SOFT TISSUE SX 12 Flashcards
describe the steps to a uretero-nephrectomy
-ligate artery first, ligate vein. cut between both ligature
-same toothpaste squeezing mechanism as a castration to squeeze the fat from renal end of ureter down to bladder
-double ligatures again near ureter-bladder junction. remove
what are 5 causes of urinary incontinence?
is ectopic ureter more common in males or females?
-breed predisp?
retriever, poodle, husky
what is the tx of an intramural ectopic ureter?
extramural ectopic ureter?
extra: fully chop it off and attach it to bladder
intra: laser chops the inside bit of bladder
what are steps to a neoureterostomy?
what are steps to a ureteroneocystostomy
step C: “spatulated” into bladder
step D: single interrupted suture
pathophysiology of USMI? urinary sphincter mech incomptence
-basically abdomen no longer compressing bladder neck
first, USMI will be medically managed. what are options for this?
if medical management does not work, USMI will be surgically managed. what are big 3 options for this?
-collagen injection
-artificial urethral sphincter
describe steps to a colposuspension
-squishes vagina and prepubic tendon together::: pushes the bladder cranially, lengthens urethra and increases pressure in urethra
bulking agents in USMI:
-what is their goal?
-what is a downside?
describe artificial urethral sphincter
-cuff placed around urethra. cuff has a SQ port that can be injected with saline to increase pressure
-advantage: ability to modify post operatively
-disadvantage: lots of foreign material
risk due to need to dissect around urethra