whats the most exposed mucous membrane in the body?
describe the structure/location of palpebral conjuctiva, nictitans conjuctiva, and bulbular conjuctiva
what is conjuctivitis?
Diffuse reddening, variable amount of discharge and
conjunctival swelling
what 3 things should you chekc in the case of conjuctivitis?
what are causes of ACUTE conjuctivitis?
what are 2 causes of CHRONIC conjuctivitis?
dry eye
also allergic
what is opthalmia neonatorum?
Infection within the conjunctival sac before natural
opening of the lids at 10‐14 days.
what is tx of opthalmia neonatorum?
swollen lids must be manually oepned and flushed
lubricant needed for eyes
what is chemosis?
sub-conjuctival oedema
what are some causes of conjuctivla trauma
*subconjuctival haemorrhage
*chemical injury
*foreign body
What is a dermoid?
conjuctival mass:
congenital abnormality:
normal tisse in an abnormal location
What are types of neoplasiac conjuctival masses?
secondary [has metastasised to the eye]
what are the 3 broad functions of the lacrimal & nasolacrimal systems?
most cases of KCS are caused by.
immune mediated destruction of their lacrimal tissue (lacrimal
and nictitans glands)
prediposing factors (not breeds) to immune-mediated dry eye?
endocrine disease
breed predispositions to immune mediated KCS?
WHWT, cocker, CKCS, lhasa apso, bulldogs, toy poodle, english sp spaniel
causes of KCS?
drug induced
what are some signs of KCS?
- Conjunctivitis ‐ the earliest sign may be conjunctival
hyperaemia - Tenacious mucopurulent discharge
- Corneal neovascularisation
- Corneal pigmentation
- Lack lustre cornea
neurogenic KCS will lead ot what additional symptom?
dry nose on same side
a schirmer tear test of what number indicates normal?
≥ 15 mm/min
what is tx of KCS?
2 medical 1 sx
*tear replacements
*tear stimulation
*parotid duct transposition sx
what is a medial canthoplasty? how does it help with KCS?
reduces surface area of eye and therefore tear loss
What is epiphora?
overflow of tears due to poor drainage
the Fluorescein drainage test (Jones’ test) tests which system?
nasolacrimal system
describe a nasolacrimal cannulation (Jones II test)
fluid flush from upper penctum flows out through lower punctum
why are tear stains rust colored?
porphyrins excreted in tears
what is dacryocystitis
inflammation of lacrimal sac