T5: Development into Adolescence Flashcards
strong emotional relationship between child and primary caregiver.
well formed attachment needs: sensitivity, responsiveness
Harlow’s Monkeys
1950s theory of maternal-infant attachment said it was just a means for the child to get food. this experiment proved that comfort is also sought out. (removed baby monkeys from their mothers and gave two choices for new mothers: cloth or wire with food, cloth was chosen more often)
Parenting Styles
over-arching, general strategies that parents use to influence the affects, behaviors, and cognition of their children. based off of degree of control and responsiveness that parents have toward children.
low control, low responsiveness (no rules, doesn’t care)
low control, high responsiveness (no rules, wants to be your friend)
high control, low responsiveness (many rules, but won’t explain them or give reasoning)
high control, high responsiveness (many rules, but wants you to understand them and be willing to follow them)
period of transition from the dependence of childhood to the independence of adulthood
-physical maturation, identity formation
having sexual maturation and an ability to reproduce.
-growth spurt, sexual maturation
growth spurt
happens earlier for girls than boys, but boys are averagely taller than girls are
sexual maturation in girls
release of estrogen stimulates development of female secondary sex characteristics.
a first period
sexual maturation in boys
release of androgen stimulates release of male secondary sexual characteristics.
-live sperm appear in semen.
early maturation in girls
age of menarche is decreasing due to obesity and weight gain, exposure to chemicals, exposure to artificial light, family relationships, and role of the father.
Erik Erikson
proposed staged theory of development. each stage focuses on a psychosocial crisis that needs to be resolved.
identity crisis
struggle to define a sense of self, what to do in life, and what one’s attitudes, beliefs, and values should be.
Erikson’s crisis stages
0-1.5: trust vs mistrust
1.5-3: autonomy vs self doubt
3-6: initiative vs guilt
6-puberty: competence vs inferiority
Adolescent: identity vs role confusion
young adult: intimacy vs isolation
middle adult: generativity vs stagnation
late adult: ego-integrity vs despair
changes are less dramatic than adolescence.
maturity principle
people become more dominant, agreeable, conscientious, and emotionally stable over the course of their lives.
stages of adulthood
early: 18-45
middle: 45-65
late: 65+
role conflict
having many roles
role strain
not being able to fill all of your roles at the same time/
suggests 5 stages of death (+grief): denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.