Spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum Flashcards
Spinal cord
Consist of different sections that communicate to different regions. Two streams
To the CNS: Through dorsal thorn, affent signals
From CNS : Through ventral thorn, Effent signals
Sits on top of spinal cord, consist of medulla, pons and midbrain. Highly complex and main goal is maintaining life
Medulla (oblongata)
Responsible for automatic (involuntary) functioning like heartrate, sneezing, blood pressure etc.
Pons (bridge)
Bridge between forebrain and cerebellum. Also deels with sleep, swallowing, facial expressions etc. Inhibits muscles during sleep; sleep paralysis
Two main parts:
- Tectum. Superior colliculus (relevant flash stimuli in eyes) and inferior colliculus (Same but for auditory stimuli). Culliculi are the dots on midbrain. (this division might be more complex)
- Tegmentum = ventral tegmental area, largest dopamine producing site in the brain. Directly to Basal Ganglia
Reticular formation (RAS)
Located in the brainstem (center). Crucially involved in arousal and attention. Damage will most likely end in coma
Spinocerebellum (medial part) for precise control of moving limbs
Neocerebellum (lateral) planning movements and time perception
Vestibulocerebellum (inferior) maintains balance and coordinates eye movement while moving