Test 1: other gram negatives Flashcards
___ (zoonotic, reportable pathogens spread venearally)
____(the agent of tularemia)
Francisella tularensis
rabbits and ticks→ lymphadennopathy, splenomegaly/necrosis
____ (the agent of contagious equine metritis-CEM)
Taylorella equigenitalis
____ (the agent of bovine Pinkeye)
Moraxella bovis
_____ (normal flora of dogs that can cause severe infections in people)
Capnocytophaga canimorsus
____ (the agent of contagious equine metritis-CEM)
Taylorella equigenitalis
Brucella will cause ___ in humans
undulant fever
how to get brucella
highly contagious zoonosis
ingest raw milk/meat
direct contact to secretions → repro (placenta)
have to usually report to authorities
pathogenesis of brucella
lives inside cells → forms brucellasomes
migrate to areas with high erythritol (sugar alcohol) → reproductive organs
also found in supra-mammary lymph nodes (milk), bones and joints
lifelong infection
brucella are attracted to ___ inside the cell
erythritol → sugar alcohol
males with bucellosis
enlarged sex organs → orchitis
females with brucellosis
reduced milk yield
juveniles with brucellosis will →
usually die
aka. poor doers
three types of smooth brucellae
B. suis → feral pigs→ cattle and dogs
brucella abortus → cattle and bison → undulant fever, fistulous withers →(wild bison in yellowstone) →slaughter surveillance and vaccine at 6-12 months (live attenuated
B. melitensis → goats and sheep cheese → foreign animal disease
two type of rough brucellae
B. ovis → sheep rams large sex organs. ewes resistant
B. canis → dogs → abortion → check before breeding → FUO, orchitis, discospondylitis → spay, cull, doxy
how to tell smooth from rough brucellae
smooth have a OPS added to the end of their LPS
B. ovis and B. canis are both ___
rough brucellae
Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis are all ___
smooth brucellae
Brucella is transmitted to humans by ___
contact with animal or animal products
Brucella abortus
type of smooth brucella
spread by contact with afterbirth or venerally
cause undulant fever in people
cause fistulous withers in horses (Actinomyces bovis also cause this)
what two things cause fistulous withers in horses
Brucella abortus
Actinomyces bovis → gram -, acid fast -
what are the reservoirs of brucella abortus and where are they found?
wild bison and elk in the yellowstone area
wild bison and elk in the yellowstone area are the last remaining reservoir of ___
brucella abortus in the US
Brucella abortus surveillance
national → slaughter and high risk states → card agglutination, ELISA
milk ring test → no longer federally funded → blue ring +
what kind of vaccine for brucella abortus
RB51 → live attenuated
can be spread to humans if needle poked, or shed in the raw milk of vaccinated cows
federal→ 4-12 months heifer calves
live attenuated strain vaccine for Brucella abortus
can be spread to human by needle poke or shed in raw milk products
____ is the most readily transmitted of the Brucella species to humans
Brucella melitensis
goat and sheep cheese
____ is considered a foreign animal disease brucella
Brucella melitensis
sheep and goat
Brucella melitensis can be found where in the world
not USA
foreign animal disease
southern Europe, middle east, parts of Asia and Latin America
Brucella suis is found where___
wild feral swine
can spread to cattle (usually beef)