her fertile years (15-44).
Trend in TFR & Reasons
- & affects family size
- F childless or having kids later
IMR( infant mortality rate)
NO of infants dying before 1 per 1K babies born per yr.
Birth (KS)
> Harper (ILS)
> Giddens (Contraception)
Reasons 4 - BR
> Improved Living Standards (ILS)
Contraception (Giddens)
Changes in Position of Kids & F
Geographical Mobility
Harper (Improved Living Standards (ILS) & Falling BR) - Reasons 4 - BR
> Richer country - BR, ILS so ppl have less kids.
> ILS = + housing, diet, education & medical care.
- IMR so ppl have - ‘replacement babies’ 4 those who died in infancy
A03 ILS Births (KS)
> Functionalism (SD)
Functionalist (Structural Differentiation) - Criticisms of ILS
> State institutions do EF function, so don’t need kids 2 look after us in OAP
Contraception (Giddens) - Reasons 4 - BR
> Plastic sexuality’ = sex becomes detached from reproduction.
> Due to pill i.e. allows for + strategic family planning, IVF allows 4 delaying kids
General Criticisms of Giddens & Reasons 4 - BR
> IVF expensive, not 4 all
> Baby Boom in 60s came after pill’s invention
Changes in Position of Kids & F - Reasons 4 - BR
- F focused on career first or not interested @ all
> Kids were eco assets, but compulsory skl + dependency, cost +
> Child centeredness e.g. move from ‘quantity’ to ‘quality’
Geo Mobility - Reasons 4 - BR
> Modern labour force needs to be very mobile, incentive 4 smaller families e.g. easier to pack up & move elsewhere.
Implications of Changes in Fertility
> Family
Dependency Ratio
Public Services & Policies
Family - Changes in Fertility
> Smaller. F can now go wrk creating DEF
> But wealthy couples can still have + kids e.g. can afford childcare
DR - Changes in Fertility
- kids reduces burden on wrking pop
> But - ppl entering workforce + ppl retiring = + tax on wrking pop supporting retired majority
Lonely - Implications of Changes in Fertility
> Childhood’s lonelier for only kids + childless adults = - ppl giving kids a voice
> But kids + valued
Public Services & Policies - Implications of Changes in Fertility
- skls & health services needed - spent on maternity leave
> Instead of - skls, gov may opt 4 smaller classes sizes
Trend of deaths
Death Rate (DR)
NO of deaths per 1K of population per yr.
Deaths (KS)
> McKeown (Improved Nutrition)
> Tranter (Fall in NO of deaths from Infectious Diseases (ID)
> Harper (Obesity)
> Walker (LE in Poor vs Rich Areas)
ILS Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Improved Nutrition & + Income
> Better Quality Housing & Smaller Family Sizes
McKeown (Improved Nutrition) & Income - ILS Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Better diet, so - deaths from TB, + resistance to ID & survival chances
- income so + £ for medicines, food etc - but + taxation 4 NHS
Better Quality Housing & Small Famliy Sizes - ILS Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Heating during winter - NO of colds & - damp = - ilness
> Safer Housing = - deaths from accidents
- contraception = - less kids = - disease transmission
General Criticisms of ILS
> F get - share of food supply but live + > M
- food ≠ better nutrition e.g. obesity
> MC still + LE > WC suffering poverty
Medical Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Fall in NO of deaths from Infectious Diseases & Medical Advances
> Obesity
Tranter (Fall in NO of deaths from ID) - Medical Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Vaccines so - deaths from e.g. measles & - in DR mostly from kids
> Deaths of affluence > ID, but reduced w/ creation of NHS, blood transfusions etc
Obesity - Medical Factors leading to Fall in Deaths
> Obesity now + issue > smoking, but deaths - due 2 drug therapies.
> Now US health culture w/ unhealthy lifestyles, but + lives achieved w/ costly medication.
General Criticisms of Medical Improvements (Tranter)
> Vaccinations not entirely effective e.g. COVID
> MC have private health care, WC don’t
Social Factors & Policies leading to Fall in Deaths
> Public Health Measures & Other Social Changes
Public Health Measures & Other Social Changes - Social Factors & Policies leading to Fall in Deaths
- effective Gov w/ power to pass laws e.g. clean drinking water, food hygiene, health & safety
> COVID measures
Other Social Changes - leading to Fall in Deaths
- of dangerous manual jobs e.g. mining.
> + public knowledge of causes of illness
General Criticisms of Social Factors and Policies
> COVID Measures not effective e.g. + mental health problems
Life Expectancy (LE) & Trends
> How long on avg person born in given yr can expect to live.
- but F + > M, but gap - due to employment/lifestyle changes
> As DR - LE + (Soon reach - radical longetivity w/ + centurions)
Walker (LE in Poor vs Rich Areas & Jobs)
> Ppl in poor areas die earlier > ppl in richest areas.
> Ppl in manual work die earlier > ppl in prof jobs
Trend in Avg Age of Population
3 Factors leading to Ageing Population
- LE: Live longer
- IMR: Hardly anyone dies in infancy.
- Fertility : - babies born
Effects of an Ageing Population
> Public Services
One-Person Pensioner Households
Dependency Ratio
Public Services - Effects of an Ageing Population
> OAP’s 75+ take up + proportion of healthcare services so + spending on health care
> Need 4 change in policies e.g. housing & transport.
1 Person Pensioner Households - Effects of an Ageing Population
- F e.g. live + M > & younger than Husband
> e.g. Among 75+ 2x F > M
Dependency Ratio - Effects of an Ageing Population
- retired ppl = + burden on wrking pop
> But - kids born reduces burden
Ageing Population (KS)
> Philipson (Modern Society & Old Age) (Marxist Perspective)
> Hunt (PM Society & Old Age)
> Hirsch (Policy Implications & Old Age as a SC)
Philipson (Modern Society & Old Age) (Marxist Perspective)
> Status based role in production, OAP’s excluded from production = dependent status
> Not productive rejected support by capitalist state so family take responsibility for care.
> Made powerless.
Hunt (PM Society & Old Age)
> No fixed life plan late marriage/early retirement, blur boundaries vs life stages
> Can pick identities regardless of age e.g. gym memberships/cosmetic surgery
> Emphasis on surface features OAP can write identities w/ anti-ageing products
> Media w/ +ve image of OAP’s, lifestyle - stigma
Hunt AO3 (KS)
Pilcher (Inequality Among Old)
Pilcher (Inequality Among Old) - Hunt AO3 (KS)
> WC - LE & + ilness vs MC w/ + savings
> e.g. F - salaries & pensions, face sexist harassment e.g. ‘old hag’
> 29% suffered age discrimination > other forms
Hirsch (Policy Implications & Old Age as a SC)
> To cope w/ + OAP, + tax & + retirement age
> Change in housing policy encouraging OAP’s to go to smaller places freeing houses 4 young
> OAP not biological fact, but SC
Movement from place to place
Immigration Trends from 1900-40’s & 50-70s & 80s
+ immigrant groups Irish, EU Jews & Canada/USA (00-40)
> Non-white immigrants e.g. Caribbean & South Asia (50-70)
> White EU main source, non-white only 1/4 (80s)
Policies Restricting Non White Immigration in 60s & 90s
Immigration/Nationality Acts
Emigration est 1900 - Trends
- emigrants went USA, Canada, Australia & NZ
> Due to push factors e.g. unemployment/eco recession & pull factors e.g. + wages etc
> Contrast w/ppl migrating due to prosecution
3 Impacts of Migration on UK Population Structure
> Population Size: +
> Age Structure: - avg age directly e.g. are working age & indirectly = + babies as they’re younger
> DR: WA so - DR w/OAP returning 2 home countries 2 retire, but + kids = + DR, but eventually join wrk force
World + interconnected.
5 Main Aspects of Migration & Globalisation
> Acceleration > Differentiation > Super Diversity > Feminisation of Migration > Migrant Identities
Acceleration - Aspects of Migration & Globalisation
> In 2000-2013 migration + by 33%
Globalisation & Migration (KS)
> Vertovec (Differentiation & Super-Diversity)
Cohen (Super-Diversity & 3 Types of Migrant)
> Ehrenreich, Shutes & Hochschild (Feminisation of Migration)
> Eade (Bengali Muslims Hybrid Identities)
Eriksen (Impact of Globalisation & Transnational Identities)
> Castles (Problem w/ Assimilation Policies & A Divided WC)
Vertovec (Differentiation & Super-Diversity)
> Now + types of Migrants e.g. spouses, refugees, workers etc
SD as they come from diff countries w/ diff legal statuses
Cohen (Super-Diversity & 3 Types of Migrant)
> Citizens: Full Rights
> Denizens: Privileged foreign nationals/oligarchs
> Helots
+ exploited disposable army of labour e.g. illegally trafficked workers.
Ehrenreich, Shutes & Hochschild (Feminisation of Migration)
> 1/2 F, so globalisation of TDDOL & w/roles as careers & prostitution
> Due to western F + in paid work & inadequate childcare
> 40% of nurses are F migrants, also enter UK as V’s of sex trafficking
Eade (Bengali Muslims & Hybrid Identities)
> HI = personal identity mixture of 2+ influences
> e.g. 2nd gen BM had hierchal identies e.g. muslim 1st, bengali 2nd etc
> But due 2 this accused of not fitting in
Eriksen (Impact of Globalisation & Transnational Identities)
> Ppl now constanly move across wrld, not settled in 1 country or culture w/ TI
> Tech = easier maintance of global ties - no need 2 travel
> Migrants + links w/other migrants > country of orign or settlement - don’t want to assimilate
State Approaches 2 Immigration
> Assimilationism
> Multiculturalism
> 1st approach, encourages them 2 adopt language, values & become ‘like us’.
> But fails as migrants want to keep aspects of ‘culture of origin’.
> Lets migrants keep features of original identity
> But only superficial differences e.g. food (shallow diversity)
> & not vital ones e.g. veiling of women (deep diversity)
Reasons 4 Politicians wanting Migrants assimilate culturally
9/11’ e.g in France veiling of face was made illegal.
Castles (Problem w/ Assimilation Policies & A Divided WC)
> Polices are counterproductive, see EM as other, so respond emphasising diff
> +’s host suspicion of them so assimilation unlikely.
> Assimilationist ideas encourages wrks 2 blame migrants 4 issues = racially divided WC
Reasons for Fall in Deaths
Social Factors & Policies