-what are the 3 types of hyperadrenocorticism?
-which 2 are the most common?
-pituitary dependant (c)
-adrenal dependant
-iatrogenic (c)
what are some (7) common signs of hyperadrenocorticism
-abdominal distention
-flank alopecia
-muscle weakness
-systemic hypertension
what changes do you expect on haematology in hyperadrenocorticism?
-stress leukogram (SMILED)
-mild erythrocytosis
what changes do you expect on biochemistry in hyperadrenocorticism?
-increased ALP
-increased ALT
-mild hyperglycemia
-increased bile acids
what changes do you expect on urinalysis in hyperadrenocorticism?
-low USG
-risk of UTI
what are 3 tests for hyperadrenocorticism?
urine cortisol: creatinine
ACTH stim
low dose dex duppression
describe the results youd expect in UCCR testing for hyperadrenocorticism, along with its limitations
-normal rules out HAC
-high is not diagnostic [overly sensitive to other thing such as stress]
how does the ACTH stimulation test work?
-describe results youd expect, along with limitations
-ACTH injected IV,,then cortisol measured at 0 & 1 hrs
-normal ACTH: healthy dog or adrenal HAC
-super low ACTH: iatrogenic HAC
-super high ACTH: other HAC
how does low dose dexmathasone supression test work?
-describe the results youd expect in low dose dex supression testing for hyperadrenocorticism, along with its limitations
-administer dexmethasone IV, collect blood and measure cotisol before injection, then @4hrs, then @8hrs
-complete supression rules out HAC
-failure to suppress does not allow diagnosis
once diagnosis of HAC is made, you should determine source of problem/which type it is. which tests can you use to do this?
-ACTH assay
-imaging (abdomen/head)
ACTH assay is used to differentiate between pituitary and adrenal dependant ACTH.
-explain the results?
-adrenal HAC: low ACTH
-pituitary HAC: normal-high ACTH
imaging of the abdomen/head can be used to differentiate between PDH and ADH. explain how
-PDH: bilateral adrenal gland enlargement
-ADH: one adrenal has a discernable mass, second one is small
what is the only licensed product to treat canine HAC in UK
-how does it work?
trilostane (vetoryl)
[inhibits conversion of pregnolone to progesterone]
how often to perform a recheck [of cortisol levels] once medication has been started for hyperadrenocorticism?
-@ 10-14 days
-then every 3 mo