Skin and Would 2 Flashcards
malassezia pachydermratits general info
- yeast, divides by budding
- aerobic or microaerophile
- lipophilic
malassezia pachydermatitis natural inhabitant of where
- skin
- mucous membranes
malassezia machydermatitsi causes what in who
- infections endogenous (normal commensal that overgrows when change in microenviorment)
- primarily in dogs
- RARE cats
- see in ppl but not zoonosis
when get malassezia pachydermatits infecitons
- after changes in host immunity, altered skin microclimate
- very often see under neck
malassezia pachydermattis see what
- dermatitis (pruritus, alopecia, hyper pigmentation; erythematous skin, lichenification)
- otitis externa, exudate can become purulent and malodorous; pruritus
malassezia pachydermattis diagnosis
- skin scrapings
- direct impression smears
- acetate tape samples (hard to reach areas)
- ear swabs for yeast overgrowth
- culture on fungal media or blood agar (always yeast)
- bc normal commensal will find it the key is to see how much you find (ie if you find an abnormally high amount)*
malassezia pachydermatitis tx
- shampoos to remove lipids form skin
- topical analgesics, anti-inflam, antifungal, antibacterial
- correct underlying conditions -> overgrowth
staphylococcus hyicus general
- gram pos
- fac an
- coccus
- in clusters
staphylococcus hyicus natural inhabitant of what
- skin
- mucous membrane
staphylococcus hyicus causes what in who
- greasy pig dx in young pigs
staphylococcus hyicus see what clincially (ie presentation greasy pig dx)
- reddish / copper colored skin
- thin brown scales become dark and greasy, peel off in scabs
- anorexia, dehydration, weak, depressed, can -> death if severe
staphylococcus hyicus transmission
- new born piglets = colonized w/ bacteria form dam if not good maternal immunity or maternal immunity wanes
- enhanced if immune damage
pathogenic mechanisms staphylococcus hyicus
- avoid clearance via antiphagocytic capsule and IgG biding protein inhibiting opsonization by antibodies
- exfoliative toxins produced by bacteria
exfoliative toxins staphylococcus hyicus
proteases cleave porcine desmoglein 1 -> intraepidermal cleavage plane (outer epidermis falls apart in stratum corneum and stratum granulosum) -> bacteria spreads in epidermis -> inflam
- piglet looses fluids through skin can -> dehydration
staphylococcus hyicus diagnosis
- clinical signs
- exudates
- skin scraping
staphylococcus hyicus tx
- ab resistance common so may need skin samples for suceptiblty testing
staphylococcus hyicus prevention
- good hygienic practice
- autogenous bacterin (give to sow passed onto newborns to try to reduce amount coming onto animals at time -> immunity)
dermatophilus congolensis general
- gram pos
- fac an
- branching filaments (“higher bacteria”)
- filaments fill w/ cocci = zoospores
dermatophilus congolensis inhabitant of what
- infected animals
- dnt survive well in environment or off animal
dermatophilus congolensis entry how
- entry via wounds or enter skin if wet for significant period of time (macerated skin)
- zoospores can enter through macerated skin then grow out into branching filaments
dermatophilus congolensis see what
- scabs made of layers keratinized epidermis and neutrophilic exudates (bacteria grow then immune response to bacteria then get scabs which = made of keratinized epidermis)
- scabs start out attached and come off but can get held on by hair or wool
dermatophilus congolensis causes what in who
- streptotricosis/ rain rot/ rain scald = cows, horse, goat
- lumpy wool dx and strawberry foot rot = sheep
strawberry foot rot clinical signs
- not serious foot rot
- localized to interdigital region
- scabs come off -> red lesions = look like starberries
rain scald clinical signs
- persistent soaking off skin; spots look like rain drops but are just individual spots of bacterial inoculation
- “paint brush lesions”
dermatophilus congolensis diagnosis
- scrapings form lesions- multicellular branching filaments
- bacteria in lesions
- bld agar
dermatophilus congolensis geo
- found world wide
dermatophilus congolensis tx
- scab removal via grooming, clipping
- variety of abs
dermatophilus congolensis prevention
- minimize wetting of skin
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis general
- gram pos
- fac an
- diptheroid (mult shapes)
- variably acid fast
- ZOONOTIC (cases in ppl v uncommon but possible)
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis normal inhabitant of where
- skin
- mucous membranes
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis entry how
- breaks in skin
- wounds (sheep from shearing, horses wounds or fly bites)
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis -> what in who
- caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats
- pigeon fever in horses (REPORTABLE)
- ulcerative lyphangitis, primarily in horses rarely in cows (less common in us usually see this in other pts of world)
caseous lymphadenitis sheep and goats corynebacterium pseudotubercolois see what
- multilayered abscesses in lns, general health = normal (sheep > goats); (get layered apperance bc mycolic acid in bacterial cell wall -> neutrophils and macrophages -> encapsulation -> rounds encapsulation -> layered appearance)
- thin ewe syndrome
goats multilayered accesses
in goats these = external layers from fighting or head butting
thin ewe syndrome see what
- corynebacterium pseudotubercolsis gets in via nicks in skin via sheering -> affects int lns nail okay at first but isn’t putting on weight –> accesses form in lns w/ in body and overtime response = basically animal not doing well / putting on weight
pyogranulomatous abcesse goat
- trueparella pyogenes
- corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
pigeon fever horses see what
- ## abscess typically pectoral region
pigeon fever horses pathogenesiss
- bacteria into skin via flies acting as mechanical vectors which -> breaks in skin -> abscess in chest region -> chest swelling
pigeon fever aka
dry land distemper
pigeon fever seen where
most common out west but can find anywhere in us
ulcerative lymphangitis see what
- primarily see in horses rarely also cows
- ascends lymphatics, develop accesses along tracts
- nodules rupture leaving ulcers; usually on lower limbs, ascend lymphatics and pyogranulomas from that can ulcerate to outside
ulcerative lyphangitis geo
- pigeon fever typically see in in us
- ulcerative lymphangitis is generally see outside of us
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis diagnosis
- pus from abscesses contains gram pos diphtheroids
tx corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
- caseous lymphadenitis = refractory to abs
- pigeon fever and ulcerative lymphangitis = abcess removed surgically
- prevent spread of dx by lancing and draining accesses b4 they rupture
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis prevention
- good hygiene during shearing
- lance and drain accesses b4 rupture
- vac for sheep and goats (dnt completely prevent dx or colonization but dc incidence of abscess formation)
- fly control horses
sub cutaneous mycoses general info
- causes by normal fungi out in environment
- a lot of fungi in environment wnt grow at body temp ones that do tend to produce proteases
- usually get into skin by thorn, splinter, ect.
sporothrix schenckii general info
- most common fungi that causes sq mycoses
- dimorphic
- mold in eniovnrmnet
- yeast in host (converts to yeast form in host, elongated yeast, ie cigar bodied, can be really hard to see)
- obligate aerobe
sporothrix schenckii natural inhabitant of
- soil
- wood
- vegitation
sporothrix schneckii entry
- wounds
- can infect ppl too but not zoonotic
sporothrix schenckii causes what
- mult small nodules on lower part of leg
- ulcerate and discharge pus
sporothrix schenckii causes what in who
- most common in horses on legs
- nodules along lower and upper legs
- like ulcerative lymphangitis (can ulcerate and discharge pus, can persist for months on legs of horse)
Sporothrix schenckii geo
- not very common in us
sporothrix schenckii diagnosis
- exudates grown on sabouraud dextrose agar at room temp and bld agar at 37C to demonstrate dimorphic
- can stain but hard to see
sporothrix schenckii tx
- iodides, azaleas given orally
malassezia pachydermatis dx process similar to
staph psuidintermedis, normal commensals overgrow and -> dx
sporothrix schenckii looks like
- ulcerative lyphangitis
- farci (skin form of glanders)