systemic infections II Flashcards
anaplasma spp. general chracteristics
- family anaplasmatacea
- obligate intracell
- 2 membranes no cell wall
- no lipopolysacharides
- stain gram neg but not surely gram neg
- shape = round
- obligate aerobes or microaerophilic
anaplasma spp. carriers
infected animals
anaplasma spp. transmission
ticks and other blood sucking arthropods
anaplasmosis phagocytophilum infect what cells
granulocytes or monocytes
anaplasmosis phagocytophilum in who
- dogs and horses
- affects horses > 3yrs
- zoonotic (ppl get from wild reserviurs like animals do)
anaplasmosis phagocytophilium signs
- fever, inappetence, lethargy, lameness
- thrombocytopenia -> bleeding tendencies (this occurs later on)
- many dogs sero pos w/o signs
anaplasmosis phagocytophilum spread by
ixodes ticks
anaplasmosis species of interest systemic infections
- Anaplasmosis phagocytophilum
- Anaplasmosis platys
- anaplasma marginale
anaplasmosis platys dx in who
anaplasmosis platys signs
- mild often no signs
- thrombocytopenia often w/ no signs
anaplasmosis platys spread by
rhiphocephalus ticks can also spread E canis if coinfection -> more severe dx
anaplasmosis dog dignosis
snap 4dx
anaplasmosis marginal affects who
- ruminants (older animals, younger animals dnt see signs of dx)
anaplasmosis marginalis pathogen
- infects erythrocytes -> these mult in abc then exocytose then infect other rbcs in body of same animal -> infected cells = removed by phagocytosis
- spread by dermacentor ticks
anaplasmosis marginalis signs
- anemia
- abortion
anaplasmosis spp. diagnoses
- bld smear for intracell bacteria also see morulae of Anaplasmosis phagocytophilum seen on bld smear (vacuoles w/ mult bacteria); these on edge rbc
- serology (4dx for dog A. phagocytophilum and A. platys)
tx anaplasmosis
control anaplasmosis
- Anaplasma marginal or Analplasma centrale liv vac to young aniamls
- can give young anaplasma marginal bc young animals dnt get the dx
- tick control
mycoplasma haemofelis general charactersitics
- pleomorphic
- lack outer membrane and cell wall
- membrane contains cholesterole
- very host specific
mycoplasma haemofelis pathogen
- surface parasite of feline erythrocytes
- infected cells removed by phagocytosis (no overt rbc lysis)
mycoplasma haemofelis -> what in who
- anemia in cats and icterus
- can be infected w/o signs
- stress -> clin signs
- 1/3rd cases fatal
mycoplasma haemofelis diagnosis
- organism seen in bld smears
- PCR of blood
mycoplasma haemofelis vs other mycoplasma sepecies
- mycoplasma haemofelis diff than traditional mycoplasma which are extracellular on mucosal surfaces these are extraceulluar on surface rbcs
mycoplasma haemofelis control
- tx tetracycline to dec clin signs (once have carry for life)
- prevent stress (bc dz reemerges in times of stress)
mycoplasma suis pathogenesis
- cell surface parasite of erythrocyte
- infected cells removed by phagocytes
mycoplasma haemofelis transmission
- transmission bloodborne- blood sucking arthropods, fighting
mycoplasma suis transmission
- blood borne: house louse, instruments
mycoplasma suis -> what
infectious anemia of pigs (specifically fever pigs 6-12 weeks), icterus
mycoplasma suis diagnosis
organisms can be seen in bld smears
mycoplasma suis control
- tx tetracycleine (control clinical signs doesn’t eliminate)
- control hog lice, reduce stress (overt dx seen in animals with stress)
hemotropic mycoplasma spp.
- mycoplasma haemofelis
- mycoplasma suis
- mycoplasma wenyonii
- mycoplasma ovis
mycoplasma wenyonii causes what in who
- anemia, lymphadenopathy, drop in milk production in cows
mycoplasma ovis causes what in who
- anemia, lymphadenopathy, drop in milk production in sheep
mycoplasma weyonii pathogenesis
- cell surface parasite of erythorcyes
- transmission = bloodborne- blood sucking arthropods
mycoplasma ovis pathogenesis
- cell surface parasite of erythorcytes
- transmission = bloodborne- blood sucking arthropods
mycoplasma weyonii tx
- tetracycle (dec bacterial load doesn’t eliminate completely)
mycoplasma ovis tx
-tetracycle (dec bacterial load doesn’t eliminate completely)
borellia burgdorferi general characteristics
- spirochetes
- stain gram neg (not true gram neg bc 2 membranes w/ peptidoglycan layer btwn no lps)
- v thin hard to see on gram stain
- microaerophilic
- motile
borellia burgdorferi staining
- would stain gram neg but v thin
- use silver stain or dark field microscopy
borrelia burgdorferi transmission
ixodes ticks (can get phagocytosis with anaplasma phagocytophilum)
borrelia burgdoerferi -> what in who
lyme dx
- dogs
- horses
- zoonotic (ppl get dx from same wild reserviour that dogs and horses get it from)
lyme dx life cycle
- ixodes overwinter on deer so found where deer are
- deer dont get lyme
reserviours for lyme dx
- NOT deer (ticks live on deer but deer dont get lyme so not a reserviour)
- rodents and birds = reserviour
lyme dx in dogs signs
- causative agent borellia burgdorferi
- poly arthritis, shifting lamness
- fever, anorexia
- some breeds renal dx
- may serapes with no signs
lyme dx signs horse
- shifting lamness
- ocular and neural involvement -> ataxia
borellia burgdorferi pathogenic mechanisms
- tick feeds on host -> bacteria changing surface protein expression and moving into salivary gland (take blood meal turn off adhesion for tick gut and change expression to outer surface protein c allowing bacteria to move into salivary gland where can be transmitted which is why it takes 36-48 hrs to transmit infectious dose of this bacteria)
- bacteria avoid detection by host immune system
- damage bc induction of inflam response
how does borellia burgdorferi evade host immune system
- down-regulate outer membrane protein synth
- antigenic variation of some outer membrane proteins
- hide in connective tissue
borellia burgdorferi diagonsis
- pcr (only if know where animal was bitten or synovial fluid this isn’t a very reliable way)
- serology (can show exposure serologically with no clinical signs)
control borellia burgdoerferi
- antibiotics (doesn’t work well if animal has renal signs)
- tick control
- lyme vac
mycoplasma hyorhinis general characteristics
- pleomorphic
- stain gram neg- lack outer membrane and cell wall, not truly gram neg
- membrane contains cholesterol
- fac an
- natural inhabitant of mucous membranes
mycoplasma hyosynoviae general characteristics
- pleomorphic
- stain gram neg- lack outer membrane and cell wall, not truly gram neg
- membrane contains cholesterol
- fac an
- natural inhabitant of mucous membranes
mycoplasma hyorhinis causes what in who
- polyserositis, most severe arthritis in pigs (peak about 7 weeks of age)
- fever, listless, inapetance
mycoplasma hyosynoviae causes what in who
- arthritis pigs 12-24 weeks
- transient arthritis, delay in weight gain but tend to get better
mycoplasma hyosynoviae tx
- respond well to antibiotics
mycoplasma synoviae general characteristics
- pleomorphic
- stain gram neg- lack outer membrane and cell wall, not truly gram neg
- membrane contains cholesterol
- fac an
- natural inhabitant of mucous membranes
mycoplasma synoviae causes what in who
- synovitis in chickens and turkeys
- lameness, retarded growth
- listlessness, dehydration
mycoplasma bovis, mycoplasma spumans, mycoplasma putrefaciens general characteristics
- pleomorphic
- stain gram neg- lack outer membrane and cell wall, not truly gram neg
- membrane contains cholesterol
- fac an
- natural inhabitant of mucous membranes
mycoplasma agalactiae general characteristics
- pleomorphic
- stain gram neg- lack outer membrane and cell wall, not truly gram neg
- membrane contains cholesterol
- fac an
- natural inhabitant of mucous membranes
mycoplasma bovis causes what in who
- arthritis in cases of stress in cattle
mycoplasma spumans causes what in who
- arthritis in cases of stress in dogs
mycoplasma putrefaciens causes what in who
- arthritis in cases of stress in goats
mycoplasma agalactiae cause what in who
- arthritis in cases of stress in goats
- also causes mastitis in goats
mycoplasma bovis, mycoplasma spumans, mycoplasma putrefaciens, mycoplasma agalactiae control
- dont respond well to abs
- prevent stress and stay on mucosal surfaces where they should stay
main systemic dxs carried by ixodies ticks
- anaplasma phagocytophilum
- borellia burgdorphia
chlamydia pecorum general charcteristics
- small round
- gram neg
- obligate aerobe
- obligate intra cell
chlamydia pecorum natural inhabitant of where
- mucosal surfaces (resp tract, digestive tract, genital tract)
chlamydia pecorum transmission
- contact
chlamydia decorum causes what in who
lambs polyarthritis
chlamydia pecorum diagnosis
- inclusions IDed in stained patient specimens, serology
chlamydia pecorum tx
- tetracyline
haemophilus parasuis general chracteristics
- gram neg
- bacillus
- fac anaerobe
- do not survive in enivorment for extended period of time
haemophilus parasuis natural inhabitant of
swine nasopharynx
haemophilus parasuis -> what in who
- glassers dx in pigs
glassers dx
- polyseriositis
- polyarthritis
- meningitis
glassers dx endemic herds
- sporadic dx (not common dx animal has to be weak and be affected by stress when see dx signs) (large numbers will not be effected this is v sporadic dx)
- affects a lot of systemics: resp, neuro, lamness, paralytic signs, poor performers, c+, dyspnea, weight loss, drought hair coat
glassers dx high health status herds
- big issue here bc vector not found so all naive so if bacteria introduced every animal susceptible and can come down with severe dx
- dx everywhere ( fibrinopurulent exudates along peritoneum, pericardium, pleura, joints, meningitis); cyanosis of extremities
diagnosis of glassers dx
- herd hx
- clin signs
- necropsy
- HARD TO CULTURE dont culture urt bc commensals there
haemophilus parasuis control
- anitnbiotics (reduce bacteria dnt eliminate it)
- vac (commercial or herd-specific bacterins bc lots of diff serotypes)