Reactor Makeup Water & Refueling Water(CH) Flashcards
What is Reactor Makeup Water and Borated Refueling water used for ?
-Compensates for leakage and volume changes in the RCS
What does the Reactor Makeup Water Tank header supply Non-Borated water to ?
-Gas Stripper
-Liquid Rad waste Evaporator
-Boric Acid Concentrator
-Solid Radwaste for resin transfers and system flushes
-Charging pumps for seal lubrication
-CVCS chemical addition Tank
-Reactor Drain Tank
-Equipment Drain Tank
When RMW is sent to blending tee where does it go after ?
-Volume control Tank
-Charging Pump Suction
Where does RMW go after it’s sent through blending tee & Boric Acid Batch Tank Eductor?
-Refueling Water Tank
-CVCS Holdup Tank
What does Refueling Water Tank store ?
Borated water 4000-4400ppm
Where does High Suction Line send RWT water to ?
-Directly to spent fuel pool
-To spent fuel pool cleanup
Where is flow sent too after it’s been sent through Boric Acid Filter & Blending Tee ?
-Through VCT
-Through charging pump suction
What happens once flow goes through Boric Acid Batch Tank Eductor ?
-CVCS Holdup Tank
What safety injection features does the RWT provide ?
Provides RWT water from bottom of RWT to ESF pumps(HPSI,LPSI,CS)
What’re the 3 gravity feed flow paths from RWT to provide borated water to Charging Pumps ?
-Bypassing BAMPs and gravity feed to Charging Pump Suction
-Bypassing BAMPs
-‘B’ train supply header to SI pumps, to alternate suction of charging pumps
What is the blended makeup from the blending tee supplied to ?
-Supplied to VCT via Makeup Valve
-Supplied to charging pump suction via VCT bypass valve
What’re the Makeup Flow Control Valves used for ? (210Y & 210X)
-They’re used to regulate quantities of borated water and non borated water into the blending tee
-Necessary to minimize reactivity changes
What happens if JUST non borated water is sent to the blending tee, then to the VCT ?
It will dilute RCS boron concentration to control reactivity
What is the Boric Acid Batch Tank ?
-Flow from either RMW pump or the BAMPs is used to educt concentrated boric acid solutions from boric acid batching tank
-Final solution is directed to RWT
What is Emergency Boration from Spent Fuel Pool ?
SFP may also supply borated water by gravity feed suction of charging pumps
What is the Reactor Makeup Water Tank used for ?
-Alternate water source for safety related Aux Feedwater pumps
-Provides dilution during normal operation through reactor makeup
-High Quality water for in planet use to promote recycle dilution water
What is the Capacity of the RMWT?
-480000 gallon capacity
What is the RMWT temperature maintained at? How is it maintained ?
-Maintained above 40F by two sets of redundant 5kW heaters
Where is the RMWT vented ? Where does overflow line go to ?
It’s vented to atmosphere & it’s overflow line leads to CVCS Holdup Tank Sump
What provides makeup water to the RMWT ?
-Normal makeup water for RMWT is provided from Demon Water(DW)
-Alternate makeup is provided by Recycle Monitor Tank in the Liquid Radwaste
What’re the RMWT discharge flow paths ?
-Normal discharge is aligned to RMWPs into a common discharge header, then through RMW Filter
-RWMT can supply water to essential Aux. Feed water Pumps
What’re the RMWPs used for ?
-Provide makeup flow from Reactor Makeup Water Tank throughout Makeup Water subsystem
-Also used to recirculate RMWT contents through Makeup Water Filter, then through the RMWT Recirc. valve
What’re the RMWPs rated for ?
-Rated at 165gpm
What’re the RMWPs power supply ? What is the normal status of RMWPs ?
-Powered from Non-Class 480 MCC
-One is usually running and other in standby
What is the alternator select switch used for on the RMWPs ?
-Selects which pump is running when hand switch is operated -
-Also provides interlock which only allows one RMWP to operate at a time
What will trip the RMWPs ?
Pump will trip on LO-LO level in RMWT and low discharge pressure
When will the RMWP Recirculation Valve be open or closed ?
-Opens allows recirculation of RMW back to the RMWT at low dilutions flows <20gpm
-Closed to provide full dilution flow at high demands when providing makeup water to VCT
Where is the RMWP Recirculation Valve normally operated from ?
-Air operated diaphragm valve is normally operated from control room
What position is the RMW Recirc. Valve normally in ?
-Valve handwheel is locked in the neutral position due to fact local manipulation may impact dilution
How is the RMW Flow Control Valve positioned ?
-A coriolis type sensor measure flow rate of RMW to blending tee
-A transmitter then sends signal to a flow control that positions valve to obtain flow rate preset by RO
What position does the RMW Flow Control Valve fail in ?
-Pneumatically operated CCI DRAG disk stack valve
-Fails closed on loss of air or power to solenoid control valve
What else does the Refueling Water Tank support besides providing borated water to VCT ?
-Supports Emergency Core Cooling system & Containment Spray subsystem by providing borated water for ESF pump operation
What pumps do the RWT provide borated water to during accident conditions ?
Provides a source of borated water to HPSI, LPSI, and Containment Spray
What does the RWT do for RCS coolant during plant cooldown ?
Provides borated water to charging system for makeup to RCS to compensate for contraction of RCS coolant while maintain shutdown margin
What’re the steps to transfer RWT to the CVCS Holdup Tank ?
1.)BAMPs take suction from high suction line of RWT
2.)Borated water gets sent to Boric Acid Filter
3.)Then Boric Acid Makeup VCT flow control
4.)Flow Control valve will be adjust by control room to provide 125gpm through Boric Acid Batch Tank Eductor
What is the design basis of the Refueling Water Tank ?
-Provide borated makeup & allow toys boric acid recycle during operation &refueling
-Provide borated water inventory for ESF pump operation
-Provide borated makeup during postulated design events
What allows RWT to meet seismic category 1 requirements ?
-Concrete tank that is lined with stainless steel
How many gallons does the RWT hold ?
It holds up to 750,000 gallons of water that is borated at 4000 PPM for us in RCS
How is temperature maintained in RWT ? Where can it be vented off to ?
-Two heaters are provided to maintain RWT about minimum required temp
-Tank is vented to fuel building normal exhaust and has overflow line to CVCS Holdup Tank Sump
Where is RWT makeup supplied from ?
-Normal makeup is provided from CVCS HUT
-CVCS HUT contents are concentrated with Boric Acid Concentrator to achieve proper boron concentration and THEN transferred to RWT via CVCS holdup pumps
Why is Boric Acid Batching done shortly before outage ?
Maximizes RWT borated water volume for outage
How many sets of level detectors does RWT have ?
Has three independent sets of level detection
What does the First level detection set do ? Where is its power supplied from?
-Contains four class powered level detectors that are used to provide RAS and control room indications
What is the second level detectors do ? Where are they powered from ?
-Stops Boric Acid Makeup pumps on a LO-LO level in RWT
-Powered by non class
What does the third set of level detection do ?
-Provides level indication and alarms in Control Room
-Powered by non class
What’re the BAMPs rated gpm & discharge pressure ?
-Rated at 165gpm
-150psig discharge pressure
What’re the BAMPs power supply ? What’re the sized for ?
-Powered from Non-Class 480VAC MCC
-They’re sized to individually exceed capacity of three charging pumps
When is the BAMP Recirc. Valve open or closed ?
-Open to allow recirculation of boric acid to RWT on low boration flows(<20gpm)
-Closed to allow full boration flow on high boration demands
What position is the Boric Acid Makeup pump Recirc Valve normally in ?
Valve hand wheel is normally locked in neutral because manual operation may impact dilution
What is the Boric Acid Makeup Flow Control Valve used for ?
Controls borated water flow rate:
-To the CVCS charging & letdown
-Through Boric Acid Batch Tank Eductor
What is the Boric Acid Batch Tank for ?
Provides means of batching crystalline boric acid with water for adjusting boric acid concentrations in RWT & SFP
What’re features of Boric Acid Batch Tank ?
-630gallom capacity only filled to 489 gallons
-Electric Immersion Heaters
-Motor Driven Mixer
What kind of water is the Boric Acid Batch Tank filled with ? What is the Immersion Heater used for ?
-It’s filled with water from RMWT
-Used to raise temp of water to 155-160F to maintain concentrated Boric Acid solution
When temp is Boric acid powder added to Boric Acid Batch Tank ?
When water is >155F then Boric Acid Powder is added
How & where is the concentrated acid/water from Boric Acid Batch Tank transferred ?
-It’s transferred to RWT by a Boric Acid Eductor
How does Boric Acid Eductor work ?
-Uses either RMWP flow or BAMPs flow as a motive force to draw boric acid solution out of tank (Vacuum Drag)
What is Heat Tracing on the pipes used for ?
Used to keep boron from crystallizing causing a flow blockage in piping
What is the Tech Spec for RWT?
RWT shall be operable in MODES 1,2,3,4
What does RWT supply adequate amount of borated water for ?
-Cool & depressurize containment in event of a design basis accident
-Cool & cover core in event of LOCA to help reactor remain subcritical
-Enough for adequate level exits in Containment Recirc. Sump to support ESF pump operation in Recirc mode
What limits does RWT need to reach to be considered OPERABLE?
-Boron Concentration
-Water Volume
Who normally conducts Emergency Boration ? Who conducts Emergency Boration alignment on Loss of Power(LOP) ?
-Emergency Boration actions are conducted by Control Room
-AO will be responsible to operate manual valves to align Emergency Boration flow paths
What does a FUNCTIONAL boration system consist of ?
-Borated water source
-Gravity Fed suction pathway
-Pump capable of being powered from an emergency power supply
-Discharge path to the RCS
What is the Primary RCS Makeup FLEX strategy ?
Used FLEX RCS Positive displacement pump from the primary deployment location for pump
Where is Primary FLEX Makeup to RCS Positive Displacement draw its suction from ?
-Primary suction will be from RWT drain valve
Where is the FLEX RCS Positive Displacement Pump discharge to ?
-Discharge will connect to hard piping from deployment location to HPSI Injection West Mechanical Penetration Room
Where does the Primary FLEX Makeup to RCS tie into ?
Ties into HPSI header includes dual class isolation valves
What is the Alternate FLEX Makeup to RCS take its suction from ?
-Positive Displacement Pump & will take suction from RWT
What draws the suction from the RWT for the alternate FLEX makeup to RCS ? Where does it discharge to ?
-Suction will be via hydro connection in ‘A’ charging pump
-Discharge will connect to temporary high pressure connection to the HPSI system
Where does the FLEX Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Pump draw its suction from ?
Draws suction from RWT manifold in MODES 1-4
Where is FLEX SG Makeup Pump draw its suction for ?
Supplying suction from CST to fill SGs
In modes 5 & 6 during a core offload what is the primary source for SFP makeup ??
CST will be used as primary source for SFP makeup