Theme 12 Shiz Flashcards
Pons Pneumotaxic Center (PRG)
Maintains normal breathing pattern
fine tunes breathing rhythm in sleep speech and exercise
-Inhibits apneustic center
Apneustic Center(Lower PRG)
Tonic facilitation of inspiration
Excites pre-Botzinger complex
input from pulm. stretch receptors and output to VRG
Caudal VRG
expiratory neurons
Rostral VRG
inspiratory neurons
Pre-Botzinger Complex
inspiratory neurons
Hypothalamic breathing
signals VRG
Pain and emotional breathing rate
Cortical breathing
bypasses medulla
Voluntary breathing
Lesion in forebrain breathing
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
Lesion in midbrain breathing
Lesions pons breathing
Apneusis(inspiratory cramps)
Lesion in lower pons/upper medulla breathing
Ataxic respiration
What resets the circadian clock
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
What amino acid shows sleep pressure
What turns off the arousal system aka Sleep Center
Ventral Preoptic region(VLPO)
in the anterior hypothalamus
Controlled by GABA
Key regions of wakefulness?
Basal Forebrain
Cholinergic system
Projects directly to the thalamus
Monoaminergic system
Projects directly to the cortex
Brain Activity of conscious perception
Thalamocortical oscillation 30-70Hz (gamma bands)
Major cholinergic nuclei in the Ras
- Pedunculopontine nuclues
- Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
they project to the Thalamus and Basal forebrain to Cortex
Vegetative State
Develops after coma
Loss of ability to think speak and respond
Autonomic and breathing intact
Normal Sleep Patern
Ex: bilateral middle cerebral infarct
Locked in Syndrome
Due to basilar artery blockage(pons infarction)
Paralysis of all voluntary muscles except vertical eye movement
Fully aware of environment
EEG Normal
Brain Death
Irreversible loss of all brain functions
Glasgow Coma Scale
8 is critical score
9-11 moderate
12-15 minor
Diencephalic damage eyes
CNIII uncal damage eyes
Dilated on side of uncal herniation
Midbrain damage eyes
Encephalophy, drugs effect eyes
Pretectal damage eyes
Pons damage eyes
deficiency in Narcolepsy (spinal tap needed to test)
Hypothalamic neuropeptide
Deficiency may be autoimmune-related
How to different OSA and CSA
OSA(obstructive sleep apnea)- PSG will show thoracic effort
CSA(Central sleep apnea)-no thoracic effort occurs
Difference between Restless legs and Periodic legs Syndrome?
Restless legs patient is fully aware of movements
Periodic Limb Movements patient is unaware of movements
Rats brain sex differences
SDN(Sexaul Dimorphic Nuclues) 4X larger in males
Brain difference in sexs people
INAH3( Interstitial Nuclei of the Anterior Hypothalamus )2x larger volume, neuronal number and size in males (maker of sexaul orientation)
Bed Nucleus Stria Terminalis larger in males (BNST + IANH-3 marker for gender identity)
Most regions of female brain have higher gray matter density
Female suprachiasmatic Nuclei elongated
Male spherical suprachiasmatic Nuclei
Androgen insensitive cause cause
mutation in gene that produces androgen receptors
Potential cause for female identity in males
Effect of early estrogen (Diethylstilbestrol) on females
Higher rate of homosexaulity and bisexuality compared to control
larger SDN
Blunted LH secretion
Test to differentiate psychiatric vs organic basis for erectile problems?
Snap Gauge Test
Etiology of Paraphilias
Testerone level
Frontal Lobe dysfunction and serotonin dysregulation
Classical conditioning
Bulimia Etiology
Low Serotonin, poor impulse control
What inhibits body movement during REM
Gycineric Ventromedial medulla neurons, release GABA and Glycine to inhibit muscle contraction
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, integrates: feeding,temperature and light cues from SPZ( subparaventricular zone) and SCN( suprachiasmatic nucleus)