Suffixes Flashcards
pain (cephalalgia) (gastralgia)
inflammation (Gastritis)
pertaining to (gastric)
creating a new opening into (gastrostomy)
noun suffixes
a, ate, e, emia, er, esis, is, iatry, ion, ism, ist, ole, osis, ula, tion, ule, um, us, y
something that… (hemolysate)
noun ending (can also be used as a prefix) (cyanderma)
noun ending (dermatome)
blood condition (hyperglycemia)
one who (radiographer)
condition of (enuresis)
condition (a noun ending, also) (paraplegia)
medical treatment, medical profession (Podiatry)
action, process (conduction)
condition (hirsutism)
practitioner (pharmacist)
small or little (arteriole)
condition (cyanosis)
process of (relaxation)
small, little (macula)
“small one” (venule)
a suffix that identifies singular nouns (dorsum) (duodenum)
a suffix that identifies singular nouns (coccus)
condition; process (myopathy)
Adjective Suffixes
ac, al, ar, ary, eal, ic, ical, ile, oid, ory, ous, tic
suffixes meaning pertaining to…
-ac, -al, -ary, -ic, -ical, -eal, -ectic, -ile, -ous, -tic, -ory
pertaining to (cardiac) (hypochondriac cavity) (hypogastric cavity)
pertaining to (abdominal cavity) (cervical vertebrae) (cranial cavity) (dorsal) (distal) (inguinal region)
pertaining to (ventricular)
pertaining to; relating to (pulmonary)
pertaining to (thoracic)
pertaining to (abdominopelvic cavity) (epigastric cavity)
pertaining to (combination of ic + al) (neurological)
pertaining to; capable (febrile)
resembling (mucoid)
pertaining to; characterized by (auditory)
pertaining to (venous)
pertaining to (cyanotic)
specialist in a field of study (obstetrician)
relating to medicine, physicians, or medical treatment (pediatrics)
medical treatment, medical profession (psychiatry)
one who treats; a physician (psychiatrist)
specialist in a field of study (geriatrician)
practitioner (pharmacist)
one who spéciales in the study of (histologist)
the study of (cytology)
surgical procedure (amniocentesis)
crushing or breaking up (osteoclasis)
binding or surgical fusion (arthrodesis)
surgical removal (appendectomy)
record or picture (electrocardiograph)
process of recording (electrocardiograph)
to make; to treat or combine with (anesthetize)
destruction or detachment (dialysis)
an instrument used to measure (pelvimeter)
the process of measuring (pelvimetry)
process of viewing (biopsy)
surgical fixation (colpopexy)
surgical repair (rhinoplasty)
surturing (nephrorrhaphy)
an instrument used to view (ophthalmoscope)
the surgical creation of a new opening (colostomy)
incision into (phlebotomy)
intentional crushing (lithotripsy)
toward, increase (caudad)
sensitivity to pain (anaalgesia)
embryonic stage of development (leukoblast)
swelling or herniation (cystocele)
to kill or destroy (spermicide)
cell (leukocyte)
pain (cephalodynia)
stretching or dilatation (gastrectasia)
stretching or dilatation (gastrectasis)
that which generates (glycogen)
generating; formation (lithogenesis)
pertaining to formation, producing (lithogenic)
an instrument used to record (electrocardiograph)
pregnancy (multigravida)
presence of an abnormal condition (cholelithiasis)
one who treats; a physician (pediatrician)
to make; to treat or combine with (anasthetize)
seizure, attack (narcolepsy)
presence or formation of stones (cholelithiasis)
destruction or detachment (keratolytic)
a mental disorder; a “madness” (megalomania)
enlargement (cardiomegaly)
tumor (lipoma)
visual condition (myopia)
visual condition (hemanopsia)
disease (adenopathy)
decrease in, deficiency (leukocytopenia)
attraction to (necrophilia)
abnormal fear (necrophobia)
formation of development (anaplasia) (dysplasia) (neoplasia) (aplasia) (hyperplasia) (hypoplasia)
paralysis (tetraplegia)
breathing (dyspnea)
drooping or prolapse (colpoptosis)
excessive flow or discharge (gastrorrhagia)
discharge; flow (rhinorrhea); drainage
rupture (arteriorrrhexis)
the process of viewing with a scope
stopping or controlling (homeostasis)
a characteristic of the urine (hematuria)
characteristic of
to evaluate
condition of carbon dioxide content in the blood
-clast, -clastic
to break
condition involving cells of the blood
that which runs together
pertaining to
to vomit
noun ending
sensation or feeling
producing or forming
containing protein
pleural ending
pertaining to
pertaining to a condition
relating to medicine, physicians, or medical
noun ending
stone, calculus
pertaining to birth
drooping or prolapse
suffix indicating a singular noun
incision to
bearing offspring
partial paralysis
state of digestion
-phage, -phagia
to eat
emotional state
growth, growing
plate, flat plane
to mold
formation, production
passage or pore
activity; practice
excessive flow or discharge
a “body” of a specified sort
twitching; involuntary contraction
condition of the mind or will
nourishment; development
to turn
stimulating effect of a hormone