Structures & Ligaments of the Hip Flashcards
The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum, otherwise known as the hip.
Coxofemoral Joint
What type of joint is the coxofemoral joint?
Synovial Ball and Socket Joint
What 3 directions does the head of the femur project?
Medially, Superiorly & Anteriorly
What 3 directions does the acetabulum project?
Laterally, Inferiorly & Anteriorly
Extension, internal rotation and a small amount of abduction is also known as the ____________ position of the hip.
Flexion and external rotation is also known as the ____________ position of the hip.
What 6 movements are available at the coxofemoral joint?
1) Flexion
2) Extension
3) Medial Rotation
4) Lateral Rotation
5) Abduction
6) Adduction
The horseshoe-shaped part of the hip containing articular cartilage that connects with the head of the femur.
Articular Surface of the Acetabulum
A cylindrical ligament that connects the head of the femur to the acetabulum.
Ligament of the Head of the Femur
What are 3 other names for the ligament of the head of the femur?
1) Ligamentum Teres
2) Round Ligament
3) Foveal Ligament
A fibrocartilagenous lip that attaches to the bony rim of the acetabulum. It functions to deepen the acetabulum, which creates a more stable articulation.
Acetabular Labrum
Located in the centre of the acetabulum and the space is occupied by a fat pad covered with synovium to help create cushioning.
Acetabular Fossa
A notch between the 2 ends of the acetabulum and creates a passage for blood vessels.
Acetabular Notch
A ligament that connects/closes the acetabular notch.
Transverse Ligament of the Acetabulum
All of the capsular ligaments of the hip are coiled/twisted as they pass from the pelvis to the femur in a _______ position.
Extension/hyperextension tightens the capsular ligaments of the hip, making this movement part of the ____________ position.
Full hip flexion with adduction creates slack in the capsular ligaments of the hip, making this movement part of the ____________ position.
A ligament of the hip that attaches from AIIS and the acetabular rim to the intertrochanteric line of the femur.
Iliofemoral Ligament (aka. Y Ligament)
What 3 movements does the iliofemoral ligament restrict?
1) Extension
2) Abduction
3) Lateral Rotation
A ligament of the hip that attaches from the superior pubic ramus to the iliofemoral ligament.
Pubofemoral Ligament
What movement does the pubofemoral ligament restrict?
A ligament of the hip that attaches from the ischial part of the acetabular rim to the femoral neck and medial greater trochanter.
Ischiofemoral Ligament
What movement does the ischiofemoral ligament restrict?
A bursa located between the gluteus maximus muscle and the posterolateral greater trochanter.
Trochanteric Bursa
A bursa overlying the ischial tuberosity.
Ischiogluteal Bursa
The layman’s term for ischiogluteal bursitis.
Weaver’s Bottom
A bursa located between the iliopsoas muscle and the iliopubic eminence.
Iliopectineal Bursa
A cartilaginous joint between the 2 pubic bones. There is a fibrocartilaginous disc present, which acts as a shock absorber. There is limited movement at this joint.
Pubic Symphysis (aka. Symphysis Pubis)
What are the 2 ligaments associated with the pubic symphysis?
1) Superior Pubic Ligament
2) Inferior Pubic Ligament
The joint between the ilium and the sacrum that has limited movement. The surfaces are irregular in shape and contour, which result in a partial interlocking of the bones.
Sacroiliac Joint
What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?
Synovial Joint (very strong)
What are the 2 strongest ligaments of the body that are associated with the sacroiliac joint?
1) Anterior Sacroiliac Ligaments
2) Posterior Sacroiliac Ligaments
Which ligaments progressively relax (along with the pubic symphysis) during pregnancy to allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal?
Vertebropelvic Ligaments
A ligament that attaches from L4 & L5 to the posterior iliac crest. It is a key stabilizer of L5.
Iliolumbar Ligament
What movement does the iliolumbar ligament restrict?
Lateral Flexion
A ligament that attaches from the posterior surface of the sacrum/coccyx to the ischial tuberosity. It stabilizes the SI joint and provides a surface attachment for gluteus maximus.
Sacrotuberous Ligament
What pelvic movement does the sacrotuberous ligament restrict?
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
A ligament that attaches from the lateral sacrum/coccyx to the ischial spine. It converts the greater sciatic notch into the greater sciatic foramen.
Sacrospinous Ligament