DIAG IMAGING 4 Flashcards
for abdominal radiograph, use ___Kv and _____mAs
low kV
high mAs
should radiographs be during inspiratory or expiratory phase?
-pushes up diaphragm: increases abdominal space
where should a lateral x-ray be centered in large dogs for stomach n liver?
last rib
where should a lateral x-ray be centered in large dogs for caudal orgnas?
mid abdomen
where should a lateral x-ray be centered in small dogs for abdominal orgnas??
last rib
how should a dog be positioned for x-ray of the urethra?
in cat, what additional structure provides good contrast to visualise the ventral margin of the liver?
-describe the location of the liver n spleen in a lateral n VD rad
-in relation to the liver?
-liver is within ribcage or extending justtt beyond
gastric axis is a good way to determine if liver is enlarged.
-describe how this works
-where should the normal gastric axis be located?
-green lines are normal gastric axis: should be parallel to ribs or perpendicular to spine
-if significantly different such as the orange lines, liver is either too big or too small
3 causes of microhepatia
Normal variation
* Cirrhosis
* Porto-systemic
On the right lateral radiograph of stomach: gas is located in the ____________
on the left lateral radiograph of the stomach: air is located in the _____________
On Dorso-Ventral projection of the stomach: the gas is in the ________________
On Ventro-Dorsal projection of the stomach: air is within the _____________
differnece in location of cat and dog pylorus in VD radiograph?
how to tell if SI is distended in dogs?
in cats?
[presicse measurements/comparisions]
how to tell if LI is distended in dogs?
in cats?
the normal canine kidney is how many times the length of L___?
normal feline kidney?
canine: 2.5-3.5
feline: ~2
in females, can the urethra be visible in cats or dogs?
normal canine prostate is only minimally visible. when enlarged, is it caudal or cranial to bladder?
caudal duh