Soc 25. Sport Psychology Flashcards
What is an open skill?
A skill that can be used in multiple scenarios and means the skill has to very every time you use it.
What is a closed skill?
A skill that is used in the same scenario like a basketball free throw in which the skill does not vary and change.
What is a basic skill?
A skill that is easier to learn and perform. Like a football pass is very easy to perform.
What is a complex skill?
A skill that is very difficult to perform, like a spinning sommersault on a trampoline.
What is a low-orginisation skill?
A skill that doesn’t take many phases/parts to learn, like a chest pass in basketball.
What is a high orginisation skill?
A skill that has lot’s of phases/parts to learn.
What is massed practice?
Practice in which you train for multiple hours at a time on. Mainly for proffesionals who will practice that one shot for 4 hours plus.
What is distributed practice?
When you practice a skill over 3/4 sessions, mainly for amatuers who are beggining to learn and practice skills.
What is fixed pracitice?
Fixed practice is when you practice one type of skill in the same scenario. Like a basketball free throw.
What is a variable practice?
When you practice one skill, but practice it in multiple scenarios like practicing your shooting in football but from multiple spots.
What is verbal guidance?
When you tell someone how to perform a skill. Using your voice to explain how to do a skill.
What is visual guidance?
When you show someone how to perform a skill, showing the movement and actions of the skill.
What is manual guidance?
When the coach moves your body to help you learn and perform a skill.
What is mechanical guidance?
When you use a machine to help you learn a skill. Like in trampolining.
What is intrinsic feedback?
This is feedback from yourself. When you review your own footage and say to yourself what you need to do. Usually for proffesionals.
What is extrinsic feedback?
A coach or family member giving you feedback on how to improve.
What is concurrent feedback?
Feedback during the match. If the coach see’s something you can change to win the match he will tell you during the match.
What is terminal feedback?
Feedback after a match. If there’s a major issue that can’t be fixed in match you will fix it after the match in training etc.