Chapter 22 Spelling Words Flashcards
adverse reaction
-the body’s reaction to a drug in an unexpected way that may endanger a patient’s health and safety
anaphylactic shock
- a severe idiosyncratic reaction
- a life-threatening, hypertensive reaction to food or drugs
- includes: acute respiratory distress; hypotension; edema; tachycardia; cool, pale skin; cyanosis; and possibly convulsions shortly after administration of the medication
chemical name
- a description of the chemical structure of the drug
- it is listed in the Hospital Formulary along with the chemical formula diagram
-the treatment of diseases by using drugs that have a specific deadly effect on disease-causing microorganisms
-these drugs are used in the treatment of certain infections and cancer
chem/o=pertaining to a chemical, drug -therapy=treatment
-any special symptom or circumstance that indicates that the use of a particular drug or procedure is dangerous, not advised, or has not been proven safe for administration
-a drug level begins to accumulate in the body with repeated doses because the drug is not completely excreted from the body before another dose is administered
Hospital Formulary
- a reference book that lists all of the drugs commonly stocked in the hospital pharmacy
- gives info about the characteristics and their clinical use
-low blood pressure
-less than normal blood pressure
hypo=under, beneath, below, less than normal tens/o=strain -ion=action; process
- an unusual, inappropriate response to a drug or to the usual effective does of a drug
- the reaction can life threatening
-one who is licensed to prepare and dispense drugs
-the study of how drugs interact in the human body
-the field of medicine that specializes in the study of drugs, including their sources, appearance, chemistry, actions, and uses
-a place for the preparing or dispensing drugs
-the effect that occurs when two drugs administered together produce a more powerful response that the sum of their individual parts
systemic effect
- a generalized response to a drug by the body
- the drug has a widespread influence on the body because it is absorbed into the bloodstream
the body’s decreased response to the effect of a drug after repeated dosages
-the study of poisons, their detection, and their effects and establishing antidotes and methods of treatment for conditions they produce and prevention of poisoning
-relieves pain (aspirin, tylenol)
an-=without alges/o=pain -ic=pertaining to
-partially or completely numbs or eliminates sensitivity with or without loss of consciousness (Xylocaine)
-corrects cardiac arrhythmias (Lanoxin, Inderal)
anti=against arrhythmia/o=rhythm -ic=pertaining to