Preparation for Disposition: Glossary Flashcards
Antemortem injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis
To bluntly adjoin another structure
Example: the line of eye closure
Decrease in body temperature immediately before death
Agonal algor
The physical possession of the dead human body
Actual custody of the body
In reference to blood, a change from a fluid into a thickened mass
- Agonal coagulation
* Congealing
Loss of moisture from the living body during the agonal state
Agonal dehydration
Escape of blood serum from an intravascular to an extravascular location immediately before death
Agonal edema
Increase in body temperature immediately before death
Agonal fever
Period immediately before somatic death
Agonal period
An agonal or postmortem redistribution of host microflora on a hostwide basis
- Agonal translocation
* Translocation
A transfer container consisting of a wooden tray with a cardboard covering for the casket
Air tray
Postmortem cooling of the body to the surrounding temperature
Algor mortis
An unfinished wood box or other non-metal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining, which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is made of fiberboard, pressed-wood, composition materials (with or without an outside covering) or like materials
Alternative container
Generalized massive edema in subcutaneous tissue
Distension of the tissues beneath the skin by gas or air
Antemortem subcutaneous emphysema
An antemortem condition brought about by a surgical procedure, trauma, or by a puncture or tear in the pleural sac or the lung tissue
Antemortem subcutaneous emphysema
The meeting between the funeral director and the client family during which the funeral arrangements are discussed
Arrangements conference
Hebrew word meaning container
A casket made entirely of wood, containing no metal parts
Accumulation of serous fluids in the peritoneal cavity
Abdominal cavity
Withdrawal of gas, fluids, and semi-solids from body cavities and hollow viscera by means of suction with an aspirator and a trocar
Self-destruction of cells
Decomposition of all tissues by enzymes of their own formation without microbial assistance
The body’s own digestive enzymes that are capable of destroying body celles
Autolytic enzyme
Body’s capability of destroying body cells
Autolytic decomposition
Agent that destroys bacteria
Bactericidal agent
Agent that has the ability to inhibit or retard bacterial growth
Bacteriostatic agent
No destruction of viability of the microorganism is implied
Bacteriostatic agent
A person who receives personal property from another as a bailment
A delivery of personal property by one person to another who holds the property for a certain purpose under an express or implied-in-fact contract
A person who delivers personal property to another as a bailment
The portion of the casket upon which the deceased human remains are placed
Biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to humans
Bloodborne pathogens, blood or body fluids exposure, any potentially infective, contaminated waste associated with the preparation of human remains that constitutes a hazard to humans in the workplace
- Biohazardous waste
* Infectious waste
A chemical that lightens a skin discoloration
Bleaching agent
Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans
Bloodborne pathogens
Examples: hepatitis B virus, human immunodeficiency virus
Bloodborne pathogens
OSHA regulation 29CFR 1910-1030 regulating the employee’s exposure to blood and other body fluids
Bloodborne pathogen rule
Discolorations resulting from changes in blood composition, content, or location, either intravascularly or extravascularly
Blood discoloration
A legal document, issued by a governmental agency, authorizing transportation and / or disposition of a dead human body
- Burial-transit permit
* Disposition permit
A rigid container which is designed for the encasement of human remains and which is usually constructed of wood, metal, or like material and ornamented and lined with fabric
A case or receptacle in which human remains are placed for protection, practical utility, and a suitable memory picture
Any box or container of one or more parts in which a dead human body is placed prior to interment, entombment, or cremation which may or may not be permanently interred, entombed, or cremated with the dead human remains
Change in the body’s chemical composition that occurs after death
Chemical postmortem change
Example: release of heme leading to postmortem staining
Chemical postmortem change
Hebrew phrase meaning “Holy Society”
Chevrah Kadisha
A group of men or women from the synagogue who care for the dead
Chevrah Kadisha
May be referred to by laymen as the “washers”
Chevrah Kadisha
In the past, took care of all funeral arrangements and preparation for Jewish funerals
Chevrah Kadisha
A case or receptacle for dead human remains which is anthropoidal in shape
A transfer container consisting of a particle board box with a cardboard tray and cover to satisfy air shipping regulations
Combination case
Where a party has a right to acquire actual custody / possession of the dead body although another party has actual physical possession
- Constructive custody
* Constructive possession
The presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item or surface
Laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may contain sharps
Contaminated laundry
A container used to hold a dead human body which is constructed out of a type of cardboard, which is made with aseries of alternate folds and ridges
Corrugated container
Plastic garment designed to cover the body from the chest down to the upper thigh
A funeral director becomes the legal protector of a dead human body from the time of removal until final disposition
Decomposition of proteins by enzymes of aerobic bacteria
Separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial and / or autolytic enzymes
Loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem the removal of water from a substance
Set of artificial teeth
Sloughing off of the epidermis, wherein there is a separation of the epidermis from the underlying dermis as a result of putrefaction
- Desquamation
* Skin-slip
Any abnormal color in or upon the human body
An agent, usually chemical, applied to inanimate objects / surfaces to destroy disease causing microbial agents, but usually not bacterial spores
Destruction and / or inhibition of most pathogenic organisms and their products in or on the body
Disposition of human remains by cremation, without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the body present
Direct cremation
Any method of disposition of the human remains without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the body present
Direct disposition
Discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood within the tissues
- Ecchymosis
* Bruise
Generally accompanied by swelling
- Ecchymosis
* Bruise
Abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissues or body cavities
Electrically heated blade which may be used to dry moist tissue, reduce swollen tissue, and restore contour to normal form
Electric spatula
Discoloration of the body outside the blood vascular system
Extravascular blood discoloration
Examples: ecchymosis, petechial, hematoma, and postmortem stain
Extravascular blood discoloration
Removal of the eye for tissue transplantation, research and education
Eye enucleation
Extravasation of blood as a result of eye enucleation
Eye enucleation discoloration
A thin, dome-like shell made of hardened cloth, metal, or plastic placed beneath eyelids to restore natural curvature and to maintain the position of posed eyelids
The microbial (enzymatic) decomposition of carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions
Lesions of the mucous membrane of the lip or mouth usually caused by Herpes Simplex Type I or II virus or by dehydration of the mucous membrane in a febrile disease
Fever blisters
The conclusive performance of serices with respect to the dead human body
Final disposition
Water blessed by a priest
Holy water
Piece of equipment used to maintain the head in the proper position during the embalming process
A swelling or mass of clotted blood confined to an organ or space caused by a ruptured blood vessel
Tumor like swelling of blood
Destruction of red blood cells that liberates hemoglobin
Destruction of red blood cells that liberates hemoglobin
Severe infectious bloodborne virus
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Inflammatory skin disease marked by small vesicles in clusters
Retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Body of a deceased person, including cremated remains
Human remains
Abnormal accumulation of fluids in a saclike structure in any sacculated cavity in the body, especially the scrotal sac
Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluids in the ventricles of the brain
Reaction in which water is one of the reactants and compounds are often broken down
The addition of water accompanied by action of enzymes results in the breakdown of protein into amino acids
Hydrolysis of proteins
Abnormal accumulation of fluid within the pericardial sac
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the thoracic cavity
Disposition of human remains by burial, without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the body present, except for a graveside service
Immediate burial
Immediate stiffening of the muscles of a dead human body
Instantaneous rigor mortis
Discoloration of the body within the blood vascular system
Intravascular blood discoloration
Examples: hypostasis, carbon monoxide, and capillary congestion
Intravascular blood discoloration
Conditions characterized by excessive concentrations of bilirubin in the skin and tissues and deposition of excessive bile pigment in the skin, cornea, body fluids, and mucous membranes with the resulting yellow appearance of the patient
- Jaundice
* Icterus
Wound characterized by irregular tearing of tissue
Decomposition of fats
Postmortem intravascular red-blue discoloration resulting from hypostasis of blood
- Livor mortis
* Cadaveric lividity
Specific antibody acting destructively upon cells and tissues
Organelle that exists within a cell, but separate from the cell
Contains hydrolytic enzymes that break down proteins and certain carbohydrates
A stitch used to hold the mouth closed
Mandibular suture
Placed behind the lips, one part is passed through around the inferior jaw at the median plane, while the other part extends through the nasal septum or the superior frenulum
Mandibular suture
Minute one-celled form of life not distinguishable as being of vegetable or animal nature
- Microorganisms
* Microbe
The enzymes of microorganisms
Microbial enzyme
A source of the enzymes that contribute to decomposition
Microbial enzyme
Agents which will prohibit the growth of mold
- Mold preventative
* Mold-preventive agents
A place where dead human bodies are kept until identified and / or released for final disposition
Device used in the mouth to shape the contour of the lips
Mouth former
Method of mouth closure in which a suture is passed through the septum of the nose and through the mentalis muscle of the chin
musculature suture
Any altering or change made to a dead human body from the time of death, other than by natural causes
Pathological death of a tissue still a part of the living organism
Mechanical device used to impel specially designed metal pins into bone
Needle pinjector
Antemortem discoloration that occurs during the course of certain diseases
Pathological discoloration
Gangrene and jaundice
Pathological discoloration
Substance able to destroy lice
Chemicals found in embalming arterial formulations having the capability of displacing an unpleasant odor or of altering an unpleasant odor so that it is converted to a more pleasant one
- Perfuming agents
* Masking agents
Those items of protection worn to minimize exposure to hazards
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Those items worn by the embalmer to avoid contact with blood and other body fluids
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Antemortem, pinpoint, extravascular blood discoloration visible as purplish hemorrhages of the skin
condition in which interstitial spaces contain such excessive amounts of fluid that the skin remains depressed after palpation
Pitting edema
Preparation room equipment for properly positioning bodies prior to, during, and after vascular embalming
Positioning devices
Rise in body temperature after death due to continued cellular metabolism
Postmortem caloricity
Change in the form or state of matter without any change in chemical composition
Postmortem physical changes
Extravascular color change that occurs when heme, released by hemolysis of red blood cells, seeps through the vessel walls and into the body tissues
Postmortem stain
That facility in a funeral home especially designed and equipped for embalming and preparation of dead human bodies
Preparation room
Disinfection carried out prior to the embalming process
Primary disinfection
The recovery of organs or tissues from a cadaver for transplantation
Projection of the jaw or jaws that may cause problems with mouth closure and alignment of the teeth
Anything that may be owned
An artificial device used to replace a limb, appendage, or other body part
Prosthetic device
Postmortem evacuation of any substance from an external orifice of the body as a result of pressure
Liquid product of inflammation containing various proteins and leukocytes
Characteristic pus-filled structure of a disease
Pustular lesion
Examples: smallpox, syphilis, acne
Pustular lesion
Decomposition of proteins by the action of enzymes from anaerobic bacteria
A darkened, air-dried area on the skin resulting from removal of the epidermis while shaving
- Razor burn
* Razor abrasion
Repeated aspiration of a cavity
One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service)
Receiving remains
This involves services of the funeral provider after initial services have been provided by another firm at the locale of death
Receiving remains
Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included
Receiving remains
A structure so designed for the temporary storage of bodies that are not to be immediately interred
Receiving vault
A casket which is used as a temporary receptacle for the dead human remains for the purpose of visitation and funeral, with the intention that the remains will be placed in some other suitable container for permanent disposition, while the casket is intended to be reused for the same purpose
Rental casket
Treatment of the deceased in the attempt to recreate natural form and color
Postmortem stiffening of the body muscles by natural body processes
Rigor mortis
Decomposition of sugars
Process to promote and establish conditions which minimize or eliminate biohazards
Bacteria that derive their nutrition from dead organic matter
Saprophytic bacteria
Material used to provide a barrier or seal against any type of leakage of fluid or blood
- Sealing agents
* Sealers
In the Buddhist faith, a service performed as a part of casketing the body
Service of encasketing
In the Jewish faith, a watcher
One who sits with the body until burial
A cloth or garment in which a dead person is wrapped or dressed for burial
An appliance as of wood, metal, etc, used to keep in place or protect a displaced or movable part
Discoloration due to the deposit of matter on the skin surface
Surface discoloration
May occur antemortem, during, or after embalming of the body
Surface discoloration
Examples: adhesive tape, ink, iodine, paint, tobacco stains
Surface discoloration
Absorbent material, compress, saturated with an embalming chemical and placed in direct contact with the tissue
Surface pack
A hand-sewn white linen shroud in which the deceased members of the Jewish faith are dressed
In the Jewish faith, the ceremony of washing the deceased before the burial
Serves as a ritual purification or cleansing of the body and should be performed by the Chevra Kaddisha
Minute petechial hemorrhages caused by the rupture of minute vessels as blood settles into the dependent areas of organs and tissues
Tardieu spots
Accompanied by livor mortis
Tardieu spots
A postmortem, extravascular blood discoloration
Tardieu spots
Most common in asphyxia or slow deaths
Tardieu spots
In the Jewish faith, prayers said before the funeral by a group of friends and the shomer
These prayers come from the book of Psalms
Ceremonial instructions of the Mormon Church, given only within a Temple to worthy members of the sect
Temple ordinances
Postmortem accumulation of gas in tissues or cavities brought about by an anaerobic gas forming bacillus
Tissue gas
Tissue gas
Clostridium perfringens
The yellowing / browning of the finger nails and fingers from excessive use of cigarettes
Tobacco tars
A surface discoloration
Tobacco tars
Disinfection of the surface of the body or an object
Topical disinfection
Plastic garment designed to cover the entire body from the chest down to and including the feet