Q6: Abnormalities Flashcards
maladaptive affects, behaviors and cognition that are at odds with societal expectations and result in distress or discomfort.
not able to function normally
act of recognizing a disorder on the basis of specified symptoms (DSM-5)
problems with classification / labeling
can be dehumanizing, don’t explain behaviors, can create lasting stigmas, comorbidity
(time of the crime) legal term, requires evidence that they didn’t know/understand consequences, difference between right/wrong, or unable to control actions
(time of the trial) understand courtroom procedures, aid in defense.
Anxiety Disorders
feeling of general apprehension or dread accompanied by predictable psychological changes. sympathetic nervous system.
-Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, phobic Disorder, PTSD
Beta Blockers
inhibit SNS activation
generalized anxiety disorder
persistent, excessive levels of anxiety. anxiety has a free floating quality in that it is not tied to a particular object or situation.
panic disorder
repeated panic attacks accomplished by persistent concern about future attacks. panic attacks have strong physiological symptoms. onset is unpredictable
phobias / phobic disorders
persistent and excessive fear of an object, activity, or situation. avoidance of phobic object is negatively reinforced by relief.
treatment: therapy with systemic desensitization
watson’s little albert experiment shows that phobias can be learned.
obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)
recurrent obsessions and or compulsions. repetitive cycle may ensue in which obsessions cause anxiety that is partially relieved by compulsions.
ideas or thoughts that involuntarily and constantly intrude into awareness
repetitive behavior
post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)
maladaptive reaction to traumatic events or stressors. encounter lingering problem with adjustment, often for years after an event.
event does not have to happen personally, just be witnessed in some way.
gets worse with time.
somatoform disorders
involve physical bodily symptoms or complaints with no known medical or biological cause for disorder.
-somatic symptom disorder, conversion disorder
somatic symptom disorder
interpreting normal body sensations as proof of disease, expressing anxieties through bodily complaints, and/or disabling pain with no identifiable basis.
conversion disorder
loss or altering of physical, often neurological, function that suggests a physical disorder, but not with any medical explanation. can be sensory or motor. doesn’t cause the sufferer any distress.