Embalming: Sample Questions Flashcards
A process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, to retard organic decomposition, and to restore an acceptable physical appearance is:
The irreversible cessation of all vital functions is:
Those changes occurring in the interval prior to somatic death are:
A sharp cutting instrument used for making incisions is the:
That consideration given to the dead body, prior to, during and after the embalming procedure is complete is:
Case analysis
An imaginary line drawn on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper underlying structure is the:
Linear guide
Injection and drainage from one location is called:
One point injection
Chemicals which inactivate saprophytic bacteria are called:
The movement of embalming solutions from the point of injection throughout the arterial system and into the capillaries is called:
This embalming method consists of injecting a few ounces of arterial chemical, stopping injection, then draining for a few minutes, and then repeating the process:
This is a term used to refer to the after-death examination of the organs and tissues of a body to determine cause of death or pathological conditions:
Any abnormal color appearing in or upon the human body is called:
A needle injector is used for this purpose:
Mouth closure
Content normally aspirated from the stomach:
Hydrochloric acid
When death has been due to pneumonia, an embalmer should expect:
Thoracic congestion and increased blood viscosity
The Formaldehyde Standard for short-term exposure to formaldehyde is:
2 ppm/15 minutes
Signs of death exhibited by the eyes of the deceased include:
- Clouding of the cornea and flattening of the eyeball
- Loss of luster of the conjunctiva
- Pupil dilation and non-response to light
Another name for pleural effusion is:
Proteolysis refers to decomposition of:
Which conditions would require special attention during thoracic cavity embalming?
- Hydrothorax
* Hydropericardium
Discoloration resulting when formaldehyde reacts with hemoglobin in the tissues is called:
Formaldehyde grey
Severe generalized edema is known as:
Escape of blood serum from an intravascular to an extravascular location immediately before death is:
Agonal edema
Low index fluids used to inhibit bilirubin from turning to biliverdin are known as:
Jaundice fluids
Chemicals that create an increased capability for embalmed tissues to retain their moisture are called:
How many ounces of formaldehyde are contained in a 16-ounce bottle of 25 index arterial fluid?
4 ounces