Embalming: Glossary Flashcards
Nine region plan: by means of four imaginary planes, two of which are horizontal (indicated by lines drawn across the right and left 10” ribs and across the right and left anterior superior iliac spines) and two sagittal (indicated by lines drawn from mid point of inguinal ligament to nipples of chest, right and left sides)
Abdominal anatomical regions
Abdominal anatomical regions: upper row
- Right hypochondriac
- Epigastric
- Left hypochondriac
Abdominal anatomical regions: middle row
- Right lumbar
- Umbilical
- Left lumbar
Abdominal anatomical regions: lower row
- Right inguinal (iliac)
- Hypogastric
- Left inguinal (iliac)
Four region plan: by means of two imaginary planes, one horizontal and the other mid-sagittal
Abdominal anatomical regions
Abdominal anatomical regions: four region plan
- Upper right quadrant
- Upper left quadrant
- Lower right quadrant
- Lower left quadrant
Antemortem injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis
To touch or contact, as with the tarsal plates of the closed eyelids
Group of chemicals used in addition to vascular (arterial) and cavity embalming fluids
Accessory chemicals
Includes, but is not limited to hardening compounds, preservative powders, sealing agents, mold preventative agents, and pack application agents
Accessory chemicals
A specific group of diseases or conditions which are indicative of severe immunosuppression related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Persons dead may exhibit conditions such as wasting syndrome, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and Kaposi’s sarcoma
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
These levels are established to ensure adequate protection of employees at exposures below the OSHA limits, but to minimize the compliance burdens for employers whose employees have exposures below the 8-hour permissible exposure limit (PEL)
- Action level
* AL exposure limits
For formaldehyde is 0.5 ppm
- Action level
That pressure which is indicated by the injector gauge needle when the arterial tube is open and the arterial solution is flowing into the body
Actual pressure
A wax-like material produced by saponification of body fat in a body buried in alkaline soil
- Adipocere
* Grave wax
In the presence of free oxygen
To disperse as an aerosol
Minute particles of blood and water become atomized and suspended in air when water under pressure meets the blood drainage or when flushing an undercover flush sink
Intravascular, the increase of viscosity of blood brought about by the clumping of particulate formed elements in the blood vessels
- Agglutination
* Congealing
Decrease in body temperature immediately before death
Agonal algor
In reference to blood, a change from a fluid into a thickened mass
- Agonal coagulation
* Congealing
The loss of moisture from the living body during the agonal state
Agonal dehydration
Escape of blood serum from an intravascular to an extravascular location immediately before death
Agonal edema
Increase in body temperature immediately before death
Agonal fever
Period immediately before somatic death
Agonal period
Post mortem cooling of the body to the surrounding temperature
Algor mortis
Method of injection-drainage in which embalming solution is injected and then injection is stopped while drainage is open
Alternate drainage (restricted drainage)
An organization of professional personnel in governmental agencies or educational institutions who are employed in occupational safety and health programs
American Congress of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
The building blocks of proteins
Amino acid
The end products of protein digestion or hydrolysis
Amino acid
A compound containing an amino group, a carboxyl group attached to an alpha carbon and a radical
Amino acid
Amino group
Carboxyl group
In the absence of free oxygen
Generalized massive edema in subcutaneous tissue
A descriptive reference for locating arteries and veins by means of anatomical structures which are known
Anatomical guide
Points of origin and points of termination in relation to adjacent structures
Anatomical limits
Used to designate the boundaries of arteries
Anatomical limits
The body is erect, feet together, palms facing forward, and thumbs pointed away from the body
Anatomical position
Localized abnormal dilation or outpocketing of a blood vessel resulting from a congenital defect or a weakness of a vessel wall
An embalming instrument used for blunt dissection and in raising vessels
Aneurysm hook
Has an eye in the hook position of the instrument for placing ligatures around the vessels
Aneurysm hook
An embalming instrument that is used for blunt dissection and in raising vessels, which has an eye in the hook portion of the instrument for placing ligatures around the vessels
Aneurysm needle
A multipurpose instrument used in the embalming process
Angular spring forceps
Deviation from the normal
In front of the elbow
In the bend of the elbow
Before death
Toward the front
A bony protuberance, that can be palpated topographically, found on the ilium, the superior, broad portion of the hipbone
Anterior superior iliac spine
The origin of the inguinal ligament and the sartorius muscle
Anterior superior iliac spine
Ingredient of embalming fluids that retards the natural postmortem tendency of blood to become more viscous or prevents adverse reactions between blood and other embalming chemicals
Anticoagulant fluid
Condition in which the manifestations of life are feebly maintained
Apparent death
The concentrated, preservative, embalming chemical that will be diluted with water to form the arterial solution for injection into the arterial system during vascular embalming
- Arterial fluid
* Vascular fluid
The purpose is for inactivating saprophytic bacteria and rendering the body tissues less susceptible to decomposition
- Arterial fluid
* Vascular fluid
The mixture of arterial (vascular) fluid and water which is used for the arterial injection and may include supplemental fluids
Arterial solution
A tube used to inject embalming fluid into the blood vascular system
Arterial tube
Disease of the arteries resulting in thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
Place of union between two or more bones
Accumulation of serous fluids in the peritoneal cavity
Freedom from infection and from any form of life
Insufficient intake of oxygen resulting from any of numerous causes
Withdrawal of gas, fluids, and semi-solids from body cavities and hollow viscera by means of suction with an aspirator and a trocar
Fatty degeneration or thickening of the walls of the larger arteries occurring in ahterosclerosis
Apparatus used for sterilization by steam pressure, usually at 250 degrees Fahrenheit / 121 degrees Celsius for a specific time
Self-destruction of cells
Decomposition of all tissues by enzymes of their own formation without microbial assistance
The body’s own digestive enzymes that are capable of destroying body cells
Autolytic enzyme
Body’s own digestive enzymes that are capable of destroying body cells
Autolytic decomposition
A postmortem examination of the organs and tissues of a body to determine cause of death or pathological condition
- Autopsy
* Postmortem examination
Agent that destroys bacteria
Bactericidal agent
Agent that has the ability to inhibit or retard bacterial growth
Bacteriostatic agent
No destruction of viability of the microorganism is implied
Bacteriostatic agent
Resins combined with oil
Balsamic substance
A fragrant, resinous, oily exudate from various trees and plants
Balsamic substance
Base of the axillary space
Biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to humans
Bloodborne pathogens, blood or body fluids exposure, any potentially infective, contaminated waste associated with the preparation of human remains that constitutes a hazard to humans in the workplace
- Biohazardous waste
* Infectious waste
Irreversible somatic death
Biological death
A carcinogen potentially produced when formaldehyde and sodium hypochlorite come into contact with each other
Bischloromethyl ether (BCME)
Normally occurs only in a controlled laboratory setting and requires a catalyst
Bischloromethyl ether (BCME)
A chemical that lightens a skin discoloration
Bleaching agent
Cell-containing fluid that circulates through the blood vascular system and is compposed of approximately 22% solids and 78% water
Discolorations resulting from change in blood composition, content, or location, either intravascularly or extravascularly
Blood discoloration
The pressure exerted by the blood in the living body on the arterial wall measured in millimeters of mercury
Blood pressure
Circulatory network composed of the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
Blood vascular system
OSHA Regulation (29CFR 1910-1030) regulating the employee’s exposure to blood and other body fluids
Bloodborne Pathogen Rule
Blood, human blood, human blood components, and products made from human blood
Bloodborne pathogens (OSHA definition)
Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans
Bloodborne pathogens
Include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Bloodborne pathogens
The separation and pushing aside of the superficial fascia leading to blood vessels and then the deep fascia surrounding blood vessels, utilizing manual techniques or round-ended instruments which separate rather than cut the protective tissues
Blunt dissection
Acute, deep-seated inflammation in the skin, which usually begins as a subcutaneous swelling in a hair follicle
- Boil
* Furuncle
A temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitched employed to sustain the proper position of tissues
- Bridge suture
* Interrupted suture
Vestibule of the oral cavity
Buccal cavity
The space between the lips, gums, and teeth
Buccal cavity
Self-contained, soft rubber manual pump designed to create pressure to deliver fluid as it passes through one-way valves located within the bulb
Bulb syringe
Used only to deliver fluids
Bulb syringe
Cannot be used for aspiration
Bulb syringe
Substances that in solution are capable of neutralizing, within limits, both acids and bases and thereby maintaining the original, or constant, pH, of the solution
Dead human body used for medical purposes
Includes transplantation, anatomical dissection and study
A prolongation of the last violent contraction of the muscle into the rigidity of death
Cadaveric spasm
The dome-like superior portion of the cranium
That portion removed during cranial autopsy
A device used as a means of fastening the calvarium after a cranial autopsy
Calvarium clamp
Formation of new channels in a tissue
Minute blood vessels, the walls of which comprise a single layer of endothelial cells
Connect the arterioles with the venules and are where pressure filtration occurs
Smallest arteries
Smallest veins
Ability of substances to diffuse through capillary walls into the tissue spaces
Capillary permeability
A compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen that is an aldehyde or ketone derivative of polyhydroxyl alcohol
Examples: sugars, starches, and glycogen
Circumscribed inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues that ends in suppuration and is accompanied by systemic symptoms, such as fever and leukocytosis
A cancer-causing chemical or material
- Carcinogen
* Carcinogenicity
The formation of cavities in an organ or tissue
Frequently seen in some forms of tuberculosis
Direct treatment, other than vascular (arterial) injection, of the contents of the body cavities and the lumina of the hollow viscera
Cavity embalming
Usually accomplished by aspiration and injection of chemicals using a trocar
Cavity embalming
Embalming chemicals which are injected into the cavities of the body following the aspiration in cavity embalming
Cavity fluid
Can be used as the chemical in hypodermic and surface embalming
Cavity fluid
Death of the individual cells of the body
Cellular death
Ascending aorta and / or arch of the aorta
Center of fluid distribution
Right atrium of the heart
Center of venous drainage
Embalming machine that uses an electrical pump to create pressure, either pulsating or non-pulsating
Centrifugal force machine
A major agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, concerned with all phases of control of communicable, vector-borne, and occupational diseases
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (DCDP)
Substances that bind metallic ions such as EDTA (Ethylenediamine-tetracetic acid)
Used as an anticoagulant in embalming solutions
Change in the body’s chemical composition that occurs after death
Chemical postmortem change
Example: Release of heme leading to postmortem staining
Chemical postmortem change
The application of chemical reagents in the treatment of disease in man, using an elevated preservation demand
- Chemotherapy
* Chemotherapeutic agents
A phase of somatic death lasting from five to six minutes in which life may be restored
Clinical death
Drainage procedure that limits the exposure of the embalmer to the drainage
Closed system drainage
Tubing is attached to a drain tube allowing drainage to flow directly from a vein into a sanitary disposal system
Closed system drainage
Tubing may also be attached to a trocar and aspirator allowing drainage to be taken from the right atrium of the heart to the sanitary disposal system
Closed system drainage
Chemical and physical agents that bring about coagulation
Coagulation agents
A fluid used primarily to supplement and enhance the action of vascular (arterial) solutions
Co-injection fluid
Mode of somatic death
Death beginning at the brain
Disease that may be transmitted either directly or indirectly between individuals by an infectious agent
Communicable disease
Disinfection practices carried out during the embalming process
Concurrent disinfection
Method of drainage in which drainage occurs continuously during vascular (arterial) injection
Concurrent drainage
Rounded articular process on a bone
The process of converting soluble protein to insoluble protein by heating or by contact with a chemical such as an alcohol or an aldehyde
Mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the white portion of the eye
Disease that may be transmitted between individuals, with reference to the organism that causes a disease
Contagious disease
The presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item or surface
Laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may contain sharps
Contaminated laundry
Any contaminated object that can penetrate the skin
Contaminated sharps
Examples: Needles, scalpels, broken glass, and exposed ends of wires
Contaminated sharps
Transparent part of the tunic of the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light into the interior
That portion of the cornea recovered for transplantation in situ
Corneal sclera button
An official of a local community who holds inquests concerning sudden, violent, and unexplained deaths
Having an abnormal amount of fat on the body
- Corpulance
* Obesity
Embalming fluid that contains dyes and coloring agents intended to restore a more natural skin tone through the embalming process
Cosmetic fluid
Dye that helps to cover internal discolorations such as jaundice
Counter staining compound
Plastic garment designed to cover the body from the chest down to the upper right
Method used to embalm the contents of the cranial cavity through aspiration and injection of the cranial chamber by passage of a trocar through the cribriform plate
Cranial embalming
Those elements remaining after cremation of a dead human body
Cremated remains
Crackling sensation produced when gases trapped in tissues are palpated, as in subcutaneous emphysema
Disease of the central nervous system with unknown etiology assumed to be caused by a prion
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD)
Thin, medial portion of the ethmoid bone of the skull
Cribriform plate
Irreversible cessation of all vital functions (non-legal definition)
Noise made by a moribund person caused by air passing through a residue of mucous in the trachea and posterior oral cavity
Death rattle
The semi-convulsive twitches which often occur before death
Death struggle
Decomposition of proteins by enzymes of aerobic bacteria
Separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial and / or autolytic enzymes
Loss of moisture from the body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem the removal of water from a substance
A protein whose structure has been changed by physical or chemical agents
Denatured protein
Rendered thoroughly dry
Exhausted of moisture
Areas of embalmed tissue where excessive dehydration has occurred
Desiccation marks
Sloughing off of the epidermis, wherein there is a separation of the epidermis from the underlying dermis
- Desquamation
* Skin slip
Separation of substances in solution by the difference in their rating of diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane
The difference between potential and actual pressure
Differential pressure
Movement of molecules or other particles in solution from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration until uniform concentration is reached
Passage of some components of the injected embalming solution from an intravascular to an extravascular location
Diffusion (arterial solution)
Movement of the embalming solutions from the capillaries into the interstitial fluids
Diffusion (arterial solution)
Finger and toes
Number one digit for each hand
Number one digit for each foot
Large toe
Any abnormal color in or upon the human body
Any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of a body part, organ, or system
An agent, usually chemical, applied to inanimate objects / surfaces to destroy disease-causing microbial agents, but usually not bacterial spores
The destruction and / or inhibition of most pathogenic organisms and their products in or on the body
The movement of embalming solutions from the point of injection throughout the arterial system and into the capillaries
Distribution (fluid)
Embalming instrument, inserted into a vein, used to aid the drainage of venous blood from the body
Drain tubes
Discharge or withdrawal of blood, blood clots, interstitial and lymphatic fluid, and embalming solution from the body during vascular embalming, usually through a vein
OSHA-required safety device for a release of a copious amount of water in a short time
Drench shower
A condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic
Dry gangrene
Occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed
Dry gangrene
Substances which will, upon being dissolved, impart a definite color to the embalming solution
- Dye
* Coloring agent
Classified as to their capacity to permanently impart color to the tissue of the body into which they are injected
- Dye
* Coloring agent
Discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood within the tissues
- Ecchymosis
* Bruise
Generally accompanied by swelling
- Ecchymosis
* Bruise
Record of the electrical activity of the heart
- Electrocardiogram (ECG / EKG)
Abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissue or body cavities
A record of the electrical activity of the brain
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
A device that uses a motor to create suction for the purpose of aspiration
Electric aspirator
An electrically heated blade that may be used to dry moist tissue, reduce swollen tissue, and restore contour
Electric spatula
Process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, to temporarily inhibit organic decomposition, and to restore an acceptable physical appearance
Number of types of embalming
Report filled out for each body prepared and for each body received from another funeral home
- Embalming report
* Case report
That consideration given to the dead body prior to, during, and after the embalming procedure is completed
- Embalming analysis
* Case analysis
Documentation is recommended
- Embalming analysis
* Case analysis
Mechanical systems and devices engineered into the architecture of a building
Engineering controls
Examples: Exhaust systems, sanitary plumbing
Engineering controls
The surroundings, conditions, or influences that affect an organism or the cells within an organism
A governmental agency with environmental protection regulatory and enforcement authority
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Organic catalyst produced by living cells and capable of autolytic decomposition
A protein that acts as a biological catalyst
To remove as by cutting out
The area from which tissue has been removed
Any procedure used to prove a sign of death usually performed by medical personnel
Expert tests of death
A specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties
Exposure incident
Reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties
Exposure, occupational
Outside the blood vascular system
Discoloration of the body outside the blood vascular system
Extravascular blood discoloration
Examples: Ecchymosis, petechial, hematoma, and postmortem stain
Extravascular blood discoloration
Excess loss of blood
From outside the body
Removal of the eye for tissue transplantation, research, or education
Eye enucleation
Extravasation of blood as a result of eye enucleation
Eye enucleation discoloration
OSHA-required emergency safety device providing a steady stream of water for flushing the eye
Eye wash station
A thin, dome-like shell made of hardened cloth, metal, or plastic place beneath eyelids to restore natural curvature and to maintain the position of posed eyelids
A common name for a triglyceride ester that is a semisolid or solid at room temperature and contains a high percentage of saturated fatty acids