Chapter 14 Spelling words Flashcards
relating to sound or the sense of hearing
- surgical incision into the eardrum to relieve pressure
- also called a myringotomy
- tubes in the ear to aid in: avoiding a potential spontaneous rupture of the tympanic membrane, relieve pain, restore hearing, improve speech problems and learning deficits, equalize pressure in the middle ear
- tubes are removed after the middle ear heals
-double vision caused by each eye focusing separately
-also known as diplopia
ambi/o=both sides -opia=visual condition
-reduced vision that is not correctable with lenses and with no obvious pathological or structural cause
-dullness or dimness of vision
ambly/o=dull, dim -opia=visual condition
inequality in the diameter of the pupils of eyes
aniso=unequal cor/o=pupil -ia=condition
-without a lens in the eye
a=without, not phak/o=lens -ia=condition
aque/o=water -ous=pertaining to
Argyll-Robertson pupil
- a pupil that constricts upon accommodation but not in response to light
- can be due to miosis or advanced neurosyphilis
-relaxation of the skin of the eyelid, usually upper eyelid where skin may droop over the edge of the eyelid when the eyes are open
-drooping of the upper eyelid
-it is the result of a weakened muscle
-usually only one eye but may be both
-may be caused by an underlying disease
blephar/o=eyelid -ptosis=drooping or prolapse
-inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye
-may be bacterial infection, a viral infection, allergy, or environmental
conjunctiv/o=conjuntiva -itis=inflammation
-paralysis of the ciliary muscle
cycl/o=ciliary body -plegia=paralysis
inflammation of the lacrimal gland
dacry/o=tears aden/o=gland -itis=inflammation
excessive flow of tears
dacry/o=tears -rrhea=discharge, flow
-double vision caused by each eye focusing separately
di-double -opia=vision
- eversion (turning outward) of the edge of the eyelid
- causes exposure of the eyelid and eyeball surface and lining
- tears are unable to flow into the tear ducts and go down the face instead
- exposure and dryness leads to irritation
- frequently affects older populations
- causes: weakened muscle, facial nerve paralysis and eyelid tissue atrophy
- a state of normal vision
- eye is at rest and the image is focused directly on the retina
- inversion (turning inward) of the edge of the eyelid
- -may result in damage to the cornea
- occurs in older populations
- cause:development of loose fibrous tissue in the lower eyelid, resulting in extreme tightening of the eyelid muscle
-inflammation of the outermost layers of the sclera
epi=upon scler/o=sclera of eye -itis=inflammation
-an obvious inward of one eye in relation to the other eye
-also called crosseyes
eso=within -tropia=to turn
pertaining to the outside of the eye
extra=outside, beyond ocul/o=eye -ar=pertaining to
-the examination of the fundus of the eye, the deepest part or base, w/ an ophthalmoscope through a procedure called a ophthalmoscopy
-loss of vision, or blindness, in 1/2 of the visual field
hemi=half an=without =opia=visual condition
hemi=half an=without =opsia=visual condition
-inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye
irid/o=iris cycl/o=ciliary body -itis=inflammation
-inflammation of the iris
-inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye
kerat/o=cornea of the eye conjunctiv/o-conjunctiva
-cone-shaped protusion of the center of the cornea, no inflammation
-fungal growth in the cornea
kerat/o=cornea myc/o=fungus -osis-condition
-pertaining to tears
lacrim/o=tears -al=pertaining to
-the secretion of tears from the lacrimal glands
-abnormal constriction of the pupil
mi/o=smaller -sis=condition
-an agent that causes constriction of the pupil
mi/o=smaller ic=pertaining to
-abnormal dilation of the pupil
mydr/o=widen -iasis=presence of abnormal condition
-an agent that causes dilation of the pupil
mydr/o=widen -iatic=pertaining to a condition
-pertaining to the nose and lacrimal ducts
nas/o=nose lacrim/o=tears -al=pertaining to
- involuntary, rhythmic jerking movements of the eye.
- quivering side to side, up and down, or a combination
- caused by alcohol or certain drugs, lesions on brain or inner ear, congenital abnormalities, nerve injury at birth, or abnormal retinal development
-a medical doctor who specializes in the comprehensive care of the eyes and visual system; prevention and treatment; can deliver total eye care
ophthalm/o=eye -logist
-the branch of medicine that specializes in the study of the diseases and disorders of the eye
ophthalm/o=eye -pathy=disease
-pertaining to the eyes or sight
-a health professional (not an MD) who specializes in filling prescriptions for corrective lenses for glasses or contact lenses
optic/o=eye, vision -ian=specialist in a field of study
- doctor of optometry (O.D.) responsible for examination of the eye, and associated structures to determine vision problems
- they can also prescribe lenses or optical aids
-pertaining to the eyelid
-swelling of the optic disc, visible upon ophthalmoscopic examination of the interior of the eye
-softening of the lens of the eye
phac/o=lens malac/o=softening -ia=condition
-abnormal sensitivity to light, especially by the eyes
phot/o=light -phobia=abnormal fear
- loss of accommodation for near vision
- poor near-vision due to the natural aging process
- eyes cannot focus on an image accurately due to its decreasing loss of elasticity
- usually results in hyperopia
-pertaining to the pupil of the eye
-any disease of the retina
retin/o=retina -pathy=disease
-excision or removal of a portion of the sclera of the eye
scler/o=sclera -ectomy-surgical removal
-an area of depressed vision (blindness) within the usual visual field, surrounded by an area of normal vision
-a defined area in on or both eyes that has a decreased visual function
scot/o=darkness -oma=tumor
- inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye; includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid
- inflammation of all or part of the middle vascular layer of the eye
-pertaining to the vitreous body of the eye
vitre/o=glassy -ous=pertaining to
- a refractive error that causes light rays entering the eye to be focused irregularly on the retina due to an abnormally shaped cornea or lens
- causes blurred vision and discomfort
- verified through an ophthalmoscopic examination
- corrected though contact lenses or glasses
- acute or chronic inflammation of the eyelid
- from seborrheic, allergic, or bacterial origin
- redness, swelling, burning and itching of eyelid margin; usually mucous drainage; sometimes scaling, granulation, or crusting
-color blindness: inability to perceive visual colors sharply
-two types: daltonism-unable to distinguish green from reds, sex-linked inherited disorder OR Achromatic vision: person cannot distinguish any color, only white, gray and black, defect or absence of the cones
mono=one chromat/o=color -ism=condition
- the lens becomes progressively cloudy, losing its normal transparency and thus altering the perception of images due to the interference of light transmission to the retina
- classified as senile: after the age of 50, found in 95% of people over 65 OR secondary: results from a trauma, radiation injury, inflammation, medications,diabetes mellitus
- treatment: surgical intervention, phacoemulsification, extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)
- a cyst or nodule on the eyelid
- from an obstruction of a meibomian gland which lubricates the eyelid margin
conjunctivitis, acute
- inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyelids and covering the front part of the eyeball
- most commonly called pinkeye
- but can also be from allergies, environment, or systemic diseases
corneal abrasion
- disruption of the cornea’s surface epithelium
- usually from an eyelash, a small foreign body, contact lenses, or a scratch from a fingernail; or from a chemical irritant or dryness of eye
diabetic retinopathy
- consequence of long-term or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
- tissues of the retina experience scarring due to: abnormal dilation and constriction of vessels; hemorrhages; microaneurysm; abnormal formation of new vessels causing leakage of blood into the vitreous humor
- the leading cause of blindness in the US
-abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, usually with the sclera noticeable over the iris
-usually due to an expanded volume of the orbital contents
-may be from a tumor, edema, or underlying disease such as hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease)
ex=out ophthalm/o=eye -ia=conditon
- ocular disorders due to increase in intraocular pressure
- may be primary or secondary, acute or chronic
- pressure leads to inhibited blood supply to the optic neurons, which leads to degeneration and atrophy of the optic nerve and finally total loss of vision
- chronic open-angle glaucoma: primary from breakdown in drainage of aqueous humor circulation
- acute closed-angle glaucoma: rapid primary of increased intraocular pressure in a short period of time b/c of mouth of drainage system being narrow and closed completely; can lose sight w/in 3 days
- stye
- bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland originating with redness, swelling, and mild tenderness in the margin of the eyelash
- will drain after 3 or 4 days
- squeezing will spread the infection
-a refractive error where the lens of the eye cannot focus on an image accurately, resulting in impaired close vision that is blurred due to the light rays being focused behind the retina because the eyeball is shorter than normal
-also called farsightedness
-light rays focus behind the retina
hyper=excessive -opia=visual condition
- a bleed into the anterior of the eye
- from a postoperative complication or from a blunt eye injury
- it is an emergency b/c of pressure damage from the blood
- corneal inflammation caused by a microorganism, trauma to the eye, a break in the sensory innervation of the cornea, a hypersensitivity reaction, or a tearing defect
- when preceded by URI herpes simplex is often the cause
- a refractive error where the lens of the eye cannot focus on an image accurately
- impaired distant vision that is blurred due to the light rays being focused in front of the retina b/c the eyeball is longer than normal
- also called nearsightedness due to the clarity of close objects
- light rays focus in front of the retina
-night blindness
-inadequate vision at night or in faint light following reduction in the synthesis of rhodopsin, a compound in the rods of the retina that enables the eye to adjust to low-density light
-from retinal deterioration, vit. A deficiency or a congenital defect
nyctal/o=night -opia=visual condition
ophthalmia neonatorum
-a purulent (contains pus) inflammation of the conjunctiva and/or cornea in the newborn
-b/c of exposure to viral, bacterial, chemical, or chlamydial agents
ophthalm/o=eye -ia=condition ne/o=new nat/i=pertaining to birth
- an irregular growth developing as a fold in the conjunctiva, usually on the nasal side of the cornea that can disrupt vision if it extends over the pupil
- caused by allergies and excessive ultraviolet light exposure
retinal tear
-an opening in the retina that allows leakage of vitreous humor
- inflammation of the sclera
- left untreated may lead to perforation and loss of eye
- failure of the eyes to gaze in the same direction due to weakness in the muscles controlling the position of one eye.
- most common type is nonparalytic strabimus, an inherited defect where the eye position of the two eyes has no relationship
- convergent strabismus (crosseye): esotropia; the affected eye turns inward; develops in infancy or early childhood
- divergent strabimus (walleye): exotropia; affected eye turns outward
- an adhesion in the eye that develops as a complication of trauma or surgery or as a secondary condition of one of the following pathological condition: cataracts, glaucoma, keratitis, or uveitis
- the adhesion causes the iris to adhere to the lens or the cornea, resulting in the blockage of flow of aqueous humor between the posterior and anterior chambers causing pressure to rise
- treatment involves dilation by using a mydriatic
- an infectious eye disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis which is chronic and will lead to blindness without effective treatment
- it is contagious
- early symptoms:tearing, pain, photophobia, and inflammation
- without treatment follicles will form on the upper eyelid, then granulation, and resulting in blindness
corneal transplant
- surgical transplantation of a donor cornea (cadaver’s) into the eye of a recipient, usually under local anesthesia
- young donors are preferred b/c of direct link between endothelial layer to age and health
- a group of tests used in evaluating the vestibulo-ocular reflex (the normal reflex produced by stimulation of the vestibular apparatus in which eye position compensates for motion of the head)
- where damage exists, the reaction is absent or blunted
electroretinogram (ERG)
- a recording of the changes in the electrical potential of the retina after the stimulation of light
- by using a contact lens electrode placed on the cornea
- evaluates retinal disease
extracapsular cataract
- surgical removal of the anterior segment of the lens capsule along with the lens, allowing for the insertion of an intraocular lens implant
- proven to result in fewer complications during the extracapsular cataract extraction
fluorescein staining
- application of a fluorescein-stained sterile filter paper strip moistened with a few drops of sterile saline or sterile anesthetic solution to the lower cul-de-sac of the eye to visualize a corneal abrasion
- the abrasion stains bright green
- should not be used by a dropper bottle
-the process of viewing the anterior chamber angle of the eye for evaluation, management, and classification of normal and abnormal angle structures
-determines whether the drainage of the eye is open or closed
goni/o=angle -scopy=process of viewing
-extraction of a small segment of the iris to open an anterior chamber angle and permit the flow of aqueous humor between the anterior and posterior chambers to relieve intraocular pressure
- the transplantation of corneal tissue from one human eye to another to improve vision in the affected eye
- also called corneal grafting
- the examination of the external and internal structures of the eye with an ophthalmoscope
- can even view blood vessels
-the method of removing a lens by using ultrasound vibrations to split up the lens material into tiny particles that can be suctioned out the eye
photo-refractive keratectomy
-a surgical procedure in which a few layers of corneal surface cells are shave off by an excimer laser beam to flatten the cornea and reduce myopia
retinal photocoagulation
-surgical procedure that uses an argon laser to treat conditions such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy by: retinal detachment (creating an area of inflammation that will develop adhesions and cause a “welding” of the layers); diabetic retinopath (seal microaneurysms and areas of leakage and to reduce risk of hemorrhage)
-the process of determining the intraocular pressure by calculating the resistance of the eyeball to an applied force causing indentation
-surgical excision of a portion of corneoscleral tissue to decrease the intraocular pressure in persons with severe glaucoma
- surgical creation of a permanent fistula used to drain fluid (aqueous humor) form the eye’s anterior chamber
- can also be done with a laser
- the process of checking one’s hearing to determine the lowest tones heard by the ear
- how well a person can hear various frequencies of sound waves
- more specific than bone conduction tests
the chart illustrating the lowest or faintest sounds detected by the ear
-earwax that lubricates the ear
-pertaining to the sense of hearing
audit/o=hearing -ory=pertaining to
-pertaining to the ear
aur/o=ear -al=pertaining to
-pertaining to the ear and temporal area of the skull
auricul/o=ear tempor/o=temple -al=pertaining to
barotitis media
-inflammation or bleeding of the middle ear
-caused by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure (scuba diving or descent of an airplane)
-especially occurs when someone has an URI
bar/o=pressure ot/o=ear -itis=inflammation
medi/o=middle -a=noun ending
-pertaining to the cochlear, snail-shaped structure in the middle ear
- inflammation of the inner ear
- particularly of the 3 semicircular canals in the inner ear, which are fluid-filled chambers and control balance
- primary symptom is vertigo; or nystagmus and sensorineural hearing loss
- typically from a virus
- inflammation of the mastoid process
- usually the extension of a middle ear infection
- chronic mastoiditis can be from cholesteatoma
- must be dealt with surgically if antibiotics do not work b/c of close proximity to the brain
-surgical repair of the eardrum with a tissue graft
-corrects hearing loss
-also called a tympanoplasty
myring/o=eardrum -plasty=surgical repair
-pain in the ear
-an earache
-also called otodynia
ot/o=ear -algia=pain
otitis media (acute)
-acute inflammation of the middle ear
-predominantly affects infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
- inflamed causing fluid behind the tympanic membrane
ot/o=ear itis=inflammation medi/o=middle -a=noun ending
- an earache
- otalgia
-fungal infection of the external auditory meatus of the ear
ot/o=ear myc/o=fungus -osis=condition
-drainage from the ear, usually relates to inflammation of the ear
-loss of hearing due to the natural aging process
presby/o=old age
-containing pus
-an instrument used to examine the nasopharynx and the eustachian tube
salping/o=eustachian tube
-pertaining to producing serum
- surgical removal of the stapes (middle ear and insertion of a graft and prosthesis
- stapes often diseased by otosclerosis
- ringing or thinking noise heard in the ears
- may be a sign of ear injury, disease, or toxic levels of some medications (such as aspirin)
- a sensation of spinning around or of having things int he room or area spinning around the person
- result of equilibrium disturbance
- a slow-growing cystic mass made up of epithelial cell debris and cholesterol found in the middle ear
- occurs as a congenital defect or as a result of chronic otitis media (tympanic membrane perforations form epithelial cell debris which clump in the middle ear and form an infected cystlike mass)
sensorineural deafness
-hearing loss b/c of inability of nerve stimuli to be delivered to the brain from the inner ear due to damage to teh auditory nerve or the cochlea or to leasions of the 8th cranial nerve
Méniére’s disease
- chronic inner ear disease where there is an over accumulation of endolymph (fluid in the labyrinth) characterized by reoccurring episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, feeling of pressure or fullness in the affected ear, and tinnitus
- episodes last hours or days
- cause is unknown
otitis externa (OE)
- inflammation of the outer or external ear canal
- also called swimmer’s ear
- inflammation from the growth of bacteria or fungi in the external ear
serous otitis media
- a collection of clear fluid in the middle ear that may follow acute otitis media or be due to an obstruction of the eustachian tube
- popping or snapping in the ear
suppurative otitis media
- a purulent collection of fluid in the middle ear, causing the person to experience pain , an elevation in temperature, dizziness, decreased hearing, vertigo, and tinnitus
- also called acute otitis media
- major concern is rupture of the tympanic membrane
-a condition where the footplate of the stapes becomes immobile and secured to the oval window, resulting in a hearing loss (due to the inability of the stapes to rock the oval window)
Rinne test
- tuning fork test
- examination that compares bone conduction and air conduction
- tuning fork placed on mastoid process and then moved to in front of the ear
- good hearing will hear it longer in front of the ear, hearing problems will hear it longer at the bone site
-removal of portion of the ear cartilage to being the pinna and auricle nearer the head