Liver and Pancreas Flashcards
- The largest single organ in the canine body.
- it has both an exocrine (bile production) and endocrine (production of substances needed for metabolic processes) functions
The Liver
Lobes of the liver
- left hepatic lobe –
- right hepatic lobe –
- quadrate lobe
- caudate lobe –
*Lobes of the liver
left hepatic lobe – divided into:
– left lateral lobe
– left medial lobe
*Lobes of the liver
right hepatic lobe – divided into:
– right lateral lobe
– right medial lobe
*Lobes of the liver
caudate lobe – divided into:
– papillary process
– caudate process
- Supplied with blood via the portal vein and hepatic artery.
- Blood carried away by the hepatic vein.
Gross Anatomy
- The _____ is innervated by the vagus nerves and sympathetic fibers from the celiac plexus.
– Muscular bag for the storage, concentration, acidification and delivery of bile to small intestine
Gall Bladder
Functions of the Liver (5)
– Storage of Nutrients
– Breakdown of erythrocytes
– Bile Secretion
– Synthesis of plasma Proteins
– Synthesis of cholesterol
*Surfaces of the Liver
that part of the liver which is in contact with the diaphragm
diaphragmatic surface
*Surfaces of the Liver
that part in contact with the stomach, duodenum, pancreas and right kidney
visceral surface
Liver impressions (3)
- gastric impression
- duodenal impression
- renal impression
is a lobulated, thin, elongated organ that is divided into three parts: the right lobe, the left lobe, and the body.
The normal canine pancreas is _____ thick with a pancreatic ductal diameter of 0.6 mm.
6 to 8 mm
The pancreas has both _______ (enzymes) and ________ (insulin and glucagon) functions
It is one of the most difficult structures to identify in the normal patient due to the similar echogenicity and echostructure of the pancreas and the adjacent mesentery and fat.
*Blood Supply of the Pancreas
– pancreatic branches of cranial and caudal pancreaticoduodenal arteries
Right lobe
*Blood Supply of the Pancreas
– pancreatic branch of splenic artery
– Small branches of common hepatic artery
– Branches from gastroduodenal artery
– Pancreatic branches directly from the celiac artery
Left lobe
*Blood Supply of the Pancreas
Lymphatics from the pancreas drain into the _______ ___ ___ when present and to the hepatic, splenic and mesenteric lymph node
duodenal lymph node
*Nerve Supply
This comes from the _______ ____ from the celiac and cranial mesenteric plexus
sympathetic fibers