Theme 14 yall Flashcards
Role of left hemisphere
(in right hander)
- Language comprehension
- Language expression
- phonetics
- Lexicon
Broca’s effected here
Right anterior damage
wrong intonation( tone of voice)
Right posterior damage
difficulty in interpretation
Role of right hemisphere
emotional and pragmatics and language.
Needed to get jokes and sarcasm
Incoming spoken word path
- Auditory path
- Wernicke’s
- evocation of word meaning near Wernicke’s
Outgoing spoken word path
- Wernicke’s
- Arcuate fasciculus
- Broca’s
- Motor
Reading Pathway
- Visual
- Wernicke’s
- vocation of word meaning near Wernicke’s
Writing Pathway
- Wernicke’s
- Arcuate fasciculus
- Brocas
- Motor
Wernicke’s Aphasia
pronunciation:Normal Content:ABNORMAL Repetition:ABNORMAL Comprehension:VERY ABNORMAL Written Comp:ABNORMAL Writing:Penmanship good but misspellings Naming: ABNORMAL Other:Sometimes Hemaniopia
Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus Brodmann’s 22
Brocas Aphasia
pronunciation:Stuttering Content:Agrammatical Repetition:ABNORMAL Comprehension:Normal Written Comp:Worse than spoken Writing:Clumsy Naming:Better than spontaneous speech Other:Hemiplegia, apraxia
Inferior frontal Cortex Brodmann’s 44 & 55
Conduction Aphasia
pronunciation:normal Content:some wrong Repetition:ABNORMAL Comprehension:slightly abnormal Written Comp:normal Writing:spelling errors Naming:Ocassial wrong Other:slight hemiparesis, neglect of right side
Arcuate Fasciculus
Gerstmann Syndrome
pronunciation:normal Content:normal Repetition:normal Comprehension:normal Written Comp:VERY ABNORMAL Writing:VERY ABNORMAL Naming:ABNORMAL
Angular gyrus Brodmann’s 39
Global Aphasia
pronunciation:VERY ABNORMAL Content:VERY ABNORMAL Repetition:VERY ABNORMAL Comprehension:VERY ABNORMAL Written Comp:VERY ABNORMAL Writing:VERY ABNORMAL Naming:VERY ABNORMAL Other:Hemiplegia, hemiparesis
Combination of Broca’s Wernicke’s and conduction
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
pronunciation:fluent Content:ABNORMAL Repetition:normal Comprehension:ABNORMAL Written Comp:VERY ABNORMAL Writing:VERY ABNORMAL Naming:VERY ABNORMAL Other: Hemianopia, hemisensory loss
Damage to occipital-temporal-parietal watershed zone between posterior and middle cerebral artery territories
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
pronunciation:nonfluent,stuttering Content:agramatical Repetition:normal Comprehension:normal some difficulty Written Comp:normal Writing:ABNORMAL Naming:ABNORMAL improves with cues Other:Hemiplegia Apraxia
Damage to frontal watershed zone between middle and anterior cerebral artery
Word blindness
Damage to left visual cortices and splenium of the corpus callosum
ADHD criteria
at least 6 months of 6 or more specific symptoms of inattention or Hyperactivity
Sign symptoms present before age 12
Symptoms in 2 or more settings
Transient Global amnesia
occurs in older men, only recent event and information can be remembered for a few minutes
Causes: TIA, basilar artery migraine, physical or psychic stress
Wernicke-Korsakoff anmesia
seen in alcoholics due to thiamine(B1) deficiency
Confabulation(making up stories to fill in the gaps) and confusion are hallmarks of the amnesia
Diencephalic Amnesia
Diencephalic Amnesias characteristics
Remote memory deficit
Normal Rate of Forgetting
Poor insight and confabulation
EX: Werinke-korsakoff
Bilateral Mesial Temporal Amnesias
Intact remote memory
Rapid forgetting
Impaired Consolidation
Intact insight
Hippocampal Trisynaptic Circuit Route
input to Entorhinal
- Dentate Gyrus to 2.CA3 pyramidal cells VIA mossy fibers
- CA3 pyramidal cells to
- CA1 pyramidal cells VIA Schaffer collateral
Ends at Subiculum and back to Entorninal to generate synaptic plasticity
Extended Memory System
Perirhinal and parahippocampal region
Delirium pathology
Deficit in cholinergic function
Deficit in Reticular Activating system
Neuroanatomical cause Alzheimer’s
Cortical atrophy
Hippocampal atrophy
Enlarged ventricles
Neurochemical cause Alzheimer’s
Multiple neurotransmitter deficiencies
Loss of cholinergic ACH in the nucleus basalis of Meynert
Vascular Dementia
Caused by multiple infarcts patient typically has history of CVD
- Sudden
- Heachaches and seizures
Treat CVD first
Frontotemporal Dementia
AKA Picks
Similar to Alzheimer’s disease but “frontal signs prominent early”
*Disinhibition and Personality changes
Lew Body Dementia
Fluctuating cognition
Visual hallucinations
mild parkinsonism
REM-sleep disorder preceded LBD by many years
1 year rule if dementia in one year of motor signs= LBD
If longer than year is Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
If cues help memory?
Retrieval prefrontal damage
If cues don’t help memory?
encoding mesial temporal damage
Copying and drawing part of brain
Right Parietal
Prefrontal Test
Test executive function
Wisconsin Card sorting
Stroop Test