Restorative Art: Professional Expectations Flashcards
Restorative art professional expectations
- Orientation
- Surface bones of the cranium
- Surface bones of the face
- Prominences, depressions and cavities
- Facial proportions
- Reference to the photograph
- Facial profiles
- Head forms (frontal view)
- Bilateral forms of the head and features
- Identifying facial markings (cause of muscles)
- Wax modeling
- Structures of the ear (pinna)
- Structures of the nose
- Structures of the mouth
- Structures of the closed eye
- General restorative treatments
- Definition of color
- Cosmetology
Restorative art orientation professional expectations
- Definitions
- Restorations for which permission is not sought
- Real and complimentary charges for restoration
Restorative art orientation definition professional expectations
- Restorative art
* Physiognomy
Surface bones of the cranium professional expectations
- Geometric form of normal skull
* External cranial bones
Geometric form of normal skull professional expectations
Oval from three views
Surface bones of the face professional expectations
External facial bones
External facial bones professional expectations
- Location
* Surfaces
Prominences, depressions and cavities professional expectations
Description and location of prominences, cavities and depressions
Facial proportions professional expectations
- Values in order to make comparisons with photograph
- Horizontal lines (imaginary, vertical lines (imaginary), proportional relationships based on horizontal and vertical lines
- Additional measurements
Reference to the photograph professional expectations
- Comparative values of snapshots and professional portraits
- Values of the three-quarter view photo
- Value of profile view
- Definition of highlights and shadows
Facial profiles professional expectations
- Basic linear forms (disregarding nasal profile)
- Combinations of basic linear forms
- Most common form
- Least common form
Head forms (frontal view) professional expectations
- Geometric forms described
- Most common form
- Least common form
Bilateral forms of the head and features professional expectations
- Definition
- Asymmetry of paired structures
- Surfaces exhibiting a similarity of bilateral curvature
- Methods of comparing bilateral curvatures during a wax restoration
Identifying facial markings (cause of muscles) professional expectations
- Factors responsible for facial markings
- Definitions
- Reproduction of furrows, grooves and folds on wax area, classification of facial markings
- Definitions and examples of natural facial markings and acquired facial markings
Identifying facial markings (cause of muscles) definitions professional expectations
- Furrow
* Groove fold (eminence)
Wax modeling professional expectations
- Waxes
- Conditions of deep and surface tissues necessary for wax restoration (and methods and materials used)
- Technique of modeling features
Waxes professional expectations
- Types
- Qualifications of satisfactory waxes
- Cosmetics (in, under and upon wax)
- Softening wax
Structures of the ear (pinna) professional expectations
- General characteristics
- Anatomical guides for locating ear
- Description of ear structures
Structures of the nose professional expectations
- General description
- Racial classifications, profile classifications
- Anatomy, parts of the nose
- Nose restoration
- Physical and medical distortion
Structures of the mouth professional expectations
- Characteristics
- Identification of mouthparts, location and type of facial markings
- Description of structures
- Cosmetic application to alter thickness and width
- Restorations of mouth
Structures of the closed eye professional expectations
- Profile forms
- Line of closure, size and form of eyelids
- Location and description of fossa, supraorbital area, inner canthus sulci, linear sulci, cilia, supercilium
8 eye restorations
Eye restorations professional expectations
- Separated eyelids
- Orbital pouch
- Dehydrated inner canthus
General restorative treatments professional expectations
- Classification of cases requiring restorative art treatment
- Abrasions and lacerations
- Bleaching
- Burns
- Cancer treatment
- Decapitation
- Distentions
- Desquamation
- Excisions
- Fractures
- Hair restoration
Definition of color professional expectations
- The spectrum
- Absorption and reflection of naming colors
- Measures of color
- Pigment theory (Prang System)
- Color schemes
- Effect of colored lights on colored objects
Cosmetology professional expectations
- Coloring methods
- Pigments of the skin
- Pigment cosmetics necessary to match the skin
- Types of complexions
- Methods of applying external complexion compounds
- Change of overtones on an applied cosmetic highlights and shadows, natural warm-color areas on face and hands
- Natural color of lips
- Changing dimension of lips
- Effect of powder
- Treatment of complete (or extensive) discoloration