Funeral Directing and Counseling Comprehensive Exam Flashcards
Kneeling rail
Prie Dieu
Specifically designed clothing for dead human remains
Burial garment
A temporary or permanent means for identification and / or memorialization at the grave
Grave marker
A portable shelter employed to cover the grave area during the committal service
An emblem of the church consisting of two or more intersecting plain bars
A funeral procession is also known as a:
The charge for burial at a National Cemetery is:
No charge
Ninety percent of the notification of deaths come to the funeral home by means of:
The death certificate contains all but one of the following items:
- Doctor’s signature
- Cause of death
- Religious affiliation
- Age of the deceased
- Vital statistics
Religious affiliation
Temple clothing for a Mormon is:
White with a green apron
What is the only nondeclinable charge on a general price list:
Services of funeral director and staff
Which of the following is not specifically required to be on the general price list by the FTC:
- Charge for flower removal
- Name of funeral home
- Charge for the hearse
- Effective date of the prices
- Phone number of the funeral home
Charge for flower removal
One who performs the service of helping to carry the casket at the funeral is the:
Casket bearer
A symbolic cloth covering placed over a casket is called a:
The removal of a Greek Orthodox:
No restrictions
Joseph Smith
Latter-Day Saints
Does not allow cremation
Orthodox Jewish
Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Scientist
Allows cremation
Roman Catholic
Martin Luther
A sprig of evergreen is associated with:
The obtaining and filing of the certificate of death is the responsibility of the:
Funeral director
A veteran’s grave marker can be obtained by making application to the:
Veteran’s Administration
A recess in the columbarium used for the placement of cremated remains is a:
The best time to examine the deceased or inquire about dentures, shaving, jewelry, and valuable personal effects would be:
While making the removal
The founder of the Christian Science Church was:
Mary Baker Eddy
The person who usually makes the notification of death to the funeral home is the:
Member of the family
The time limit for making application for a government headstone for the deceased veteran is:
2 years
On a closed casket the blue field on the flag is:
At the head
Skull cap
Seven day mourning period
A white linen shroud
Ceremony of washing
Holy Burial Society
Chevra Kadisha
A eulogy
A deceased male
Bar Minen
Anniversary of death
A symbol of grief
Funeral cortege
A hexagram
Mogen David
Arlington National Cemetery is under the direction of the:
Veterans Administration
Christian Scientist
A cantor might participate in a funeral of this religion:
A newspaper notice containing biographical information about the deceased is the:
Which of the following is not specifically required by the FTC:
- Outer burial container price list
- Casket price list
- General price list
- Statement of funeral goods and services
- Funeral arrangement form
Funeral arrangement form
The Shivah Candle burns for:
7 days
The basic design of a liturgical church is:
A cross
In the Roman Catholic faith the head of a diocese is called:
Rosary Beads used in the funeral for a deceased Catholic are usually placed:
In the deceased’s hand
What means two, four, six or more grave spaces:
In the funeral procession of a Protestant the automobile directly behind the funeral coach is usually occupied by the:
Family of the deceased
When a person dies at home without medical attention, an official inquiry is made by the:
The officiant for a Christian Science service is called:
According the the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at the beginning of a funeral arrangement conference, the funeral director should present to the family a:
General price list
An unsolicited gift to clergyman is called a(an):
The American Legion funeral requires how many men:
To cover the closed half of a casket, the American flag should have how many folds:
The American flag is issued on behalf of the:
Veterans Administration
A burial transit permit is needed for all of the following except:
- Moving a remains from a state where the death occurred
- Catholic Burial Mass
- Remains which are used for scientific or educational study
- Interment, entombment or cremation of a remains
Catholic Burial Mass
Which of the following would be appropriate information for a funeral director to obtain over the telephone when notified of a death:
- Financial status
- Musical selection
- Insurance coverage
- Casket bearers desired
- Attending physician
Attending physician
Which of the following is not a benefit of a veteran:
- Flag
- Monument
- Grave
- Casket
- Vault
The committal service is usually held at the:
Grave site
Funeral Services for a Latter Day Saint are never held at:
The temple
A speech about the character of a deceased person at a funeral service is known as a(an):
Acolyte is synonymous with the term:
Altar boy
If the date of birth is November 29, 1939 and the date of death was December 3, 1994, how old is this person:
- 55 years
- 0 months
- 4 days
The time limit for filing the VA Burial Allowance is:
2 years of the date of death
A synonym for vestibule is:
The vital statistics information for the death certificate is provided by the:
Which religion requires the use of a symbolic cloth for every service:
Roman Catholic
A holy picture
Short service in funeral home prior to church service
A partition behind which the altar is located
Location of casket
Chants hymns
A nickname for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is:
The name given to the person who accompanies the deceased active duty personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces to the place of burial is a(an):
Military escort
The proper term that refers to the placing of human remains in a mausoleum crypt is: