Test 1: Lecture 1 and 2 intro and structure Flashcards
prokaryote vs eukaryote
prokaryote→ no nucleus, single cell organism, cell wall
eukaryote → nucleus, can be single or multicellular organisms
gram + bacteria are ___
gram - bacteria are ___
fastidious bacteria are ___
difficult to grow in a lab
we know little about them
a bacteria that is microareophilic likes ___
high CO2
a bacteria that has facultative growth means
prefers aerobic( O2) or anaerobic (no O2) but will grow in the other if it has to
a bacterial cell has a complex structure with highly
___ traits AND highly ___ trait
a bacteria is what type of cell?
no nucleus → nucleoid
cell wall of mycobacteria have ___
mycolic acid
what kind of bacteria?
Gram +
Outer layer: Thick layer of peptidoglycan
• teichoic acid (bound to peptidoglycan)
• lipoteichoic acid (anchored in cytoplasmic membrane)
Inner layer: Cytoplasmic Membrane
gram + or Gram - have a LPS outer layer?
gram negative
Gram stain purple ___
gram +
gram stain pink
gram negative
Gram + Have a thick outer cell wall
made of ___
gram + peptidoglycan layer is covered in ___
lipoteichoic acid and teichoic acid
Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp. would stain ___
gram +
E. coli, Salmonella and enterica would stain ___
gram negative
gram negative have an outer and inner membrane with a thin ___
layer of peptidoglycan
gram - bacteria cell wall is covered by ___ that can be seen by ___
(LPS) lipopolysaccharide
what does TLR4 see and what kind of bacteria?
gram negative
steps of Gram stain
if you stopped a gram stain at the iodine treatment stage what color would gram + and - bacteria be?
both purple
have not gone through the decolorization and counter stain phase
___ and ___ are found in the outer layer of a gram + bacteria
teichoic acid -(bound to peptidoglycan)
lipoteichoic acid- (anchored in cytoplasmic membrane)
another name for peptidoglycan