The Respiratory system Flashcards
Name some functions of the respiratory system
-humidifying and filtering air
-special sense smell- olfaction
-protection and defence
-pulmonary ventilation
-maintains blood PH by regulating acid-base balance of blood
-endocrine functions
-gas exchange between lungs and blood supporting gas exchange between blood and tissues
Name the key parts of the upper and lower respiratory tracts
What are some examples of upper and lower tract infections?
u-common cold l-bronchitis
u-sinusitis l-bronchiolitis
u-tonsilitis l-chest infection
u-laryngitis l-pneumonia
structure of the nose
-nasal cavity is connected to several paranasal sinus cavities in cranial bone
-like other orifices the cavities are lined with highly vascular mucosal membrane made of ciliated columnar epithelial cells
-mucus contains lysozyme-antimicrobial enzyme thats part of the innate immune system
function of the nose
-air enters nostrils into nasal cavity of the septum
-network of veins warms the air
-glands in and under the mucosa produce mucus which moistens air and traps debris and bacteria
-cilia move mucus towards the pharynx
-olfactory receptos are stimulated by chemicals in the air-brain interprets these as smells
Give some examples of how the structure and function of the nose expains conditions such as
-runny nose
-sinus headache
-nose bleeds
-poor sleep
-runny nose- when cilia get cold they dont work as well
-sinus headache-when exit is blocked by pressure changes in sinus
-nose bleeds-highly vascualar mucosa
-poor sleep-deviated septum can cause breathing problems
Describe the location of the pharynx
-back of nasal cavity
-down back of mouth
-past larynx entrance
-then becomes the osophagus
Describe the location of the nasopharynx
-auditory eustachian tubes connects middle ear
-purpose to balance air pressure either side of the tympanic membrane/ear drum
Name some functions of the pharynx
-passage for food,air,fluids
-warms and humidifies air
-hearing-protects middle ear from pressure changes
-protection-dense with lymphoid tissue including adenoids (tonsils)
-speech-resonance created in pharyns
What is Broca’s area?
-speech centre in the left hemisphere of the brain that controls the vibrations in the vocal chords
Describe the structure and function of the LRT airways-trachea
-extends larynx to lungs
-kept open by c-shaped cartilage to support airway
-lined by columnar ciliated epithelium
-goblet cells and mucous glands produce mucus
-cilia stroke mucus up and out of the tracheas to be coughed out or swallowed mucocillary escalator
-warms and humidifies air
-tracheas splits into right and left bronchus
Describe tracheostomy
-hole created into trachea through an incision in the neck
-used to treat airway obstruction person can breathe by nose and mouth -speech through speaking valve
-changes usually temporary
Describe a laryngectomy
-complete removal of the larynx with redirection of trachea
-used to treat cancer of the larynx-person breathes through stoma
-speech is never normal again
-changes are permanent and irreversible
Describe the structure of the lungs
-cone shaped
-right-3 lobes left-2 lobes
-mass of airways and alveoli and connective tissue and nerves and cappilaries all sitting in an elastic matrix of connective tissue
-thoracic cavity
-apex rises above clavicle
-base lies on diaphragm
-costal surface lies against costal cartilage,ribs and intercostals
-hilum is exit
function of pleural fluid
-creates surface tension so lungs can expand when ribcage and diaphragm expand
-lubricates expansion and contraction of lungs without lungs getting wet
Where is the visceral pleura and parietal pleura?
v-inside edge against lungs
p-outside edge against ribs
What is the main function of each division in the RS?
URT-conductiong zone/air passage, dead space, 150ml
Division at bottom of larynx-division at bronchioles
-LRT-gaseous exchange
Describe the airways in the lungs
-traches divides into L+R primary bronchus
-each bronchi divides 5/6 times into lobar and segmental bronchi before becoming bronchioles
-terminal bronchioled final division with alveolar ducts and sacs at the end of them
-walls are thinner, muscle and connective tissue disappear until single layer of squamous epithelium in ducts and sacs
Describe bronchiole structure
narrower air tubes in which cartilage is replaced with spirals of smooth muscle
-site of bronchoconstriction
Describe the structure of alveoli
-single layer of squamous epithelium
-supported by loose,elactic,connectibe tissue fibroblasts containing:
macrophages,fibroblasts,nerves,blood vessels,lymph vessels
Define respiratory membrane
fused wall of alveoli and cappilary wall
Describe the role of alveoli in regards to its surfactant function
-decreases surface tension of fluid-lungs inflate easier
-prevents alveoli from collapsing
-pre term babies have not developed siffiecent surfactant-resp support
What’s boyles law?
pressure is inversley proportional to volume
-air flows down pressure gradient
What does Boyle’s law help us to understand?
-action of muscles
-changes in intrapleural pressure
-changes in intrapulmonary pressure
-flow of air down pressure gradient