Chapter 1 PowerPoint Flashcards
the importance of learning medical terminology
all professionals have a level playing field and can talk about the same things
What is the basic foundation of the word
the word root. e.g. cardi. everything revolves around the root. must know the meaning of the root itself. medical terms are created every day based on the new changes occurring.
What is a combining form?
word root + a vowel (usually an ‘o’ and sometimes an ‘i’) e.g. myoelectric—-> my o electr ic
What is the combining vowel rule? (slide 7)
A word cannot end in a combining form. Either: -drop the combining vowel -add a suffix -make the word a noun or an adjective Example- Megalocardia Note: Word cannot be megal/o/card/o Must drop combining vowel o Must add ending
True or False: The word root is the basic ending of a word.
False. The word root is the basic foundation of a word.
What generally needs to happen when a term has more than one word root?
You need a combining vowel.
What is a suffix?
- Attaches to the end of the word root
- Makes word a noun or an adjective
- Meaning of suffix remains the same
- Suffix changes meaning of root to which it is attached
How do you break down and define a word?
Always start with the suffix. Then the prefix, and then the root(s).
What is the suffix rule?
If the suffix starts with a consonant, add a combing vowel. If the suffix starts with a,e,i,o,u or y- add directly to the root
e.g. cardi o gram or e.g. cardi algia
In the term hypodermic, why is there no combining vowel before the suffix?
The suffix –ic already begins with a vowel, so no combining vowel is needed.
What is a prefix?
-Attaches directly to the beginning of a word
-Meaning of prefix always remains the same
-Prefix changes meaning of root to which it is attached
-Not all words have prefixes
e.g. endocardium
Note: Combining vowel is not needed
True or False: The meaning of prefixes and suffixes never changes, but both change the meaning of the word root.
True-The meaning change could be as simple as changing from a noun to an adjective, or from positive to negative
What is the structure of compound words?
usually composed in the following order: Combining form + word root + suffix Example: Leuk / o + cyt + osis (Combining form) + word root + suffix
Define intracardiac
Suffix = ac = pertaining to
Prefix = intra = within
Word root = cardi = heart
Definition = pertaining to within the heart
What do you do when medical words identify body systems or parts
Define suffix first, body organs in order they are studied in body system
Example: cardiopulmonary
Suffix = ary = pertaining to
Body organ = cardi = heart
Body organ = pulmon = lungs
Definition = pertaining to the heart and the lungs
When you have all 3 components of a term, what is the order in which you read them?
Suffix, Prefix, Root
Sounds like an ‘f’—look for
f or ph
sounds like a ‘j’—look for
j, ge, gi, gy
sounds like a ‘k’—look for
k, c, ch, qu
sounds like an ‘n’—look for
n, pn, kn
sounds like an ‘c’—look for
s, c, ps
sounds like ‘sk’—look for
sk, sc, sch
sounds like ‘z’—look for
z or x
If intra = within, cardi = heart, and –ac = pertaining to, define the term intracardiac:
Pertaining to within the heart
soft ‘c’ sounds
Words that begin with ‘c’
If followed by ‘e’, ‘i’, or ‘y’—Pronounced as soft ‘c’ -Has ‘s’ sound
Examples ‘ce’ = cervix, ‘ci’ = circumduction, ‘cy’ = cyst
Hard ‘c’ sounds
Words that begin with ‘c’
If followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘u’, or consonant,
Pronounced as hard ‘c’—Has a ‘k’ sound
Examples-‘ca’ = cancer, ‘co’ = collagen, ‘cu’ = cuticle,
‘ch’ = cheiloplasty
Words that end in ‘g’
If followed by ‘e’ or ‘i’, pronounced as soft ‘g’-Sounds like ‘j’
Examples- Laryngectomy , Pharyngitis
If followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, or consonant, pronounced as hard ‘g’
Has ‘guh’ sound
Examples: Laryngalgia, Meningocele, Glossal
What is an eponym?
Name for a disease, organ, procedure, or body function
Derived from the name of a person