Spray Pond Flashcards
During normal operation, what Auxiliary Systems do the Spray Ponds support ?
-Emergency Diesel Generators
-Essential Cooling Water
-Essential Chillers
-Shutdown Cooling
-Fuel Pool Cooling
-Nuclear Cooling Water Priority Loads
-Normal chemistry & periodic testing
During emergency operations what’re the Spray Ponds capable of ?
May be connected to provide Ultimate Heat Sink for cooling Aux. systems required for safe Reactor Shutdown
What’re the functions of Spray Pond system ?
1.)Transfers heat loads from Essential Cooling systems to the atmosphere
2.)Transfers heat loads from DG Coolers to atmosphere
3.)Has capacity to provide cooling after Design Basis LOCA
4.)Maintains water chemistry by filtration,chemical additions,blowdown,& mixing
What does each train of equipment have for the Spray Pond ?
-Spray pond
-Spray Pond Pump
-20x4 spray headers,containing 4 nozzles total of 320nozzles
-Filtration equipment
-Chemical Addition equipment
What does Filtration equipment contains ?
-Filter Pump
-Backwash Sump with Pumps
How many days of capacity does each Essential Spray Pond have during normal or emergency operations ?
13days of capacity individually
If Spray Ponds are Cross-Connected how many days would a single equipment train have ?
Single spray pond train would have 26 days of capacity
What is the Mission Time for Spray Ponds ?
-Inventory is 26 days
-Components are 30 days
Where does each spray pond pump send cooling water to its associated Train Safety related Heat Exchangers ?
-DG Air Intercoolers
-DG Jacket Water Heat Exchangers
-DG Lube Oil Heat Exchangers
-Essential Cooling Water Heat Exchanger
Where are spray pond pumps always pumping water through ?
Always pumping water from spray pond to Chemical Treatment System
What’re the three flow paths from the discharge of the Spray Pond Filter Pump ?
1.)Most flows through filters & returns back to spray pond
2.)15gpm flow to Recirc. Pumps which is sent through Chemical additions header
3.)15-25gpm is directed to Circ. Water as part of feed & bleed
What system supplies Spray Pond Makeup ?
-Domestic Water(DS)
-Cooling Tower Makeup & Blowdown (TB)
What’re the Spray Pond Dimensions ?
-350ft long
-170ft wide
-15ft depth
How were the Spray Pond Dimensions determined ?
-Heat Load Requirements
-NPSH requirements
-Operating range & uncertainty
-Wind caused wave action
Why did we have a Spray Pond Flow Margin Recovery Mod ?
Primarily due to flow rates being limited during initial phases of Loss of Coolant Accident when heat rejection requirements are high
Why did the SP Flow Margin Recovery Mod add the bypass valve ?
-Added 14in bypass line with MOV butterfly valve around flow orifice
-Bypass maintained open during normal operation
-Opens up to 6 days post-LOCA to get higher flow rate & thermal performance
-Bypass valve closes once cooling demand is reduced post-LOCA
What position is the MOV butterfly bypass valve? Where is it normally controlled from ?
-Normally manually controlled from hand switch on Valves MCC breaker
-Normal status is breaker is locked open & is closed when operation of valve is necessary
What does SP Flow Margin Recovery Mod do for flow rates ?
-Allows for higher INITIAL SP flow rates, and lower SP flow rates AFTER 6 days when heat loads are lower
-Allows thermal margins to increase while still have 26days inventory
What is Spray Header Bypass Line used for ?
-Provides to allow 100% of SP flow to enter SP without going through spray nozzles
-Can be used to back-fill spray pond piping
Where do the Spray Pond pumps send water to ?
-DG Air Intercoolers
-DG Jacket Water HEX
-Essential Cooling HEX
How many gallons do the Spray Ponds pumps put out ? How many SP pumps do we have ?
We have two SP pumps for spray ponds that put out 16000gpm
What’re the SP motors mounted on ?
Mounted above reinforced concrete sump in there associated spray pond
What do the SP pump sumps provide for the pumps ?
They provide low point in SP basin & wet-pit intake for pumps
What does the intake sump have to keep clean & also be able to drain ?
-Sump provided with screens to prevent debris from entering SP system
-A stop gate is inserted to allow pump isolation & sump draining for maintenance
Who starts/stops the SP pumps ?
SP pumps are manually started from Control Room on normal conditions
What bus powers the SP pumps ?
SP pump: PBA-S03 4.16kV
SP pump:PBB-S04 4.16kV
What’re the SP pump PRE-Start checks that must be performed when manually starting pump ?
-Motor Upper Bearing oil lvl satisfactory
-Motor Lower Bearing oil lvl satisfactory
-Motor Space Heaters energized(Warm to touch)
-Motor/Pump coupling intact
When SP Pump starts what else starts WITH it ?
The associated SP Pump House Exhaust Fan will start to ensure Pump Operability
What’re the POST-Start checks ?
Inspection of SP pump & Exhaust Fan must be done after starting pump
-Motor Upper Bearing Oil LVL
-Motor Lower Bearing Oil LVL
-Motor/Pump coupling
-Pump House Exhaust Fan Running
What ESFAS signal will the SP pump automatically start on ?
-DG Start
-AFAS 1/2
What does a Feed & Bleed do for the Spray Ponds ?
Removes Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)
What is the Primary Makeup Source to the Spray Ponds ? What are some thing about DS water ?
Domestic Water(DS):
-Contains MORE calcium, but LESS Biological activity than TB
-Makeup of >50gpm requires permission from WRF
What is used as the Alternate Makeup source to the Spray Ponds ?
Cooling Tower Makeup & Blowdown(TB):
-Contains LESS calcium,but MORE Biological activity than DS
Why must there always be appropriate feed flow rate to Spray Pond ?
Maintains SP lvl, compensating for evaporation, spray drift, continuous bleed, & backwash of SP filters
Although neither of the Makeup Water sources to SP are safety related, what do they ensure after 26days in safer shutdown condition ?
They ensure a continued capability after 26 days in safe shutdown condition
Where does the bleed line send water to ?
The bleed line sends some water from the SP Filter pump and sends it out to Circ. Water
During outages when Circ. Water canal is drained where does the discharge of Backwash Sump Pumps go ?
Discharge flow from Backwash Sump Pumps will be redirected to the evaporation ponds by temporary installations
What do the SP Filter Pumps put out ?
-Centrifugal pump with a capacity of 1200gpm @150psig
-Pump is self-priming BEFORE starting
How does each SP Filter Pump start/stopped? What will automatically stop pump ?
-There is a two position switch with a start/stop switch
-Low LVL in Spray Pond automatically stops filter pump
What is used to prevent Spray Pond from lowering lvl under tech spec lvl if there is a break in the discharge pipe of the Spray Pond Pump?
A small pipe that connects to suction line and extends down to 106’. This line acts as a siphon break to limit pump down
What’re the capacity of the SP filters ? How many are in service at a time ?
-Each filters has 50% capacity
-Two in service
-One in standby for redundancy to put one off line for maintnence
What’re the layers made up of inside the SP filters ?
-Sand is used for the bottom layer & anthracite is used as top layer
What’re the two main modes of operation for Filters ?
Filtration-Particulate is removed by passing through granular media filter bed
When will there be a Cleaning(Backwash) for filters ? Where does Backwash water discharge to ?
-If there is a high DP across filter, then an automatic backwash will happen
-Backwash can be performed manually
-Backwash water will discharge into a Backwash Trench which gravity drains to SP backwash sump
What’re the Air Blowers used for on the Spray Pond filtration system ?
-During cleaning(backwash) mode the air blower provides air to scour the filter media for mechanical cleaning
What’re the Spray Pond Backwash Sump Pumps used for ?
Pump down Spray Pond Backwash Sump influent from either:
-SP overflow via the SP weir
-SP Filter Backwash
What is the capacity for each Backwash sump pump? Where do the Backwash Sump Pumps discharge to ?
-Capacity of 1000gpm
-Backwash Sump Pump discharges to via SP bleed line to Circ. Water Canal
What happens to the Spray Pond Bleed line check valve, when the Backwash Sump Pumps are operating?
Discharge pressure from the Backwash Sump Pumps will seat the bleed line check valve, which temporary isolating SP bleed
How many Backwash Sump pumps are aligned to power for operation ? What is used to chose which Backwash Sump pump has power?
-Only a single Backwash Sump Pump has power aligned for operation
-Manual disconnect switch is used to chose which pump has power
Where are the Backwash Sump Pumps powered from ?
Powered from Non-Class 480VAC MCC
What is the three-position switch used for each of Backwash Sump Pump control panel ?
Normally maintained in auto
AUTO-Pump will start on Backwash Sump High LVL & stops on Low LVL
STOP-When switch is in stop it won’t start
START-Pump will start & will not shut off on a Backwash Sump Low LVL
What’re the Spray Pond Stress Corrosion Test Racks used for? Where are they located on the Spray Pond system ?
-Used to monitor corrosive effect on SP piping & HEX
-Located at SP Pump discharge
-Located at SP Filter Pump discharge
What do the Corrosion Test Racks contain ?
Contains “coupons” made of material of different piping of the SP system to see what material could possibly have corrosion
When & why are the “coupons” taken out of the Corrosion Test Rack ?
They’re taken out periodically by chemistry to check corrosion rate, which will determine what components in system could possibly have corrosion
What’re the Spray Pond Crosstie Valves used for ?
-They’re used to isolate ‘A’ &’B’ train when BOTH trains are operating
-These valves will open to connect both Spray Ponds for SINGLE Train operation for long term cooling via Ultimate Heat Sink
What is the normal position for the Spray Pond Crosstie Valves ? How deep are the valves inside the Spray Pond ?
-Crosstie Valves are normally locked closed
-They’re approx. 6inches from the bottom of Spray Pond
What’re the actions that must be taken within 24hours, on loss of Makeup water to the Spray Ponds during a LOCA ?
-If two trains of shutdown cooling are in service, then ONE train must be shutdown
-At least ONE Spray Pond Crosstie Valve must be opened
The actions that are taken 24hours after loss of makeup is lost, ensures what ?
-Ensures water volume of combined spray ponds is adequate for 26days
When crosstie valve is open & in event of post LOCA what must be available prior to reaching 26days or combine spray pond Level of 94’ ?
An alternate makeup source capable of supply adequate makeup must be available before 26 days is reached or combine Spray Pond LVL of 94’
What happens if one or both trains of spray pond trains become inoperable ?
A plant shutdown is required
What will happen to DG operation if Spray Pond if associated spray pond is lost ?
DG will have to be shutdown if Spray Pond system trips
What’re the time requirements for the DG to be shutdown when Spray Pond system trips ?
2.6mins if DG is running loaded
15mins if DG is running unloaded
Since a loss of Spray Pond will make Essential Cooling water to become inoperable, what else will that impact ?
-Shutdown cooling & Essential Chilled Water will be impacted
What happens if loss of Essential Chilled Water is lost ?
All ESF room ACUs become inoperable :
-EW Pump Room
-HPSI Pump Room
-LPSI Pump Room
-CS Pump Room
-Aux FW Pump Room
-ESF Elect. Penetration Room
-ESF Switchgear room
-ESF DC Equipment Room
How does PB interface with Spray Ponds ?
PB provides power to Spray Pond Pumps
How does Class 480VAC MCC(PH) interface with Spray Ponds?
PH supplies power to SP Pump House Exhaust Fan
How does NH interface with Non-Class 480MCC(NH) ?
Supplies power to:
-SP Pump Motor Space Heater
-SP Filter Pumps
-SP Filter Air Blower
-SP Backwash Sump Pumps
How does Spray Ponds interface with Chlorine Injection system(CI)?
Provides sodium hypochlorite to SP via Hypoheader from WRF
How does Spray Ponds interface with Circulating Water(CW)?
SP Backwash Sump Pumps & SP Blowdown bleed like discharge into CW intake canal
How does Spray Ponds Interface with DG ?
Supplies cooling water to:
-Air Intercoolers
-Jacket Water HEX
-Lube Oil HEX
How does Spray Ponds Interface with Domestic Water(DS)?
DS provides makeup water to spray ponds
How does Spray Ponds interface with Essential Cool Water system(EW)?
Spray ponds cool Essential Cooling Water(EW), after EW draws heat from SDCHX & Essential chillers
How does Spray Ponds Interface with Instrument air ?
Instrument Air is used for Spray Pond level detection & indication
How does Spray Ponds interface with Plant Annunciator(RK) ?
Spray Ponds alarms in main control room are part of RK system
How does Spray Ponds Interface with Cooling Tower Blowdown & Makeup(TB) ?
TB provides secondary makeup to the spray ponds
How do Spray Ponds interface with Miscellaneous Building HVAC (HS)?
-Spray Pond Pump House Exhaust Fans turns on when associated SP pump starts
-Pump House Exhaust Fan will turn off 5minutes after pump turns off
When is a Essential Spray Pond train considered OPERABLE per tech spec ?
-Associated pump is OPERABLE
-All piping,instrumentation,valves, & controls are OPERABLE
How many trains of Spray Ponds need to be operable during modes 1-4?
Need two Essential Spray Pond trains shall be OPERABLE
Why MUST there be two OPERABLE Spray Pond Systems ?
-Need both to provide heat removal post-accident heat loads
-Assuming worst single active failure occurs coincidently with a LOP
When should the Ultimate Heat Sink be operable ?
Modes 1-4 it should be operable
When is the Ultimate Heat Sink considered OPERABLE ?
-Sufficient volume of water or below Max. Temp to allow 26 days post-LOCA without loss of NPSH to the SP pump without exceeding max design temp of equipment served by SP
What’re the temperature & volume of water requirement to consider Ultimate Heat Sink to be operable ?
-Temp should not be exceed 89F & level of EACH SP should not fall below 12’ usable water depth during normal operation
What is the depth needed to meet 26day requirement for inventory purpose ?
Need a depth of 13.5’ to meet 26 days requirement
Does algae affect operability of the Spray Ponds ?
No operability isn’t affected
What can algae contribute to ?
Contributes to essential spray ponds Total Organic Carbon(TOC) Concentration, which is a primary source for many types of bacteria