Normal Lighting(QA), Essential Lighting(QB),Emergency lighting(QD) Flashcards
What is normal lighting(QA) used for ?What does QA provide power to ?
-Illuminated 90% of power block of each unit
-120VAC receptacles throughout unit
-Misc. space heaters & fans
-QD lighting rechargeable battery packs
-QD exit signs
-In plant communications(QD)
-Freeze protection system(QJ) Distr. panel at WRF
What does Normal Lighting consist of ?
-Non class 480VAC load center
-480VAC lighting D-panel
-480->120VAC transformer
-120VAC lighting D-panel
What does NGN-L17 supply power to ?
Four 480VAC MAIN Dpanel(QAND01,QAN-D03,QAN-D05,& QAN-D07)
Sends power through 480/120 transformer to non class load center Dpanel
Where do the 480/120VAC lighting distributions panel get there power from ? (NGN-L17)
From 480VAC MAIN Distribution panel
What does the 480/120VAC lighting D-Panel supply power to ? (NGN-L17)
Supplies power to lighting in the Aux. building, Fuel Building, and containment Building
What does QAN-D01 supply power to ? (NGN-L17)
Supplies 480VAC power to Aux. Building Lighting Distribution Panels
What does QAN-D05 supply power to ? (NGN-L17)
480VAC power through 480v/120v transformer to Containment Building Lighting Distribution panel:
-QAN-D05 A-F
What does load center distribution panel NGN-D03 supply power to ? (NGN-L17)
Supplies power to the Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System (CEDMCS) control panel internal lighting
What does NGN- L18 supply power to ?
Four MAIN D-panels:
Two non class 480VAC Load center D panel:
What does Essential Lighting(QB) provide light to ?
-Control room
-Control room envelope
-Remote shutdown Room
What percentage of lighting does QB provide for the units ?
What is Essential Lighting required to provide sufficient illumination?
-Support local manual operation for safe shutdown in case of a fire
-allows personal safe access/egress during loss of normal lighting
How does QA interface with QD ?
Normal lighting supplies emergency light fixtures and exit signs in areas where essential lighting is not installed
What’re the TWO subsystems for Essential lighting (QB)?
Control building & other areas
What’re the equipment within each of the QB subsystems?
Control Buiding:
-2 voltage regulating transformers
-2 MAIN distribution panels
-Several lighting distribution panels
-Two lighting circuits for control room and remote shutdown
Where does Essential Lighting receives its power from ?
Two Class MCC, PHA-M31 & PHB-M32, power all Essential Lighting in Control Room,CR Envelope, & Remote shutdown room
What provides power to Essential lighting (QB) that provides light to OTHER areas than the control room ?
Two Class 480 Load Center, PGA-L35 & PGB-L36, provide power through a SIAS breaker to a NON-class Main Distribution panel
What does the essential lighting 480VAC main distribution panel supply power to ?
-essential lighting to their respective area
-charging batteries of Emergency Lighying system safe modular
-Fire Protection