The Respiratory System Flashcards
Functions of the Respiratory System (4)
Regulate or modify flow of air
Serve as olfactory receptors
Facilitate water and heat
Since dogs do not have sweat glands (except on their feet), they cannot perspire to lower their body’s temperature like humans do. To cool their body they must breathe harder (pant). By breathing faster, warm air is exchanged from the body for the cooler outside air.
Heat regulation
largest opening into the skull
Bony nasal aperture
*Parts of the Respiratory Apparatus
External Nose (7)
– Bony nasal aperture
– Muzzle
– Dorsal nasal ligament
– Lateral nasal ligament
– Nostrils
– Philtrum
– Alae
________ is deep in carnivores and small in ruminants
– Moistens and warms inspired air
– Contains nasal conchae (dorsal10, ventral11) that divide the nasal cavity into meatuses (dorsal13, ventral14, middle12)
Internal Nose or Nasal Cavity
- Mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity
- Vemoronasal organ or Jacobson’s organ
Nasal mucosa
– For olfaction
– Sexual behavior
– Kin recognition
Nasal mucosa
Dogs possess up to _______ olfactory receptors in their noses,
300 million
Humans have ________ olfactory receptors
6 million
the part of a dog’s brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is about __ times greater than ours.
Nasal portion of the pharynx
a narrow channel that connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx
Auditory tube / Eustachian tube / Pharyngotympanic tube
A musculo-cartilaginous valvular apparatus connecting the pharynx and the trachea
– To regulate air volume in respiration
– To prevent aspiration of foreign bodies
Cartilages of the Larynx (6)
- Epiglottis
- Cricoid
- Thyroid
- Arytenoid - paired
- Sesamoid
- Interarytenoid
A non-collapsible tube extending from larynx to the hilus of the lungs where it divides into right and left bronchi (carina)
Made up of C and U shaped tracheal rings
production of sound caused by movement of air across the vocal folds, causing them to vibrate.