Radioactive Collection,Processing,& Storage Subsystem(CH) Flashcards
What’re the three general areas Radioactive Collection is collected from ?
1.)Letdown flow diverted from VCT during feed&bleed operations from shutdowns,startups, & boron dilution
2.)RDT contents RC quality water collected from leak off, drains, & reliefs inside containment
3.)EDT contents consisting of leak drains & reliefs outside containment
Where is the discharge of the Reactor Drain Pumps directed towards ?
Directed to either the Pre holdup Ion Exchanger or bypasses it’s by 3way valve for PHIX inlet/bypass valve
What does the Pre-Holdup Ion Exchanger remove from RDT & EDT flow ? What temperature will the PHIX be bypassed ?
-Removes resin,lithium,& other ionic radio-nuclides
-The PHIX is automatically bypassed to prevent resin damage
Where does the PHIX outlet process flow go after it’s been processed through PHIX ?
-It either passes through gas stripper or bypasses it VIA the bypass valve
What is the gas stripper used for ?
-Removes gases to prevent buildup of gases in VCT or CVCS Holdup tank,minimizes release of radioactive fission product gases via vents or liquid discharge
Where is flow directed to after gas stripper ?
-Flow is is directed to CVCS HoldUp Tank
-Gas Stripper is normally bypassed
Where is Gas Stripper normally outlet flow path ?
Normally directed to VCT just downstream of VCT inlet valve, but could also be sent to CVCS Holdup
When Gas Stripper is in service, what will happen to outlet flow on High Level in VCT ? What happens to flow when VCT level resets ?
-Outlet flow is automatically diverted to CVCS Holdup Tank
-When VCT level resets, flow automatically returns to VCT
What status is the Gas Stripper for all 3 units ?
Gas Stripper is in long term shutdown and is NOT processing letdown flow
When there is high level conditions in VCT what is the normal flow path for letdown ?
-Normally flows through PHIX, bypassed Gas Stripper, and is directed to CVCS HUT for storage
Where is Radioactive waste water stored in until processed & sent to CVCS HUT ?
Either in Reactor Drain Tank or Equipment Drain Tank
When is sufficient capacity reach in CVCS HUT ?
Operations coordinates with chemistry to process contents with Boric Acid Concentrator
Is the Radioactive,Processing, & subsystem manually operated of automatically operated ?
Manually operated
What functions does the Reactor Drain Tank do ?
-Receives & condenses discharge from PZR safety valve to prevent it from being discharge to containment
-Receives thermal relief valve discharged from shutdown cooling & SI systems
-Gravity Drain from RCP vapor seal off
-Gravity drains & leakage from containment leakage
What is the RDT normally pressurized with ?
-Pressurized with 0.5psig nitrogen blanket for oxygen exclusion
What is minimum water volume used for inside RDT? Where does it come from ?
-Used for steam quenching of pressurizer safety valve discharge
-RMW from RMWT maintained minimum quench volume of 52% & used as cooling to lower RDT pressure
Why is the quench Volume of water necessary ?
RDT receives some high pressure & temp steam & is needed to cool and condense this steam to prevent Rupture Disc from breaking
What is the RDT rupture Disc setpoint ? What is it used to protect ?
Rupture disc setpoint at 120psid & protects RDT from stuck open PZR safety valve
Where does RDT vent to for High Pressure under 10psig? Where does it vent if pressure greater than 10psig ?
Under 10psig-Vents to Gaseous Radwaste system
Over 10psig- Vents to containment through RDT Atm. Vent Valve
What functions does the Equipment Drain Tank perform ?
-Receives gravity drain from Recycle Drain Header & Ion Exchanger Drain Header
-Receives gas stripper bypass for up to 30 mins between pumping
-Accepts discharge from misc. relief valves outside containment