Mortuary Law Comprehensive Exam Flashcards
Under which theory was the body exclusively within the control of the church:
Which of the following is not a good example of ethical employer-employee relationships:
- Honorable personal conduct
- Healthy working conditions
- Favoritism
- Professional personal appearance
- Adequate compensation
A landowner’s use of property which interferes with the public or another landowner’s use of his property:
The method of dividing an estate by which an equal share is given to each of a number of persons, all of who stand in equal degree to the decedent:
Per capita
When with a family during an arrangement conference, it is good ethical practice to:
Give a copy of everything signed to the family
Which of the following is an allied professional or service that the ethical funeral director is professionally concerned with:
- Teamsters union
- Professional sports
- Organ donation
- Postal service
- Internal revenue service
Organ donation
A system or code of morals of a particular philosopher, religion, group, or profession is called:
Code of Ethics
In his ethical obligations to various professional associations, the funeral director should:
Urge professional solidarity
Which act was enacted to protect groups from substandard wages and excessive working hours:
Fair Labor Standards Act
One having the primary right to control final disposition of a deceased is:
Surviving spouse
“I promise to pay” would appear on what type of contract:
Customs which have come to be recognized by the courts as law describes:
Common law
When the physical possession of a dead human body lies with a funeral director but a certain other funeral director has control of the ultimate disposition, the second mentioned funeral director has which type of custody:
In recognizing ethical standards in his professional responsibility to the press, the funeral director:
Must exercise discretion in releasing confidential information
The extinction or withdrawal of a legacy by an act equivalent to revocation:
Exhumation is synonymous with the term:
A law passed by a city which regulates the kind of building, residence, or business that can be built in different parts of the city:
Zoning Ordinance
A law permitting a person to give all or a part of her body to take effect upon her death:
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
A breach of the duty of care one individual has toward others is called:
Quasi contracts are:
Imposed by law
Referring to blood relationship:
A will in which a soldier in the field or sailor at sea may dispose of personal property only:
Soldiers and sailors
Which of the following is not a good personal ethical trait:
- Community service
- Infidelity
- Good citizenship
- Honesty
- Professionalism
Which act is a federal statute which governs express and implied warranties:
Magnuson-Moss Act
In regard to employer-employee relationships, the ethical funeral director should:
Provide thorough training
A man who makes a valid will:
One who inherits, or is entitled to receive, property by the laws of intestacy from the estate of a deceased person:
A concentration of .75 ppm during an 8 hour day
Time Weighted Average
A concentration of 100 ppm during an 30 minute exposure
Action Level
A concentration of 2 ppm in 15 minutes
Short-Term Exposure Limit
A concentration of or health 0.5 ppm calculated during an 8 hour day
Action Level
Which of the following is not an allied profession or service to the funeral industry:
- Floral shops
- Yellow Pages advertising
- Health departments
- Vault manufacturers
- Cemeteries
Yellow Pages advertising
The method of dividing an estate by a class or group:
Per stirpes
What are purposes of the Funeral Rule:
- To prevent misrepresentations
- To provide itemized pricing prior to purchase decisions
- To give consumers the right to purchase what they want
In regard to professional boards, the ethical funeral director should not:
Only abide by the rules that he agrees with
Which of the following is not a final disposition:
- Burial
- Entombment
- Burial at sea
- Cremation
Maintaining discreet relationships would fulfill what ethical practice:
Confidential responsibility
In maintaining a high standard of conduct with a competitor, the funeral director would be wise to:
Respect the bereaved family’s choice of a funeral home
When a person dies without a will, he is said to die:
The filing and proving of the will following death is called:
The estate which passes from the decedent to the person / persons named in a will:
Which of the following would be a part of a funeral director’s personal ethics:
- Deceit
- Selfishness
- Dishonesty
- Professionalism
- Greed
In regards to competitive relationships, which of the following is not a good ethical practice:
- Good community
- Understanding
- Unity
- Defamation of competitor
- Cooperation
Defamation of competitor
An act, occupation or structure which may become a problem by circumstances of the location or manner in which it is operated:
Nuisance in fact
Which of the following would be the next of kin to a woman whose husband is deceased:
- Aunt
- Niece by marriage
- Granddaughter
- Mother
Synonymous with the term legacy:
A person who dies leaving a valid will is called a:
Which of the following is an ethical obligation that a funeral director owes to his professional association:
- Not worry about monetary support
- Non-participation
- No need to attend regular meetings
- Let other members do all the work
- Participate in continuing education
Participate in continuing education
Which of the following is not considered ethical in regard to the deceased body:
- Allowing a personal friend to watch the embalming procedure
- Entrusted care by the family
- Professional procedures
- Cleanliness
- Care and concern for the dignity of the deceased body
Allowing a personal friend to watch the embalming procedure
Which of the following would be an ethical obligation to your professional association:
- Use association for personal gains
- Create dissent among members
- Spend budgeted associated funds for personal use
- To share time and talents
- Use dictatorial methods to get what you want
To share time and talents
One who owns or controls real estate where a death occurs:
A valid reason to prohibit funeral homes in certain areas in a city or town is that:
Such a business may lower property values in a residential neighborhood
What is the best way to dispose of unclaimed cremated remains:
Store the remains, indefinitely if necessary
An employee required to remain on the employer’s premise and is not free to leave and attend to personal affairs is considered to be:
Engaged to wait
A crime involving a willful wrongdoing, usually felony:
Moral turpitude
When making pre-need arrangements, a good ethical practice is to:
Explain all options thoroughly to the family
Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of an ethical funeral director:
- Divulges confidential information
- Uncooperative
- Compassionate
- Likes to gossip about competitors
- Unprofessional
Which type of contract is a contract set up prior to the death of an individual for the purpose of taking care of his funeral arrangements and paying for his funeral expenses:
A particular law enacted by a legislative body:
Credit offered or extended to a person for primarily personal, family, or household purposes is:
Consumer credit
Which of the following is an example of unethical publicity:
- Fraudulent promotion
- Dignified commercials
- Printed advertisements
- Community service seminars
- Goodwill
Fraudulent promotion
The laws of city councils are:
A wrongful act committed by one person against another person or his property:
An instrument executed with required formality by a person making disposition of his property to take effect upon his death:
Which of the following is a good ethical behavior in regard to treatment of the deceased:
- Joke about the remains to release stress
- Make large incisions
- Cleanliness in the preparation room
- Necromania
- Allow anyone in the preparation room
Cleanliness in the preparation room
The law which was enacted to protect employees from workplace hazards which could result in injuries or illnesses was the:
Which of the following people would have the right to authorize cremation for Mary:
- Mary’s mother
- Mary’s children
- Mary’s eldest nephew
- Mary’s sister
Mary’s children
A will written entirely by hand:
Holographic will
The ethical funeral director should not:
Advise each family what casket they should select
Which of the following is not included on the MSDS:
- Reactivity date
- Name
- Expiration date
- How to clean up and dispose of
Expiration date
Who has the paramount right to arrange for disposition:
When the duty of care that a motorist owes other motorists and pedestrians is breached and results in injury or damage to V1 another, what has been committed:
A court having jurisdiction over estates:
Automotive equipment made available for hire:
A person appointed by the court to oversee the deceased estate is called:
In choosing your supply of caskets, the most important qualification of the manufacturer is:
A policy of standing behind their product
The law that was enacted to protect individuals during personal credit transactions was the:
Truth in Lending Act
A written disposition of property, real or personal to take effect at the death of an individual is called:
The property of a deceased person, both real and / or personal:
Which records does an employer not have to keep:
Total mealtime taken
A funeral director has no liability for which drivers in the funeral procession:
An addition or modification of a will is known as a:
Ethics is probably best defined:
The discipline dealing with moral duty and obligation
A woman who makes a valid will:
A person who holds a position of trust to a beneficiary:
With personal effects of a deceased in his custody, the ethical funeral director should not:
Place them in a bag and leave them in the preparation room
The condition of an estate of a deceased person which is unable to pay the debts of the decedent and / or the estate is referred to as being:
Insolvent estate
When a funeral director makes funeral arrangements with a family, he should:
Be factual and knowledgeable
A funeral director is a creditor if he extends credit how many times a year:
A mortuary is a:
Nuisance in fact
Which of the following is not good ethical behavior in regard to treatment of the deceased:
- Privacy in the preparation
- Thoroughness of preparation of the deceased
- Cleanliness
- Necromania
- Concern for the dignity of the deceased
It may be prejudicial to public morals, dangerous to life, or injurious to public rights:
Nuisance per se
The disinterment of a dead body is accomplished by court order through the:
- Coroner
* Presiding judge
Which of the following is not required to be listed on the General Price List:
- Name of the funeral home owner
- Address of the funeral home
- Effective date of the price list
- Name of funeral home
Name of the funeral home owner
Current OSHA standards require that all embalming room areas have which of the following:
- Eye wash stations
- Protective clothing and gloves
- Eye protectors
- All of the above
- None of the above
All of the above
A proportional reduction of a legacy under a will when the funds out of which such legacy are payable are not sufficient to pay it in full:
A claim or charge against property for payment of some debt:
The funeral director is required to disclose prices over the telephone in which of the following instances:
Person requesting specific service information
Principles of morality, including both the science of good and the nature of right:
Altering of an object or a dead human body from its original condition:
Which of the following is not a common chemical used in a funeral home:
- Paraformaldehyde
- Formaldehyde
- Phenol
- Acid
In regard to an ethical funeral director’s relationship with his competitors, which of the following is considered a proper goal:
- Defamation
- Slander
- Selfishness
- Cooperation
- Gossip
Unauthorized embalming may be viewed by the courts as which type of violation:
- Mutilation
- Violations of the rights of the deceased and family
- Negligence
The registration or data pertaining to births, deaths, etc:
Vital statistics
Which of the following is an ethical consideration in regard to the care of the deceased body:
- Cleanliness of facilities
- Professional solidarity
- Accuracy of business and family records
- Entrusted care by the family
- Personal appearances
Entrusted care by the family
A personal representative of the deceased appointed in the will to carry out the provisions of the will is called:
Which of the following is a piece of physical data on the MSDS:
- Solubility in water
- What color fluid is in the bottle
- How much the bottle weighs
- How tall the bottle is
Solubility in water
Which of the following does not meet the criteria of a dead body:
- Human
- Deprived of life
- Not entirely disintegrated
- Deprived of brain waves
Deprived of brain waves
Which of the following should not be discussed in the funeral arrangements conference:
- Vital statistics
- How many people died the night before
- Life insurance policies
- General price list
- Alternatives to the traditional funeral
How many people died the night before
Who is required by law to maintain records on wages, hours worked, and other items listed in the wage and hour regulation:
Stand by the decision
Stare decisis
Law of the sea
Admiralty law
An example
Law based by example
Case law
Law based on custom
Common law
A work week consists of seven consecutive days beginning on any day and time and consists of how many consecutive hours:
The correct term for a dead body that has been donated to medical science is:
When a funeral director has a dead human body in his care, he is properly termed a:
Which of the following denotes good professional ethics in community relationships:
- Becoming intoxicated at association meetings
- Having an affair with the local hairdresser
- Speaking to a local church group
- Promising discounts to all your friends so that they will come to your funeral home
- Frequenting the local drug dealer
Speaking to a local church group
Which of the following is considered unethical publicity for a funeral director:
- Speaking to a local civic club
- Continuing education
- Privacy in information
- Personal obligation to written assignments
- Misrepresentation in warranties
Misrepresentation in warranties
An oral will dictated by an ill testator which is later written out: