Surgical, Diagnostic, Pathological Suffixes (Intro to MT) Flashcards
To break; surgical fracture
Ex: oste/o/clasis = surgical breaking or fracture of a bone to correct a deformity. (Osteoclasia)
Surgical puncture
Ex: arthr/o/centesis = surgical puncture of a joint
Binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
Ex: arthr/o/desis = binding or fixing of a joint.
Excision, removal
Ex: append/ectomy = excision or removal of the appendix
Separation; destruction; loosening
Ex: thromb/o/lysis = separation, destruction, or loosening of a blood clot
[thromb/o=blood clot]
Fixation (of an organ)
Ex: mast/o/pexy = surgical fixation of the breast(s)
Surgical repair
Ex: rhin/o/plasty = surgical repair of the nose (to change shape or size)
Ex: my/o/rrhaphy = suture of a muscle
Forming an opening (mouth)
Ex: trache/o/stomy = forming an opening (mouth) into the trachea
[trache/o=trachea (windpipe)]
Instrument to cut
Ex: oste/o/tome = instrument to cut bone
Ex: trache/o/tomy = incision of the trachea
[trache/o=trachea (windpipe)]
Ex: lith/o/tripsy = crushing a stone or calculus
[lith/o=stone, calculus]
Record, writing
Ex: Electr/o/cardi/o/gram = record of electrical activity of the heart
[electr/o=electricity; cardi/o=heart]
Instrument for recording
Ex: cardi/o/graph = instrument to record electrical activity of the heart
Process of recording
Ex: angi/o/graphy = process of recording images of blood vessels (recording images of blood vessels after injection of a contrast medium)
[andi/o=vessel (usually blood or lymph)]
Instrument for measuring
Ex: pelv/i/meter = instrument for measuring the pelvis
[pelv/i = pelvis]