The Subjunctive Flashcards
The Subjunctive
When is the subjunctive used?
- The subjunctive is used when the speaker expresses his, her or someone else’s personal opinion, feeling or doubt about such an action or state.
- Typically, the subjunctive is used in a subordinate clause after ‘‘que’’ (that), when the preceding main clause contains a verb or expression (which itself is always in the indicative) that implies a desire, a need, an emotion, doubt, uncertainty or personal judgment, provided that the subjects of both clauses are not the same.
- After verbs expressing a wish, a preference, a request, a need, an expectation, a permission, a prohibition.
- After verbs or expressions indicating feelings or emotions.
- After impersonal expressions indicating necessity, importance, desirability, possibility, and impossibility
- After verbs and expressions implying uncertainty or doubt.
- After certain conjunctions.
- After verbs of thinking if they are in the negative or inverted interrogative form and if the speaker expresses a personal opinion or uncertainty about his statement.
- In the relative clauses.
- The subjunctive is also used after ‘‘que’’’ to express an order in the third person singular and plural, which cannot be done with the imperative. The English equivalent is let (him, her, them) or may (he, she, they).
f. e. Qu’il apprenne le francais!
The Subjunctive
It is possible that he comes.
Il est possible qu’il vienne.
The Subjunctive
It is possible that he came.
Il est possible qu’il soit venu.
The Subjunctive
It’s a shame that she was ill.
C’est dommage qu’elle ait été malade.
The Subjunctive
We doubt that they arrived.
Nous doutons qu’ils soient arrivés.
The Subjunctive
I am dissapointed that the weather is bad.
Je suis déçu qu’il fasse mauvais.
The Subjunctive
It is possible that I will go to Canada.
Il est possible que j’aille au Canada.
The Subjunctive
When is the indicative used?
The indicative is used by the speaker to express what he or she considers to be a fact, i.e., an action or state which occurred in the past, occurs in the present, or will occur in the future.
The Subjunctive I know (that) you are leaving.
Je sais que tu pars.
The Subjunctive
I am sad (that) you are leaving.
Je suis triste que tu partes.
The Subjunctive
How is the present subjunctive formed?
The present subjunctive of regular verbs is formed by dropping the ‘‘-ent’’ ending from the third person plural of the present indicative and by adding the endings -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent.
The Subjunctive
Which are the spelling changes in the present subjunctive?
- Verbs ending in -ier have double i in the nous and vous forms:
que nous oubliions, que vous oubliiez - Those regular verbs which have a spelling change in the present indicative will show the same spelling change in the present subjonctive.
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘’s’asseoir’’.
je m’asseye (or: que je m’assoie)
nous nous asseyions (or: que nous nous assoyions)
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘battre’’.
que je batte
que nous battions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘conduire’’.
que je conduise
que nous conduisions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘connaître’’.
que je connaisse
que nous connaissions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘courir’’.
que je coure
que nous courions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘craindre’’.
que je craigne
que nous craignions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘dire’’.
que je dise
que nous disions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘écrire’’.
que j’écrive
que nous écrivions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘lire’’.
que je lise
que nous lisions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘mettre’’.
que je mette
que nous mettions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘naître’’.
que je naisse
que nous naissions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘ouvrir’’.
que j’ouvre
que nous ouvrions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘partir’’.
que je parte
que nous partions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘plaire’’.
que je plaise
que nous partions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘rire’’.
que je rie
que nous riions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘suivre’’.
que je suive
que nous suivions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘se taire’’.
que je me taise
que nous nous taisions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘vivre’’.
que je vive
que nous vivions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘boire’’.
que je boive
que nous buvions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘croire’’.
que je croie
que nous croyions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘devoir’’.
que je doive
que nous devions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘envoyer’’.
que j’envoie
que nous envoyions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘mourir’’.
que je meure
que nous mourions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘prendre’’.
que je prenne
que nous prenions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘recevoir’’.
que je reçoive
que nous recevions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘tenir’’.
que je tienne
que nous tenions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘venir’’.
que je vienne
que nous venions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘voir’’.
que je voie
que nous voyions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘faire’’.
que je fasse
que nous fassions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘savoir’’.
que je sache
que nous sachions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘pouvoir’’.
que je puisse
que nous puissions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘aller’’.
que j’aille
que nous allions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘valoir’’.
que je vaille
que nous valions
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘vouloir’’.
que je veuille
que nous voulions
The Subjunctive
Give the il present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘pleuvoir’’.
qu’il pleuve
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘falloir’’.
qu’il faille
The Subjunctive
Conjugate the verb ‘‘aller’’ in the present subjunctive.
que j'aille que tu ailles qu'il aille que nous allions que vous alliez qu'ils aillent
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘avoir’’.
que j'aie que tu aies qu'il ait que nous ayons que vous ayez qu'ils aient
The Subjunctive
Give the je and nous present subjunctive forms of the verb ‘‘être’’.
que je sois que tu sois qu'il soit que nous soyons que vous soyez qu'ils soient
The Subjunctive
I am sad that he leaves / will leave / is going to leave.
Je suis triste qu’il parte.
The Subjunctive
How is the past subjunctive formed?
Te past subjunctive is formed by using the present subjunctive of the auxiliary (avoir or être) and the past participle of the verb in question, or, if you prefer, by taking the passé composé of the indicative and by putting the helping verb in the present subjunctive.
The Subjunctive
When is the past subjunctive used?
The past subjunctive is used when the action of the subordinate clause occurs prior to the action in the main clause.
The Subjunctive
I am sorry that this happened.
Je regrette que cela soit arrivé.
The Subjunctive
She was disappointed that her son hadn’t written to her.
Elle était déçue que son fils ne lui ait pas écrit.
The Subjunctive
I am sorry (that) we are late.
Je suis désolé que nous soyons en retard.
The Subjunctive
I am sorry (that) I am late.
Je suis désolé d’être en retard.
The Subjunctive
to like
The Subjunctive
to prefer
aimer que
The Subjunctive to wait (till)
attendre que
The Subjunctive
to expect
s’attendre à ce que
The Subjunctive
to need
avoir besoin que
The Subjunctive
to (really) want
avoir envie que
The Subjunctive
to advise
conseiller que
The Subjunctive
to forbid
défendre que
The Subjunctive
to ask, to request
demander que
The Subjunctive
to wish, want
désirer que
The Subjunctive
to prevent
empêcher que
The Subjunctive
to demand
exiger que
The Subjunctive
to insist
insister pour que
The Subjunctive
to forbid
interdire que
The Subjunctive
to order, command
ordonner que
The Subjunctive
to allow, permit
permettre que
The Subjunctive
to prefer
préférer que
The Subjunctive
to suggest
proposer que
suggérer que
The Subjunctive
to recommend
recommander que
The Subjunctive
to wish
souhaiter que
The Subjunctive
to (really) want, to be anxious to
tenir à ce que
The Subjunctive
to make sure, ensure
veiller à ce que
The Subjunctive
to want
vouloir que
The Subjunctive
I don’t like (it) that you drink.
Je n’aime pas que tu boives.
The Subjunctive
Wait till I come back.
Attends que je revienne.
The Subjunctive
I ask that you be ready at noon.
Je demande que vous soyez prêts à midi.
The Subjunctive
He demands that we know the subjunctive.
Il exige que nous sachions le subjonctif.
The Subjunctive
She insists that everyone be there.
Elle insiste pour que tout le monde soit là.
The Subjunctive
I prefer that you do it.
Je préfère que tu le fasses.
The Subjunctive
They insist that the children go to school.
Ils tiennent à ce que les enfants aillent à l’école.
The Subjunctive
We will make sure that you arrive on time.
Nous veillerons à ce que vous arriviez à l’heure.
The Subjunctive I hope (that) you are fine.
J’espère que vous allez bien.
The verb ‘‘espérer requires the indicative
The Subjunctive I hope (that) you (will) feel better.
J’espère que tu te sentiras mieux.
The verb ‘‘espérer requires the indicative
The Subjunctive
I’d rather
J’aimerais mieux (or: je préférerais) + que + present subjunctive
The Subjunctive
I’d rather you stayed here.
J’aimerais mieux que vous restiez ici.
The Subjunctive
I wish you / he were…, I wish you / he would…
Je voudrais
J’aimerais + que + subjunctive
The Subjunctive
I wish he were successful.
Je voudrais qu’il réussisse.
The Subjunctive
I wish she would write.
J’aimerais qu’elle écrive.
The Subjunctive
I wish you could come.
Je voudrais que tu puisses venir.
The Subjunctive
I wish I were in France.
Je voudrais être en France.
The Subjunctive
We wish we knew what happened.
Nous voudrions savoir ce qui s’est passé.
The Subjunctive
She wants him to succeed.
Elle veut qu’il réussisse.
The Subjunctive
We don’t expect this to be easy.
Nous ne nous attendons pas à ce que ce soit facile.
The Subjunctive
I need you to do me a favor.
J’ai besoin que tu me rendes un service.
The Subjunctive
to be glad, pleased that
être content que
The Subjunctive
to be disappointed that
être déçu que
The Subjunctive
to be sorry that
être désolé que
The Subjunctive
to be angry that
être fâche que
The Subjunctive
to be furious that
être furieux que
The Subjunctive to be (un)happy that
être (mal)heureux que
The Subjunctive
to be worried that
être inquiet que
The Subjunctive
to be delighted that
être ravi que
The Subjunctive
to be surprised that
être surpris / étonné que
The Subjunctive
to be sad that
être triste que
The Subjunctive
it is too bad that, it is a shame that
il est / c’est dommage que
The Subjunctive
it is strange that
il est étrange que
The Subjunctive
it is great that
c’est formidable / génial que
The Subjunctive
to be afraid that
avoir peur que (ne)
The Subjunctive
to fear that
craindre que (ne)
The Subjunctive
to be surprised that
s’étonner que
The Subjunctive
to regret / be sorry that
regretter que
The Subjunctive
She is glad that the weather is / will be nice.
Elle est contente qu’il fasse beau.
The Subjunctive
He is disappointed that she doesn’t want to date him.
Il est déçu qu’elle ne veuille pas sortir avec lui.
The Subjunctive
I am sorry that you are ill.
Je suis désolé que tu sois malade.
The Subjunctive
I am happy that you can come.
Je suis heureux que vous puissiez venir.
The Subjunctive
I am afraid that you will miss the plane.
J’ai peur que vous (ne) manquiez l’avion.
(After expressions of fear used in the affirmative form, the word ‘‘ne’’ may precede the verb in the subjunctive for stylistic reasons. This ‘‘ne’’ (the use of which is optional) is not followed by ‘‘pas’’ and does not make the sentence negative.)
The Subjunctive
He is sad that his wife forgot his birthday.
Il est triste que sa femme ait oublié son anniversaire.
The Subjunctive
I am glad that you are feeling better.
Je suis content(e) que tu te sentes mieux.
The Subjunctive
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Je suis content(e) d’apprendre que tu te sens mieux.
If an infinitive follows the expression of emotion, the indicative is used.
The Subjunctive
It’s a good thing that she was there.
Heureusement qu’elle était là.
Hereusement elle était là.
(Être heureux que is followed by the subjunctive, but heureusement que is not)
The Subjunctive
She is afraid that she will fail the exam.
Elle a peur d’échouer à l’examen.
When both the main and the subordinate clauses have the same subject, an infinitive (preceded by de) is used.
The Subjunctive
it is necessary that, (someone) must, has to
il faut que
The Subjunctive
(someone) must not
il ne faut pas que
The Subjunctive
it is better that
il vaut mieux que
The Subjunctive
it is good that
il est bon que
The Subjunctive
it is essential that
il est essentiel que
The Subjunctive
it is possible that
il est possible que
The Subjunctive
it is impossible that
il est impossible que
The Subjunctive
it is important that
il est important que
The Subjunctive
it is indispensable that
il est indispensable que
The Subjunctive
it is right, fair that
il est juste que
The Subjunctive
it is natural that
il est naturel que
The Subjunctive
it is necessary that
il est nécessaire que
The Subjunctive
it is normal that
il est normal que
The Subjunctive
it is possible that
il se peut que
The Subjunctive
it is preferable that
il est préférable que
The Subjunctive
it is unusual, rare that
il est rare que
The Subjunctive it is (about) time that
il est (grand) temps que
The Subjunctive
it is useful that
il est utile que
The Subjunctive
it is useless that
il est inutile que
The Subjunctive
it’s not worth the trouble that, there is no point in (doing)
ce n’est pas (cela ne vaut pas) la peine que
The Subjunctive
One must want to do it.
Il faut qu’on veuille le faire.
The Subjunctive
She is rarely late.
Il est rare qu’elle soit en retard.
The Subjunctive
It is better that you leave.
Il vaut mieux que vous partiez.
The Subjunctive
It is essentiel that I see you before tomorrow.
Il est essentiel que je te voie avant demain.
The Subjunctive
It is time for us to leave.
Il est temps que nous nous en allions.
The Subjunctive
It is possible that one can buy that here.
Il est possible qu’on puisse acheter ça ici.
The Subjunctive
It is probable that he will be back tomorrow.
Il est probable qu’il sera de retour demain.
(The expression ‘‘il est probable que’’ is followed by indicative, but in a negative expression is followed by subjunctive)
The Subjunctive
It is likely that he will come.
Il est vraisemblable qu’il viendra.
(The expression ‘‘Il est vraisemblable’’ is followed by indicative, but in a negative expression is followed by subjunctive)
The Subjunctive
It is improbable that he will be back tomorrow.
Il n’est pas probable qu’il soit de retour demain.
The Subjunctive
It is unlikely that he comes.
Il est invraisemblable qu’il vienne.
The Subjunctive
You must not be worried.
Il ne faut pas que vous soyez inquiet.
The Subjunctive
It’s normal that everyone wants to be happy.
C’est normal que tout le monde veuille être heureux.
In spoken French, ‘‘c’est’’ replaces ‘‘il est’’ before an adjective
The Subjunctive
You must have patience.
Il faut que tu aies de la patience.
The Subjunctive
One must have patience.
Il faut vaoir de la patience.
(An infinitive construction is used when a general statement is made. The preposition de precedes the infinitive except after ‘‘il faut’’ and ‘‘il vaut mieux’’.)
The Subjunctive
to doubt that
douter que
The Subjunctive
it is doubtful that
il est douteux que
The Subjunctive
it is not sure / certain that
il n’est pas sûr / certain que
The Subjunctive
it is not true that
il n’est pas vrai que
The Subjunctive
I am not sure / certain / convinced that
je ne suis pas sûr / certain / convaincu que
The Subjunctive
Are you sure / certain that…?
êtes-vous sûr / certain que?
The Subjunctive
It is true / accurate that…?
est-il vrai / exact que?
The Subjunctive
it seems that
il semble que
The Subjunctive
I doubt that will be necessary.
Je doute que ce soit nécessaire.
The Subjunctive
It is not certain that she is right.
Il n’est pas certain qu’elle ait raison.
The Subjunctive
The teacher is not sure that we understand him.
Le professeur n’est pas sûr que nous le comprenions.
The Subjunctive
It seems that she is feeling better.
Il semble qu’elle aille mieux.
The Subjunctive
It seems to me that she is feeling better.
Il me semble qu’elle va mieux.
(The expression ‘‘il semble que’’ is followed by the subjunctive since it implies uncertainty. But if a personal object pronoun is included in this expression (il me semble), it is followed by the indicative since it implies certainty on the part of the speaker.
The Subjunctive
to not doubt that
ne pas douter que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
to be convinced that
être convaincu / persuadé que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
to be sure / certain that
être sûr / certain que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
there is no doubt that
il n’y a aucun doute que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is not doubtful that
il n’est pas douteux que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is evident that
il est évident que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is true that
il est vrai que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is sure that
il est sûr que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is certain that
il est certain que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is true / correct that
il est exact que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
it is clear that
il est clair que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive,
I’ve heard that, apparently
il paraît que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
to suspect that
se douter que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
to know that
savoir que (expression followed by the indicative)
The Subjunctive
so that, in order that
pour que + subjunctive
pour + infinitive
afin que + subjunctive
afin de + infinitive
The Subjunctive
avant que (ne) + subjunctive avant de + infinitive
The Subjunctive
on the condition that
à condition que + subjunctive
à condition de + infinitive
The Subjunctive
à moins que (ne) + subjunctive
à moins de + infinitive
The Subjunctive
while waiting for, until
en attendant que + subjunctive
en attendant de + infinitive
The Subjunctive
although, even though
bien que (=quoique) + subjonctive (Always followed by the subjunctive, even if the main clause has the same subject as the subordinate clause)
The Subjunctive
for fear that
de crainte que (ne) + subjunctive
de peur que (ne) + infinitive
The Subjunctive
jusqu’à ce que + subjunctive
Always followed by the subjunctive, even if the main clause has the same subject as the subordinate clause
The Subjunctive
provided that
pourvu que + subjunctive
Always followed by the subjunctive, even if the main clause has the same subject as the subordinate clause
The Subjunctive
sans que + subjunctive
sans + infinitive
The Subjunctive
I will stay until he comes back.
Je resterai jusqu’à ce qu’il revienne.
The Subjunctive
We will go hiking unless the weather is bad.
Nous ferons une randonnée à moins qu’il (ne) fasse mauvais.
The Subjunctive
I hurry so that it goes faster.
Je me dépêche pour que ça aille plus vite.
The Subjunctive
Let’s go home before it rains.
Rentrons avant qu’il (ne) pleuve.
The Subjunctive
She was arrested although she is innocent.
Elle a été arrêtée bien qu’elle soit innocente.
The Subjunctive
He did it without his wife knowing it.
Il l’a fait sans quesa femme le sache.
The Subjunctive
We talked to him after he came home.
Nous lui avons parlé après qu’il est rentré.
Après que is followed by the infinitive
The Subjunctive
whereas, while
alors que
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
as soon as
aussitôt que,
dès que
(Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense).
The Subjunctive
depuis que
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
parce que
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
pendant que
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
since (=because)
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
tandis que
Expression followed by the infinitive, future tense
The Subjunctive
I save money in order to be able to travel.
Je fais des économies pour pouvoir voyager.
The Subjunctive
Visit us before you leave.
Venez nous voir avant de partir.
The Subjunctive
He left without saying goodbye.
Il est parti sans dire au revoir.
The Subjunctive
While waiting to have dinner, we are going to have a drink.
En attendant de dîner, nous allons prendre l’apéritif.
The Subjunctive
You will not find this street unless you know the city very well.
Tu ne trouveras pas cette rue à moins de connaître très bien la ville.
The Subjunctive
I have a headache although I took two aspirin tablets.
J’ai mal à la tête bien que j’aie pris deux cachets d’aspirine.
The Subjunctive
We will go to France provided that we have enough money.
Nous irons en France, pourvu que nous ayons assez d’argent.
The Subjunctive
He often watches TV until he goes to sleep.
Il regarde souvent la télé jusqu’à ce qu’il s’endorme.
The Subjunctive
to think that
penser que
trouver que
The Subjunctive
to believe / think that
croire que
The Subjunctive
I don’t think that this is a good idea.
Je ne pense / trouve pas que ce soit une bonne idée.
The Subjunctive
Do you think that French is easy?
Trouvez-vous que le francais soit facile?
The Subjunctive
Do you believe that he tells the truth?
Crois-tu qu’il dise la vérité?
The Subjunctive
I don’t think that one can know a country without knowing its language.
Je ne crois pas qu’on puisse connaître un pays sans savoir sa langue.
The Subjunctive
He thinks that we are exaggerating.
Il pense que nous exagérons.
The Subjunctive
I think that this dress looks good on you.
Je trouve que cette robe te va bien.
The Subjunctive
I believe / think this is true.
Je crois / pense / trouve que c’est vrai.
The Subjunctive
He even went so far as to say bad things about his boss.
Il est même allé jusqu’à dire du mal de son patron.
The Subjunctive
I want you to tell me the truth.
Je veux que tu me dises la vérite.
The Subjunctive I hope (that) you tell me the truth.
J’espère que tu me diras la vérité.
The Subjunctive
We are happy that you are there.
Nous sommes heureux que tu sois là.
The Subjunctive
Fortunately you are there.
Heureusement que tu es là.
The Subjunctive
It is possible that he goes to Nice.
Il est possible qu’il aille à Nice.
The Subjunctive
It is probable (likely) that he goes to Nice.
Il est probable qu’il va à Nice.
The Subjunctive
I don’t think (that) she is right.
Je ne pense pas qu’elle ait raison.
The Subjunctive
I think that she is right.
Je pense qu’elle a raison.
The Subjunctive
It seems that she has to wait.
Il semble qu’elle doive attendre.
The Subjunctive
It seems to me that he has to wait.
Il me semble qu’il doit attendre.
The Subjunctive
She arrived before I left.
Elle est arrivée avant que je (ne) parte.
The Subjunctive
She arrived after I left.
Elle est arrivé après que je suis parti.
The Subjunctive
When is the subjunctive used in relative clauses?
- When the verb or expression in the main clause indicates that the speaker is not sure whether the antecedent exists, or that he or she would like to find it. Expressions in the main clause that will trigger the subjuntcive in the relative clause include:
-J’ai besoin d’un(e)…
- Je cherche un(e)…
- Connaissez-vous un(e)…
- Y a-t-il un(e)…
when the main clause indicates that the desired object or person has already been found or that its existence is certain, the indicative is used.
Je voudrais trouver un hôtel qui ne soit pas cher.
Je trouvé / je connais un hôtel qui n’est pas cher. - When the relative clause is preceded by a superlative.
f.e. C’est la plus belle ville que je connaisse.
The choice between the subjunctive or the indicative in a relative clause after a superlative depends on whether the speaker expresses a personal opinion or judgement (subjunctive), or if the speaker simply states a fact (indicative). Often however, the subjunctive is automatically triggered in the relative clause after a superlative, no matter whether an opinion or a fact is stated. - When the relative clause is preceded by one of the following expressions.
l’unique - the only (one)
le seul - the only (one)
le premier - the first (one)
le dernier - the last (one)
il n’y a que - (there is) only
ne…personne - nobody, not anybody
ne…jamais - never
ne…aucun - no, not any
ne…pas de - no, not any
ne…rien - nothing, not anything
The Subjunctive
He is looking for someone who is reliable.
Il cherche quelqu’un qui soit fiable.
The Subjunctive
Do you know a person who would be willing to help me?
Connaissez-vous une personne qui veuille m’aider?
The Subjunctive
Is there something I can do for you?
Y a-t-il quelque chose que je puisse faire pour vous?
The Subjunctive
I need a secretary who knows how to speak several foreign languages fluently.
Il me faut une secrétaire qui sache parler couramment plusieurs langues étrangères.
The Subjunctive
That is the least one can say.
C’est le moins qu’on puisse dire.
The Subjunctive
That is the best film I ever saw.
C’est le meilleur film que j’aie jamais vu.
The Subjunctive
This tower is the highest there is in the world.
Cette tour est la plus haute qu’il y a (or: ait) dans le monde.
The Subjunctive
I heard that the Great Wall of China is the only monument which is visible from the moon.
Il paraît que la Grande Muraille de Chine est le seul monument qui soit visible depuis la lune.
The Subjunctive
He doesn’t find anyone who knows how to do it.
Il ne trouve personne qui sache le faire.
The Subjunctive
There is no medication that cures this disease.
Il n’y a aucun médicament qui guérisse cette maladie.
The Subjunctive
Only God can help us.
Il n’y a que Dieu qui puisse nous aider.
The Subjunctive
I don’t know any book that is more interesting.
Je ne connais pas de livre qui soit plus intéressant.
The Subjunctive
I haven’t found anything that I like in this store.
Je n’ai rien trouvé qui me plaise dans ce magasin.
The Subjunctive
There is no reason why…should…
Il n’y a aucune raison (pour) que + subjunctive
Il n’y a pas de raison que + subjunctive
The Subjunctive
Ther is no reason why we should lose the game.
Il n’y a aucune raison (pour) que nous perdions le match.
The Subjunctive`
qui que
The Subjunctive
où que
The Subjunctive
quoi que
Don’t confuse quoi que with quoique - although
The Subjunctive
Whoever you may be, I have never seen you.
Qui que vous soyez, je ne vous ai jamais vu.
The Subjunctive Wherever you (may) go, I will accompany you.
Qù que tu ailles, je t’accompagnerai
The Subjunctive Whatever you (may) do, I will support you.
Quoi que tu fasses, je te soutiendrai.
The Subjunctive
whoever it may be who
qui que ce soit qui
The Subjunctive
who(m)ever it may be whom
qui que ce soit que
The Subjunctive
whatever it may be which / that
quoi que ce soit que
The Subjunctive
Whoever it may be who said that, I don’t believe it.
Qui que ce soit qui ait dit cela, je n’en crois rien.
The Subjunctive
Whoever it may be whom you know, I don’t know him.
Qui que ce soit que vous connaissiez, je ne le connais pas.
The Subjunctive
Whatever it may be that one says, remain calm!
Quoi que ce soit qu’on dise, restez calme!
The Subjunctive
however + adjective or adverb
si (+adjective or adverb) que
The Subjunctive
however + adjective or adverb
quelque (+adjective or adverb) que
The Subjunctive
However intelligent you may be, you don’t know everything.
Si intelligent que tu sois, tu ne sais pas tout.
The Subjunctive
However skillful this man may be, he cannot do everything.
Si habile que soit cet homme, il ne peut pas tout faire.
The Subjunctive
whatever (+noun or pronoun) may be
quel que / quelle que / quels que / quelles que
(+ subjunctive of être + noun)
(or: + pronoun + subjunctive of être)
The Subjunctive
True nicotine addicts don’t stop smoking, whatever the health risk may be.
Les vrais accros de la nicotine ne s’arrêtent pas de fumer, quel que soit le risque pour la santé.
The Subjunctive
Whatever the difficulty may be, you must overcome it.
Quelle soit la difficulté, il faut la surmonter.
The Subjunctive
Whatever your problemes may be, you must forget them.
Quels que soient vos problèmes, il faut les oublier.
The Subjunctive
Parents like all their children, whatever their capabilities may be.
Les parents aiment tous leurs enfants, quelles que soient leurs aptitudes.
The Subjunctive
whatever (+singular or plural noun)
quelque (+singular noun) que
quelques (+plural noun) que
The Subjunctive
Whatever success you may have, stay modest.
Quelque succès que vous ayez, restez modeste.
The Subjunctive
Whatever worries you may have, don’t despair.
Quelques soucis que tu aies, ne désespère pas.
The Subjunctive
Long live France!
Vive la France!
The Subjunctive
So be it! Amen! (at the end of a prayer)
Ainsi sot-il!
The Subjunctive
God bless you!
Que Dieu vous bénisse!
The Subjunctive
Thank God! God be praised!
Dieu soit loué!
The Subjunctive
They will be done.
Que votre volonté soit faite.
The Subjunctive
So be it!
Soit! ^(swat)
The Subjunctive
Be it as it may.
Quoi qu’il en soit.
The Subjunctive
Don’t let this stand in the way.
Qu’à cela ne tienne.
The Subjunctive
As far as I remember.
Autant que je m’en souvienne.
The Subjunctive
As far as I know.
Autant que je sache.
The Subjunctive
Not that I know.
Pas que je sache.
The Subjunctive
Whether one likes it or not.
Qu’on le veuille ou non.
The Subjunctive
No matter what happens.
Quoi qu’il advienne.
The Subjunctive
Rain or shine
Qu’il pleuve ou qu’il vente.
The Subjunctive
Let’s hope (that) it lasts!
Pourvu que ça dure!
The Subjunctive
We will go to the beach provided that the weather is good.
Nous irons à la plage pourvu qu’il fasse beau.
Pourvu at the beginning of the subordinate clause means provided that
The Subjunctive
Let’s hope (that) the weather is good tomorrow.
Pourvu qu’il fasse beau demain.
The Subjunctive
Don’t let that happen again.
Que cela ne se reproduise plus!
The Subjunctive
May that serve you as a warning!
Que cela vous serve d’avertissement!
The Subjunctive
Let there be light, and there was light.
Que la lumière soit, et la lumière fut.
The Subjunctive
Let there be no mistake!
Qu’on ne s’y trompe pas!
The Subjunctive
If he wants the CD, let him come and get it!
S’il veut le CD, qu’il vienne le chercher!
The Subjunctive
If they don’t have bread, let them eat cake.
S’ils n’ont pas de pain, qu’ils mangent de la brioche.