STDs Flashcards
What are the 3 main bacterial microbes that cause STDs?
*Trichomonas Vaginalis is a protozoa that causes STD
In order of prevalence, what are the top 4 STDs in Salt Lake County?
1-Chlamydia (most prevalent by a lot)
3-Early Syphilis
Visible drip form the penis or WBCs seen on a urethral gram stain is characteristic of what?
Vaginal discharge or friable cervix is typical of what?
What patient is most likely to have chlamydia?
Young women living in more urban areas
What is the most common reportable STD in utah?
Chlamydia trachomatis
What is the CDC recommended treatment for NGU and Cervicitis?
Azithromycin 1000 mg 1x
What pathogen is associated with urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis and pelvic inflammatory disease as well as possible adverse reproductive health?
Mycoplasma genitalium
*treat with 400 mg Moxifloxacin x7 days (Azithromycin and doxycycline unpredictable)
Urethral gram stain is used in males but both females and males use nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) to diagnose what?
*Gram negative
What are two options for Gonorrhea treatment?
1-Ceftriaxone 250 mg
2-Azithromycin 2000 mg 1x (if beta lactam allergic)
What two infections are typically asymptomatic?
Oral Gonorrhea and Oral Chlamydia
What are the 3 criteria that, each of which, could be considered pelvic inflammatory disease?
1-Cervical motion tenderness
2-Uterine tenderness
3-Adnexal tenderness
White vaginal discharge, presence of clue cells, pH greater than 4.5 and fish odor with KOH are diagnostic criteria for what?
Bacterial Vaginosis
*treat with metronidazole 500 mg for 7 days
Bumps/blisters, vaginitis, with dysuria are symptoms of what?
Genital Herpes
*Treat with acyclovir or Valacyclovir
What does the uncultivable agent treponema pallidum cause?
*presents with “Shankers” (red area with raised border) that can be painful but often are not