midterm virus things to know Flashcards
arenaviridae general characteristics
- ssRNA
- segmented (some ambisense segments)
- negative sense
- Enveloped
arenaviridae of interest
- lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Z
- Lassa fever Z
arteriviridae general charcteristics
- ssRNA
- positive sense
- E
arteriviridae of interst
- equine arteritis virus
- porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRS)
bunyaviridae general chracteristics
- ss RNA
- segmented (some ambiance segment)
- neg sense
- E
bunyaviridae of intrest
- crimean congo hemorrhagic fever Z
- hantaviruses Z
- Rift Valley fever Z
circoviridae general characteristics
- ssDNA
- non-E
circoviridae viruses of interest
- chicken infectious anemia
- porcine circovirus types 1 and 2
- psittacine beak and feather dx
coronaviridae general characteristics
- ssRNa
- pos sense
- e
coronaviridae viruses of interest
- avian infectious bronchitis virus (Ibv)
- bovine coronavirus (calves)
- winter dysentery (adults)
- canine coronavirus (resp and regular)
- equine coronavirus
- feline enteric coronavirus and fip
- porcine epidemic d+ virus
- porcine hem agglutinating
encephalomyelitis virus - transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGE)
- porcine delta corona virus
flaviviradae general characterisits
- includes genus flavivirus and pestiviruses
- ssRNA
- pos sense
- E
flavivirus viruses of interest
- west nile virus
- louping ill (infectious encephalomyelitis in sheep)
- St. Louis encephalitis virus
- tick-born encephalitis viruses
- wesselsbron dx
- yellow fever
pestiviruses of interest
- border dx virus
- bovine viral d+ viruses 1,2 (BVD)
- Classical swine fever/ hog cholera
herpesviridae general characteristics
- dsDNA
- E
herpes viruses of interst
- infectious laryngotracheitis
- infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (BHV-1)(IBR)
- Pseudo-lumpy skin dx; bovine mammilitis (BHV-2)
- canine herpesviruses 1
- equine abortion virus (equine herpes virus 1 (ehv-1)
- equine coital exanthema (EHV-3)
- equine viral rhinopneumonitis (EHV-4)
- feline viral rhinotracheitis virus (FVR) (FHV-1)
- malignant catarrhal fever- (OHV-2)(AIHV-1)
- pseudorabies
- marek’s dx
orthomyxoviridae general characteristics
- ssRNA
- segmented
- negative sense
- E
orthomyxoviruses of intrest
- avian influenza
- equine influenza
- swine influenza
- canine influenza
paramyxoviridae general characteristics
- ss rna
- neg sense
- E
paramyxoviridae viruses of interest
- new castle dx
- bovine resp syncitial virus (BRSV) (ACTUALLY A PNEUMOVIRUS)
- Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3)
- canine distemper
- canine parainfluenza
- Peste de petits ruminants
parvoviridae general characteristics
- ss dna
- non e
parvoviridae of interst
- canine parvovirus 1
- canine parvovirus 2- parvo
- feline panleukopenia
- porcine parvovirus
- goose and duck parvovirus
- canine bocavirus
- simian parvovirus
- milk Aleutian dx
- rodent parvovirs
poxviridae general charcteristics
- ds dna
- e w/ 1 or 2 lipid membranes
poxviridae of interesest
- bovine papular stomatitis virus
- ORF virus
- fowlpox virus
- lumpy skin dx
- sheep pox
- goat pox
- swine pox
- cowpox virus
- vaccinia virus
- myxomytosos- rabbits
- monkeypox
- ectromelia- mice
togaviridae general characteristics
- ss rna
- pos sense
- e
togaviridae of interet
- these are alpha viruses
avian enteritis pathogens viral
- Newcastle dx (paramyxovirus)
- hemorrhagic enteritis of turkeys (adenovirus)
avian neurologic pathogens viral
- marek’s dx (herpesviridae); unilateralism paresis
- eee (togavirus; maintained in birds no dx)
- west nile (flaviviridae; reserviour host)
avian ocular pathogens viral
- Marke’s dx (herpes virus) (irregular pupil border)
- Newcastle dx (paramyxoviridae) (conjunctivitis)
avian repro pathogens viral
- egg drop syndrome (adenoviridae) (soft shell/ shell less eggs)
- avian influenza (orthomyxovirus) (fowl plague)
avian resp pathogens viral
- infectious bronchitis (IBV) (coronavirus)
- Newcastle dx (paramyxoviridae)
- avian influenza (orthomyxo)
- infectious laryngotracheitis (herpes)
avian systemic dx pathogens viral
- Newcastle dx (paramyxovirus)
- marek’s dx (herpes)
- chicken infectious anemia (circoviridae, primary infection of bursa of Fabricius)
avian vesicular and/ or erosive dx pathogens viral
- fowlpox (poxviridae; virus lives in scabs)
- marek’s dx (herpes; nodules no skin, would see more neuro signs though)
bovine abortion pathogens viral
- IBR (BHV-1) (Herpes
- Rift Valley fever (bunyviridae)
- bvd (pestivirus)
bovine repro non aborition pathogens viral
-IBR (BHV-1) (Herpes) (vulvovaginitis, blanoposthititis)