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Neuro Study Group
> T6: Overview of Cranial Nerves I > Flashcards
T6: Overview of Cranial Nerves I Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
Neuro Study Group
(73 decks)
T1: Organization of the NS I
T1: General Morphology & Surface Structure
T1: Stimulated Excitable Cells
T1: Organization of the NS II
T2: Practical Clinical Nueroimaging
T2: Meninges & Arteries
T2: Transport w/in the CNS
T2: Neurotransmitters & Synaptic Transmission I
T2: Neurotransmitters & Synaptic Transmission II
T3: Neurotransmitters from Amino Acids
T3: Brain Metabolism
T3: Neurodevelopment
T3: Human Development I
T3: Paroxysms and Synaptic Plasticity
T3: Human Development II
T3: Human Development III
T4: Pharyngeal arches and their clinical relevance
T4: Face and Scalp
T4: Triangles of the neck
T4: Infratemporal & Pterygopalatine Fossae
T4: Nasal & Oral Cavity
T4: Pharynx and Larynx
T5: Development of the Face, Palate, Nose, and Tongue
T5: Embryology and its Clinical Relevance
T5: Orbit and the Eye
T5: Ear and Its Development
T5: Imaging of Head and Neck
T5: Anatomy in a Clinical Setting
T6: Overview of Cranial Nerves I
T6: Overview of Cranial Nerves II
T6: Sensory Systems
T6: Clinical Anatomy of Cranial Nerves I
T6: Clinical Anatomy of Cranial Nerves II
Grab Bag!
Drugs for Seizures
More Drugs
T7.1: Somatosensory
T7.2 Touch
T7.3 Organization of the Motor System
T7.4 Corticospinal and Corticobulbar Fibers
T7.5 Pain
T8.1: Special Senses - Eye
T8.2: Special Senses - Ear
T8.3: Visual Systems & Retina
T8.4: Visual Pathways
T8.5: Muscle Innervation & Spinal Reflexes
T8.6: Disease of the NMJ & Motor Unit
T8.7: Peripheral NS Disorders
T8 Disease Pack
T9.1 Eye Movement
T9.2 Oculomotor reflexs
T9.3 Ocular Reflexes 2
T9.4 Auditory System
T9.5: Movement Disorders - Basal Ganglia
T9.6: Movement Disorders - Cerebellum
T10.1: Physician Patient Relationship
T10.2: Classical Conditioning
T10.3: Operant Conditioning
T10.4: Medical Interviewing
Tract Master
T10.5: Psych Interview & Mental Status Exam
T10.6: CBT & Other Psychotherapies
T9 Diseases and Syndromes
Theme 11 by Ryan
Drugs and Treatments
Theme 14 yall
Theme 12 Shiz
Theme 13 ish
Theme 15 derp
Theme 11 by Ryan COPY
Theme 15: Michelle