The liver,gall bladder, pancreas Flashcards
What are the main functions of the liver?
-detoxification of metabolic waste
-destruction of spent RBC
-secretion of bile
-synthesis of plasma proteins
-processing and storage of nutrients absorbed from gut tube
-storage of fat-soluble vitamins
describe the structure of the liver lobule-structural unit
-group of hepatocytes
-seperated by connective tissue with portal tracts
-portal triads at corner of lobules
Describe main components od the liver lobule
-central vein
-hepatic portal vein
-hepatic artery
-bile duct
efficent 2 way exchange between blood in sinusoids and hepatocytes
Descibe the structure of the gall bladder
-muscular sac,stores and concentrates bile 5-10x
-tall columnar epithelium with brush border
-lymph/blood vessels in submucosa to transport H2O away
Describe the structure of bile
-bile salts-emulsify fats
-bile pigments-chiefly bilirubin(haem waste product) broken down into sterocobilin
Describe the function of the pancreas
-exocrine component forms 80% gland
-secretes alkaline fluid rich in enzymes
-neutralises acid chyme from stomach
-trypsin/chymotrypsin secreted in inactive form-prevents autodigestion
-activated in duodenum
Explain the control of bile and pancreatic secretion
-presence of acidic chyme in intestine stimulates production of intestinal juice
-secretin stimulates liver cells to release bile and pancreatic secretion
-CCK stimulates gallbladder contractionand pancreatic secretion