the face Flashcards
what is the primary function of the muscles of the face?
protective function
what is the secondaryfunction of the muscles of the face?
modify facial expressions
what muscle has 2 different muscle bellies? what are they?
has a frontal and occipital belly
what muscle (be specific) allows for Eyebrow elevation and produced wrinkles on the forehead?
the frontal belly of Occipitofrontalis
what muscle surrounds the orbit and transverse eyelid?
Orbicularis oculi
what muscle be specific allow for Forceful closure of the eyelids?
orbital portion of the Orbicularis oculi
what muscle be specific allow for o Gentle closing of eye lids
palpebral portion of Orbicularis oculi
what is the muscle that encircles the eye?
Orbicularis oculi
what muscle acts as an oral sphincter, and o compresses and protrudes the lips?
Orbicularis oris
what muscle encircles the mouth?
Orbicularis oris
what muscle(s) resist distension when blowing?
Orbicularis oris and buccinator
is Orbicularis oris only one or 2 muscles?
separated into 2 muscles
what muscles produced a fake smile? how is it produced?
retraction of the corners of the mouth
how does depressor anguli oris function?
o Pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly
where does depressor anguli oris originate and insert?
o Starts on the side of the mandible and inserts onto the corner of the mouth
what can be completed by contraction of depressor anguli oris?
o Leads to complete rounding of the mouth
what depressor muscle pulls lip inferiorly (exclusively)?
Depressor Labii Inferioris
which muscle sits slightly deeper to Depressor Anguli Oris?
Depressor Labii Inferioris
what happens when Depressor Labii Inferioris is contracted?
brings center of the lips down to the chin
what muscle sits dee to labii inferioris?
what muscle is responsible for elevatation and protrusion the lip (pouting)
what does the mental portion of the face refer to?
the chin
what muscle stretched between the zygomatic bone and the angle of the mouth?
Zygomaticus major
what muscles are involved in a true smile?
Zygomaticus major and Zygomaticus minor
what happens when Zygomaticus major is contracted?
Pulls the lips superiorly and laterally
what muscles is Stretched between the zygomatic bone and the upper lip?
Zygomaticus minor
what happens when Zygomaticus minor is contracted?
it pulls lip superiorly
what happens if Zygomaticus minor and Zygomaticus major and contracted unilaterally?
smirk- only one side will elevate
what muscle Elevates the upper lip causing for scrunching of the nose and flares the nostrils
Levator labii superioris Alaeque Nasi
where is Levator labii superioris Alaeque Nasi located?
o Located along the nose towards the center
what muscle is antagonist to depressor labii inferioris
Levator Labii superioris
what is accomplished through contraction of Levator Anguli Oris ?
elevation of angle of the mouth
what muscle presses the cheek against the molar teeth?
what are the main function s of buccinator muscle?
-expels air via oral cavity
allows suckling
-draws mouth to one side
-resists distension when blowing
what muscle is easy to identify as it forms the lateral walls of the oral cavity and is pierced by the parotid duct?
- buccintor
what are the main function of platysma?
o Depresses and wrinkles the skin of the lower face and mouth
o Tenses skin of neck
o Aids in forced depressions of mandible
what nerve is responsible for the motor innervation of the face?
CN 7 (facial N)
what does the facial nerve pierce through?
Pierces through the parotid gland
into what branches does the facial nerve divide into after passing through the stylomastoid foramena? what is the trick?
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Marginal Mandibular Cervical To Zanzibar By Motor Car
what is bell’s palsy?
o Partial or total paralysis off the facial N CN VII
what are some effects of bell’s palsy?
o Inability to close eye lid; dropping eyelid
o Loss of muscle tone in cheek
o Drooping of the corner of the mouth
o Causes for changes in quantities of tears and saliva produced
what is the partoid gland?
salivary gland that secretes serous saliva
where is the opening in order to intake the saliva that gets produced externally?
o Opens up next to the 2nd maxillary molar
what innervates the partoid gland?
parasympathetic branch of CN IX
where does the parotid gland come from and what will it pierce?
o Comes from Masseter (muscle of mastication) and will pierce the buccinator muscle
what are the branches (a) that come from the external carotid A.?
superior thyroid A. Lingual A. Facial A Maxillary A Superficial Temporal A occipital A postrior Auricular A
where does carotid bifurcation take place?
at CIV
where does the facial A ascend?
ascends anterior to masseter on the mandible and along the maxilla along the lateral sides of the node
what branches originate from the facial A?
supralabial A
infralabial a
Angular A
what A. supply blood to the upper and lower lips?
supralabial A
infralabial a
what branches come from the maxillary A?
infraorbital A
mental A
to what region does the infraorbital A provide blood to?
blood to the face, under the eyes
what is the pathway taken by the infraorbital A.?
Travels along the floor of the orbit before piercing through the skull at the infraorbital foramen
what A does the mental A arise from?
inferior alveolar A
along what does the mental A travel?
within the mandible
anastamoses between what A are formed in the face?
Infraorbital A. with the angular A.
Mental A. with inferior labial A.
what A. of the face travel behind the ear?
occipital A and posterior auricular A.
what does the superficial temporal vein become further in the face?
retromandiblar vein
what veins drain into the internal jugular vein?
the facial vein and the superficial temporal vein
what vein will drain region of the head?
facial veins
what is responsible for draining the brain?
cavernous sinus
what does the facial nerve drain into?
into the pterygoid plexus
what is the danger with the small connecting veins between the cavernous and pterygoid plexus?
lack of valves increases spread of bacteria
in what region can the temporal pulse be felt?
near the temporal region (side of the forehead)
how can the facial pulse be felt?
o Clench jaw feel muscle, go anterior to it relax and you should feel pulse
what is the danger zone?
region where infection or risk of is more prominent; due to easy spead of infection