Control Building (HJ) Flashcards
What does control building HAVC provide occupied areas of Control Building ?
-Ventilation-indoor air quality
How does Control Building HVAC support equipment operability ?
-Ventilation-Hydrogen Control
What does Control Building provide for Control Room Complex following design basis ?
-Radiation control via filtration & positive pressurization
-Limits Rad Exposure Control Room Complex to 5REM whole body for duration of event
What major components do the Essential Control Building HAVC ?
-Control room essential AFUs
-ESF Switchgear Room Essentials AHUs
-ESF DC Equipment Room Essential AHUs
-ESF Battery Room Essential Exhaust Fans
What ESF signals will transfer Normal HVAC system to Essential HVAC system?
-High Radiation
What is Control Room Normal Supply AHU ?
Outside air flows into mixing box of the Control Room Norm. Supply AHU where it mixes with return air from Control Room Complex,Inverter Room,& communications equipment room
Where does ESF Battery Room Normal Exhaust Fans exhaust too?
ESF Battery Rooms are exhausted to outside atmosphere to exhaust combustible gases
When does Control Building Normal Smoke Exhaust Fan turn on ?
-Smoke Purge Exhaust Fan is operated after fire is extinguished to exhaust smoke
Where are the Control Building Normal Smoke Exhaust Fan dampers controlled from ? What happens to Normal HVAC system ?
-The dampers are positioned from Control Room so only one floor is exhausted at a time
-Normal HVAC is blocked to prevent smoke from spreading to other floors
What is used as makeup air during Smoke Purging Operation ?
Outside is introduced to Control Building during Smoke Purging Operations
How does the ESF Switchgear NORMAL Supply AHU work ?
Draws air from ‘A’ & ‘B’ class switchgear rooms & discharges cool air back to switchgear room & ALL four ESF DC Equipment Rooms
How does Microwave Room HVAC work ?
Microwave Room has supplement air conditioning that recirculates & cools air in the room
How does the 160’ Battery Room work?
Battery room exhaust fan draws air from Microwave Room,pulls it through Battery Room & exhaust it outdoors
How does Elevator Equipment Room Normal Exhaust Fan work ?
Elevator Equipment Room is cooled by Exhaust Fan, which draws outside air through room & exhausts it outside
What dampers close to isolate for all ESFAS signals ?
-Return air from Control Room Complex to Control Room Norm. AHU
-Control Room Norm. Supply AHU discharge
-Supply & return air
Inverter Room
Communication Equipment Room
-Control room Norm. Smoke Exhaust Fan & outside air makeup for Control Room Complex
For either Loss of Power or SIAS what happens to Switchgear Room Norm. AHU ?
Dampers close to isolate ESF Switchgear Room Norm. AHU discharge
What happens to all normal AHUs during a SIAS ?
-Control Building Norm. Supply AHU is removed from service
-Control Room Normal AHU is removed from service
-ESF Switchgear Room Normal AHU is removed from service
What happens on a CREFAS?
-Outside air drawn through separate inlet ductwork & mixed with return air from Control Room Complex
-Air is filtered & cooled, & supplies Control Room Complex
-Control Room Complex maintained positively pressurized
What happens to CRVIAS ?
-Dampers close to isolate outside air
-Return air from CR complex is cooled by Essential AHU & sent back to CR Complex
-Bathroom & Kitchen Exhaust Fan secured
-CR Complex maintained at neutral pressure
What is the precondition outside air mixed with inside the Control Room Normal Supply AHU mixing box?
Mixes with the return air from:
-Control room Complex
-Inverter Room
-Communications Equip. Room
What does the preconditioned air in the Control Building Normal Supply ACU mix with in the mixing box ?
Mixes with return air from:
-Control Building Basement
-ESF Switchgear Rooms
-ESF DC Equip. Rooms
-Lower Cables Spreading Room
-Upper Cable Spreading Room
What does the conditioned air for the Control Building Normal Supply AHU discharge too ?
-Control Building Basement
-ESF Battery Room
-Remote Shutdown Room
-Lower Cable Spreading Room
-Inverter Room
-Upper Cable Spreading Room
-Microwave Room
-Control Building Corridors
Where does a small amount of air flow from Essential Switchgear Room into what rooms ? ?
-ESF DC Equip. Room through fire dampers
-ESF Battery Room through doors
What does the Essential AFUs do during a LOP, SIAS, or CREFAS?
-Outside air drawn in & mixed with return air form Control Room Complex
-Air is filtered & cooled supplied to Control Room Complex
-Control Room Complex positively pressurized
What do the Essential AFU do during CRVIAS ?
-Dampers close to isolate outside air intake from Control Room Complex
-Return air from Control Room Complex filtered & cooled & recirculated back through
-Bathroom & Kitchen exhaust fans secured
-Control Complex at Neutral Pressure
What will ESF Switchgear Room Essential AHU do during a LOP or SIAS ?
-ESF DC Equip. Room filtered & cooled by AHU
-Supplies air to
ESF Switchgear Rooms
ESF Battery Rooms
Remote Shutdown Room
DC Equip. Room receives air from Switchgear Room via fire dampers
What does the ESF DC Equipment Room Essential AHU do during a LOP or SIAS ?
-Air is drawn from ESF Switchgear rooms & cooled
-Air is supplied back to ESF Switchgear Room & DC Equipment Room
What will happen to Essential Room Essential Exhaust Fans do during a LOP or SIAS ? When will Normal Battery exhaust fans turn off ?
-ESF Battery room exhausts outside
-Normal battery exhaust turns off when Essential Exhaust turns on, based on high DP across Essential Exhaust Fan
Where does the Air Washer do ?
Air washer spray DS water into Air Inlet air stream to the Control Building Outside Air Normal AHU cools
Where does the Normal Air Handling Unit provide cooled outside air to ?
-Control Building Normal Supply AHU
-Control Room Normal Supply AHU
When does Control Building Air Washer start ?
Starts when Control Room Normal AHU fan starts or Control Building Normal AHU fan starts
What is the float valve used for in the Air Washer ?
-Air Washer Sump is maintained by float valve
-If level is to high it will automatically drain to overflow line to Control Building floor drain
What cooling water is being sent through Control Building AHU cooling coil ?
Normal chilled water
What does the Control Building Normal AHU consist of ?
-High Efficiency Air Filter
-Cooling Coil
What will happen to Control Building Normal Return Suction Duct during a LOP or SIAS ? What kind of interlock does the suction damper have ?
Return duct to Control Building Norm AHU will be isolated, damper is interlocked with AHU fan breaker. When damper closes the fan will turn off
Since Control Room Normal AHU shares ductwork with Essential Control Room AHU, what ESFAS signals will isolate discharge duct work ?
Who starts & stops the Control Room Essential AFUs ?
Manually started/stopped from control room
What ESFAS signals will automatically start Control Room Essential AFUs ? What will happen if a train has a LOP?
-LOP will only start respective train