Soc 25-Energy Use,diet,nutrition And Hydration Flashcards
What is a balanced diet
A diet that contains a variety of different foods and nutrients essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle
What are the seven key components to a balanced diet
What are macronutrients
Types of foods that you need in large amounts in your diet:protein,carbohydrates and fats
What are carbohydrates
Stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen,it’s then quickly coverted into glucose when needed and used to provide energy
What are complex carbohydrates
Starch found in natural foods such as bananas,brown rice,wholemeal bread and pasta,They help to provide slow release energy before exercise
What are simple sugars
Found in fruits and cakes/chocolate,provide a quick release of energy before a match
What do fats do
Provide energy and together with glycogen help muscles to work and also provide insulation,examples include nuts,oily fish,butter,bacon and margerine.Should be 30% of your total diet
What are the two types of fats
Saturated and Trans
What are proteins used for
Important to build muscle cells,assist growth and repair muscle tissues,particularly strength athletes use protein.Also provide energy
What sports need lots of fats
Sumo wrestlers
What sport needs lots of protein
What sport needs the most carbs
Long distance runners
What are vitamins and minerals used for
Vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy body and to prevent certain diseases
What is vitamin B used for
Release energy repair tissue
What is vitamin C used for
Helps protect the body from infection,heals wounds and absorb minerals in food
How does calcium help in the body
It’s important in the strength of bones and teeth and so reduces the risk of osteoporosis and means you are less likely to get injured
Why is iron important in the body
It’s found in meat and important for the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and formation of red blood cells.Without it the blood would not be able to carry oxygen around the body.Lack of Iron is called Anaemia which causes tiredness,shortness of breath and palpatations
Why is water important
It transports nutrients waste and hormones around the body and controls the distribution of electrolytes.You need to hydrate and can add in tablets or have isotonic drinks to offset dehydration and reduce cramps
What happens if your dehydrated
The blood is much thicker due to no water being present.Lose coordination,Nausea and cramps
How do you maintain correct hydration levels before exercise
Test the colour of your urine,The paler,the more hydrated you are.If your urine is dark yellow you need water,Drink at regular intervals in the day around every 15 mins,drink a small amount before exercise
How do you maintain correct hydration levels during exercise
If you feel thirsty drink,ensure water is accesible
How do you maintain correct hydration levels after exercise
Start to drink as soon as you finish exercise within two hours replenish your stores,the sooner you replace fluid,the sooner you recover.Don’t drink alcohol straight after exercise as it’s a diuretic
Why is fibre important in your diet
It aids the functioning of the digestive system and helps get rid of waste products,If you don’t rid yourself of these,it can lead to disease
Why is soluble fibre useful ,incl examples
Help reduce blood cholesterol levels,examples include oats,fruit and veg
Why is insoluble fibre useful ,incl examples
Bulking agent to prevent constipation,examples include wholegrain cereal and bread
What is carbohydrate loading
A strategy athletes use to maximise the stores of glycogen (energy) in the liver and muscles
What should an endurance athlete eat a week before a long race
Start of week,Protein based to repair muscles
After this you will eat high amounts of carbohydrates
What is optimum weight
The most favourable weight to produce the best performance in your sport
What are the factors affecting optimum weight
-Bone Structure
-Muscle Girth
What is dehydration
The loss of water and salts essential for normal body function
What does hydrate mean
Take on water
What is metabolic rate
The rate at which metabolic processes take place,the rate at which a body uses up energy
What does hydration mean
Being hydrated means the body has the correct amount of water in cells,tissues and organs to function correctly
How does iron benefit a sports perfromer
Helps increase haemoglobin so more oxygen can be carried around the bloodstream to prevent fatigue
How does Zinc help a sports performer
Zinc promotes healing and cell growth/improved immune system so the athlete can remain healthy/fight off sickness