Bones & Ligaments of the Pelvis Flashcards
Means basin and includes the hip bones, sacrum and coccyx. The female ______ is shorter and wider than the male one for carrying and delivering babies.
What are the 3 main functions of the pelvis?
1) Protect Internal Organs
2) Transmit Forces from Upper Body onto Lower Limb
3) Absorb Forces from Lower Limb
The wedge-shaped bone between the 2 hip bones.
Known as the tailbone. Human embryos have this remnant of a tail until the beginning of the 8th week.
There are 2 of these bones and some other names include coxal bones, os coxa and innominate.
What are the 3 regions of the hip bone?
1) Ilium
2) Ischium
3) Pubis (aka. Os Pubis, Pubic Bone)
A region of the hip that is large, superior and makes up 2/3 of the bone.
A region of the hip that makes up the posterior and inferior part of the bone.
A region of the hip that makes up the anterior and inferior part of the bone.
Pubis (aka. Os Pubis, Pubic Bone)
Curved ridges found along the gluteal surface of the ilium.
Gluteal Lines
What are the 3 gluteal lines?
1) Anterior
2) Inferior
3) Posterior
The blunt process that marks the posterior end of the iliac crest.
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)
The sharp process found along the posterior border of ilium. It is located between the PSIS and the greater sciatic notch.
Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine (PIIS)
The larger of 2 indentations found along the posterior border of the hip.
Greater Sciatic Notch
Formed by the greater sciatic notch, sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments.
Greater Sciatic Foramen
What are the 3 structures that pass through the greater sciatic foramen?
1) Piriformis
2) Sciatic Nerve
3) Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
The inferiorly located, thick, irregularly shaped part of the ilium.
Body of Ilium
The pointed, triangular process found along the posterior border of the body of ischium. It separates the greater sciatic notch from the lesser sciatic notch.
Ischial Spine
The smaller of the 2 indentations found along the posterior border of the hip.
Lesser Sciatic Notch
The posteriorly located, thick, irregularly shaped part of the ischium.
Body of Ischium
The large, rounded, rough elevation on the dorsal surface of the body of ischium. Commonly referred to as “sitting bone.”
Ischial Tuberosity
The flat, bony bar that projects from the inferior portion of the body of ischium.
Ramus of Ischium
Formed by the junction of the ischium and pubis. It is partly covered by connective tissue membrane and the opening allows nerves and blood vessels to pass through.
Obturator Foramen
The inferiorly located, flat bony bar that projects from the inferolateral aspect of the body of pubis.
Inferior Pubic Ramus
The small, raised eminence found along the lateral end of the pubic crest.
Pubic Tubercle
The superiorly located, bony bar that projects from the superolateral aspect of the body of pubis.
Superior Pubic Ramus
The junction of the ilium, ischium and pubis. This is the place where the head of the femur articulates with the pelvis.
The thick, rough process found along the anterior border of ilium. It is located between the ASIS and the acetabulum.
Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
The blunt process that marks the anterior end of the iliac crest.
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
The thickened superior border of the ilium that runs from ASIS to PSIS.
Iliac Crest
The prominence found along the iliac crest that is located along the outer lip approximately 5 cm posterior to ASIS.
Iliac Tubercle
The smooth, large, concave area of the inner aspect of the ilium.
Iliac Fossa
The raised area on the hip that marks the union between the body of ilium and the superior pubic ramus.
Iliopubic Eminence
The posterosuperiorly located ridge on the superior pubic ramus.
Pectineal Line (aka. Pecten Pubis)
The ear-shaped, articular area of the sacropelvic surface of ilium. It is located inferior to the iliac tuberosity and articulates with the sacrum.
Auricular Surface of Ilium
Combined form of the ramus of the ischium and the inferior pubic ramus.
Ischiopubic Ramus
The boundary between the lower limb and the abdomen with attachments from ASIS to the pubic tubercle. It creates a passageway for important nerves.
Inguinal Ligament
The depression between the abdomen and the thigh. Commonly referred to as the groin.
Inguinal Region