Sociology & History Comprehensive Exam Flashcards
Who was responsible for mixing all of the materials necessary for Egyptian embalming?
The NFDA was formed in:
Who was the first group to exercise strict control over the embalming process?
Which of the following was not among the duties of the sexton:
- Digging the graves
- Tolling the bell
- Directing the procession
- Embalming the body
Embalming the body
The Public Health Movement in America was formally launched in 1850 by the publication of the Report of which Sanitary Commission:
Until the Civil War, hearses were nearly always painted:
A service commemorating the deceased with the body present
Funeral ceremony
The use of an “effigy” became popularized during:
Founded in 1917, membership is by invitation only
National Selected Morticians
Founded in 1919, its original purpose was to provide a variety of advertising programs that were used by area funeral directors
The International Order of the Golden Rule
Founded in 1903 its main function is its professional testing service
Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards
Founded in 1882, it serves its members in government relations, communications, education, and programs, products, and services to assist them in both the caregiving and business aspects of the profession
National Funeral Directors Association
Renamed in 1959, it is the official accrediting agency for mortuary science schools
American Board of Funeral Service Education
A soul-shot was:
The mortuary fee in the Middle Ages
The goddess of corpses and funerals:
Who wrote the “History of Embalming”?
Jean Gannal
Edwin Chadwick investigated the sanitary conditions in the laboring population of:
Great Britain
The easiest way to get from the place of funeral services to the cemetery is by a
The Order Concerning Embalmers was issued by the:
War Department
The canopic jars which housed the organs of deceased Egyptians were named after the four sons of:
A reason many gave for their belief that the auto-hearse would be slow in taking hold was:
It was much more expensive than the horse-drawn
Who discovered the circulation of blood?
William Harvey
Casket selection was mostly made from:
Manufacturers catalog
Unlike his English cousin, the Colonial sexton:
Charged a fee for services rendered
One of the standard pieces of equipment, and the most common symbol of the funeral procession has been the:
Which of the following is not a Hebrew mourning custom:
- Fasting
- Tearing the garments
- Bare feet
- Lamentation
- Black clothing
Black clothing
Once intramural burial became limited or restricted, and cemeteries were established outside of cities, the need for a better _____ became urgent
Mode of transportation
The most common symbol of death during the early New England days was:
Skull & crossbones
Although patents were granted as early as 1909, it was not until after WWI that these made their appearance:
Funeral limousine
He furnished other undertakers with necessary supplies and paraphernalia:
Furnishings undertaker
Egyptians embalmed because of:
- Sanitary reasons
* Religious reasons
Who usually supervised the lowering of the casket at the cemetery:
This was placed on the tongue and used to pay the Charon for passage over the river Styx to the Elysian Plain in the Ancient Greek custom:
With the appearance of these small but productive businesses the emphasis in the funeral began to shift in the direction of the coffin:
- Coffin shops
* Warehouses
Who is considered to be the originator of the arterial injection technique of preserving human remains?
William Hunter
Much opposition appeared against embalming due to:
The lack of understanding
The _____ makes one person licensed to practice funeral service responsible to a family to try to meet all of their needs
Whole man - total funeral concept
Which of the following was not a role of a municipal officer:
What was often given to each pallbearer at the Dutch funeral as a gift:
Monkey spoon
Where did the word embalm get its origin?
- The Latin word balsamum
- The Greek word balsomon
- The French word embaume
The first state convention was in:
Jackson, Michigan
The corpse cooler was made of:
The deepest period of mourning was considered in the first:
Six months
Delivery times of the casket ranged from 20-38 hours depending on the:
- Distance
- Availability
- Request
Of the following tombs listed, which is not associated with the Greeks:
- Stelae
- Bench
- Trapezae
- Kiones
- Naidia
All of the Egyptian methods of embalming involved:
- Evisceration
- Washing the body with expensive perfumes
- Soaking the body in Natron
- All of the above
- None of the above
Soaking the body in Natron
German and Scandinavian final disposition were based on:
During the late Middle-Ages who began experimenting with embalming:
Dionysius was recognized as:
“The god if wine”
Rites with the body present
Patterns identifiable in all cultures
Cultural universal
The science of social group study
Both funeral and memorial service
Funeral rite
Rites without the body present
Memorial service
Must behavior enforced by government
An action with symbolic content
Standard of behavior non-compulsive
Standard of behavior based on sacred beliefs
An action with no symbolic content
The method by which social values are learned
Abstract patterns of and for living and dying
Dictates what one must not do
Social values dictated by tradition
Customs patterns
Must behavior of the basic and important ideas and acts of people
Devoid of religious connotation
Humanistic funeral
Those rites which follow prescribed ritual
Traditional funeral rite
Completely devoid of any form of funeral rite
Immediate disposition
Contemporary funeral rite
Adaptive funeral rite
A rite which deviates from the norm
Non-traditional funeral rite
Increased concentrated population
Loss of individual identity
Loss of craftsmanship
Strict departmental standards with little or no variation of the standards
Moving and living in an area different from or other than the place of birth
Specific act or function dealing with death
Funeral rite identifiable with a pre-literate society
Primitive funeral rite
Disposition of human remains devoid of any funeral rite at the time of disposition
Immediate disposition
Specified methods of procedure
What did Benjamin Franklin anticipate by nearly two centuries:
In 1909, at least two companies were producing motorized vehicles for funeral services with the emphasis on:
- Speed
* Smooth glide to the cemetery
Early Hebrews buried their dead on the evening of the day of death because of:
Hygienic necessity
In this method the price on the casket or associated with it included the casket, services and facilities of the funeral establishment
Single unit
The first formal association organization appeared in 1864 before the Civil War in:
In Egypt, he was in charge of all the others in the funeral process
Black bordered and dismal they were often crudely and gruesomely decorated with the macabre symbols of death:
Broadside sheets
If the family is Catholic the funeral director will contact a _____ to perform the services
The Catholic service can be called a Mass of Christian Burial or a _____
Funeral Mass
A decision made at the first national gathering was that the term Funeral Director should replace the term:
Which of the following was not an ingredient of early embalming fluid:
- Arsenates
- Poisonous metals
- Chlorides
- Formaldehyde
The father of American embalming:
Thomas Holmes
In Egyptian history, the “City of the Dead”:
Non-commercial schools were rare because _____
- Limited demand for embalmers
* High cost of instruction
Who devised a technique for arterial embalming while searching for a means of inhibiting putrefaction, but did not divulge his media nor operative details
Frederick Ruysch
The place of burial was so important to the Hebrew family because:
Family members buried together remained in Sheol together
An elongated hollow needle sword-like through which fluids might be injected into and throughout the trunk cavity of the dead:
The Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead:
The History of Embalming was originally written in:
Another name for the Middle Ages was:
In 1878 Congress proceeded to establish a:
National Board of Health
Which artery did Holmes use to embalm:
The atmosphere of the late 19th century funerals was:
Heavy gloom
Hebrews believed that the spirit was found in the:
The funeral director / undertaker first only charged for his:
If the family is Jewish the funeral director will contact a _____ to perform the services
A waxed death mask of nobility was referred to as:
The main difference between commercially and non-commercially operated schools was:
Commercial were operated by chemical companies
The most popular material used in making caskets was:
What president was the Style “E” State Casket provided for:
The most expensive method of Egyptian embalming consisted of five steps, the last of which was
Bandaging, anointing, and spicing
What was the primarily responsible for the formation of “Prayer Guilds” in the Middle Ages?
The Catholic doctrine of purgatory
The netherworld of the Hebrews was called:
The first state to require licenser of embalmers:
Who, during the process of dissecting over 50 cadavers, developed a system of venous injection which may have inspired others?
Leonardo Da Vinci
They were referred to as blood-letters:
The following did not play a role in Egyptian undertaking:
- Pollinctor
- Lawyer
- Paraschisties
- Lectarii
A.C. Barstow of Providence, Rhode Island in 1859 obtained a patent on a(n) design based on a simple system of overlapping ribs:
Children’s hearses were nearly always painted:
A sin-eater:
- Received 6 pence for his services
- Was to take up the sins of the dead
- Was an outcast
The early coffins were made by:
- Carpenters
* Cabinet makers
The correct name for the room where caskets are displayed in a funeral home is _____
Casket selection room
The journey known as the Circle of Necessity lead:
To the sun and back
Which of the following is not a secondary function served by the wake of the Middle-Ages:
- Cleared those present at the death of any wrong doing
- Welcomed the principal heir to his new home
- Allowed all to witness whether the wealth was being divided equally
- It was a place for the minister to give a fire and brimstone speech
It was a place for the minister to give a fire and brimstone speech
The term hearse is now sometimes replaced with the term:
Funeral coach